
09:56 AM | 14-10-2019

Which is the best oil for body massage? And why?

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5 Answers

05:07 PM | 15-10-2019

Choosing a oil for massage plays an vital role based on what the results are being desired and purpose. In case of a general relaxation there might be many choices one could make, while on other hand if it is for a therapeutic purpose then the selection must be done based on the analgesic qualities of oils to be selected. The purpose might be simple that the oils combined with massage movements should be give a pain relief in a painful condition.

When someone goes for a general relaxation purpose the choice might be done at a individual’s choice. Some might not be comfortable with too greasy or some might not comfortable with smell of the oils. Accordingly everyone could make a choice based on their requirements. Also in some geographical locations, namely in cold regions the oil must be chosen that could increase the body heat and on contrary in a hot region a oil must be chosen that could cool your body.

Some of the common massage oils are

  • Almond Oil – It is very popular oil in spas. This oil is extracted from sweet, pale yellow almond seeds. This oily is slightly greasy and gives the enhanced effect when combined with massage movements to obtain the desired result of taking a massage. This oil has less reaction over the skin and in fact on of the best oil for skin. It is known of anti-aging properties which could remove the wrinkles and tone up the skin.
  • Apricot Oil – Very similar oil to Almond. The cost might be more on a higher side compared to Almond oil and this oil is rich in Vit E. Likewise Almond, this oil also gets absorbs easily into skin and also found to be beneficial to the skin through anti-aging properties and also toning up the skin.
  • Coconut Oil – One of the most common oil used in massage. A best result might be chosen if you could take the coconut milk and then heated to form oil. This could be most effective form of coconut oil which could give maximum results. The characteristic of this oil is non greasy, light and liquid oil. The presences of medium chain of triglycerides make this of the above mentioned characteristic. This oil has a very mild pleasant scent
  • Sun Flower Oil – This oil is light and non-greasy in nature and doesn’t leave the skin oily after massage. This oil is extracted from seeds of sunflower and rich in linolenic acid (essential fatty acid) and also contains palmitic acid and stearic acid. Linolenic acid could be removed by use of soaps. Someone with allergy to sun flower oil shold refrain from using it or consult a physician before using it.

Other oils Commonly used

  • Avocado Oil.Processed from the avocado fruit, avocado oil is a heavier deep green oil in nature and is usually blended with other oils. People allergic to this oil may refrain from using this oil
  • Grapeseed Oil.In some respects, grapeseed oil makes a great massage oil. This oil is odourless and very smooth and silky in texture with least greasy.This oil is least used in massages.
  • Olive Oil.More commonly used as a cooking oil, and sometimes used for massage as well. It is a heavy oil with a greasy or sticky texture. This oil is more used for blending with essential oils
  • Sesame Oil – It is one of oils used in Ayurvedic massages. When there is no access to other therapeutic Ayurveda oils they may use this oil for massage.
  • Mustard oil – This oil is more commonly used in cold regions or for pain relief as this oil has analgesic properties by generating heating during a massage. The odour is very pungent and strong.

Some people might use some herbal lotions or butter if at all if they dont like oil on their skin. 

05:07 PM | 15-10-2019

Sesame oil

05:06 PM | 15-10-2019



Best oil is the one locally available and even better if it's from organic seeds grown without chemicals.


Here are few very good Oils in Indian context.


1. Sesame oil


2. Coconut oil

3. Mustard oil

4. Hempseed oil 

5. Apricot oil

Here are some factors to help you choose the best oil.


  1. Temperature


Each oil has a temperature at which it is best, in terms of taste, sweetness, aroma or therapeutic qualities. When temperatures increase, either during oil extraction process, or during oil storage process, the therapeutic uses, if any, can rapidly decline.

In winters, in an Indian context, Sesame , Apricot and Mustard oils work better , as they do not freeze in cold temperatures.

In summers, coconut oil works best as it tolerates higher temperatures, quite easily.

2. Oil extraction Process - There are 4 types of oil extraction processes.


  • Wood Kohlu or Oil Press - This has been in use before industrial revolution and in Indian context , this has been the most widespread way of oil extraction till 1990's. Both water or animals like oxen were employed to extract oil, in the wooden oil press. Since wood is a bad conductor for heat, the heat generated during the crushing of oil seeds is not transferred to the oil.These leads to the best quality of oil, commercially known as Cold Pressed Oil.

  • Metal Oil Press - This method became more popular , gradually replacing the Wood press. However, metal being a good conductor of heat, leads to the oil becoming more bitter in taste, losing the pleasant aroma and most of the therapeutic uses.

  • Oil Expeller Machines - Recent years have seen heavy duty oil expelled, stainless steel gradually replacing aluminium and other metals. These machines all lead to high heat generation and the resultant quality of oils pressed, is largely compromised.

  • Hybrid Oil Press - These are recent inventions, where the oil press is made of wood from inside, whilst outer parts that do not come in to tact with oil are made of metal. The oil extraction process is similar to cold pressed and protects the therapeutic uses of oil

3. Storage 

  • Plastic - Oils stored in plastic, can become rancid and lose their qualities quickly, owing to the harmful effects of plastic. Additionally, exposure to light and heat is increased in plastic containers.

  • Glass - By far the most effective storage container is glass. If a dark colored glass bottle is used, then it saves the oil from going rancid by over exposure to light.

  • Tin - This protects the oil from exposure to light and heat, as the oil remains relatively cooler, it could stay fresh for slightly longer.

  • Storage Temperature - Storage is extremely important , and when stored in a fridge , the freshness can be preserved for slightly longer. Oils kept near machines or cooking area, tend to get rancid sooner and become inedible and lose therapeutic benefits for massage.

All the best!



Moonstar Kaur Doad


{Ecologist and Educator }

05:05 PM | 15-10-2019


कारण - शरीर के जिस हिस्से की मालिश की जाती है, उस हिस्से की सेल्स सक्रिय हो जाती हैं। मालिश करने से शरीर की त्वचा को फायदा मिलता है। शरीर के रक्त का संचार सही रहता है। मांसपेशियों को आराम पहुँचता है।

समाधान - अगर तलवों पर  तेल की मालिश की जाए तो ज्यादा फायदा मिलता है। मालिश करने से चिड़चिड़ेपन से राहत मिलती है और शरीर की संवेदनशीलता बढ़ती है।

शरीर के इस हिस्से पर मालिश करने का ज्यादा फायदा मिलता है। मालिश करने के 20 से 30 मिनट में शरीर के सेल्स सक्रिय हो जाती हैं। हमारे शरीर की हथेलियों और तलवों की त्चचा पर मालिश करने से तेल को जल्दी सोक लेता है क्योंकि शरीर के इन हिस्सों में वसायुक्त ग्रंथि नहीं होती है। हाथ-पैरों पर मालिश करने से त्वचा और शरीर दोनों को फायदा मिलता है।

सर्दियों में तिल के तेल से मालिश होनी चाहिए और गरमियों में नारियल तेल से मालिश होना चाहिए। घड़ी की सीधी दिशा (clockwise) में और घड़ी की उलटी दिशा (anti clockwise)में मालिश करें। नरम हाथों से बिल्कुल भी प्रेशर नहीं दें। मालिश से रक्त प्रवाह circulation ठीक होता है। त्वचा स्वस्थ रहती है। 



प्राकृतिक जीवनशैली प्रशिक्षिका व मार्गदर्शिका (Nature Cure Guide & Educator)

05:04 PM | 15-10-2019

Coconut oil

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