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Product of the
Millets Starter Package
Discover the Millets Starter Package, a wholesome selection of staples made from millet that are a wonderful complement to your regular diet. This bundle contains premium ingredients, including Little Millet Rice, Foxtail Millet Rice, Barnyard Flour, and Sprouted Jowar Flour. These ingredients are ideal for preparing nutritious meals that the entire family will love.
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Why Choose Wellcure?
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100% Natural & Effective
The herbs and remedies included in our plan provide relief, healing & boost your health from inside without any side-effects

No Heavy Workouts
Our plan focuses on yoga asanas, simple natural therapies that can be done easily at home

No No Complicated Diets & Expensive Ingredients
The foods included in your plan will be easily found in your kitchen. They are local, seasonal and simple to cook