Learn To Rectify Vision Issues And See Clearly With Vision Therapy
Work from home, online schools, excessive digital exposure, and screen-time are wracking havoc on our eyes. Vision problems such as short-sightedness, blurring of vision, hyperopia, etc are more common than ever before.
In addition to this, digital strain is causing dry itchy eyes, fatigue, and headaches.
Join Vision Coach & Eye Health Expert Dr. Sathish Kumar at the Free Masterclass: Improve Vision & Eye Health Naturally to learn natural ways of rectifying vision problems. You can even go a step further in vision therapy and get rid of the glasses.
Basic Functioning And Anatomy Of Human Eyes
How To Rectify Common Vision Problems?
How To Avoid Digital Strain On Eyes?
Vision Therapy: Techniques & Benefits
Kickstart improving your eye health and vision naturally
Relax and relieve your eyes
What will you learn
What do your eyes need to work at their maximum potential
How to correct vision problems naturally
How to protect your eyes from digital strain?
Eye exercises and vision therapy techniques for improving eye sight
Know Your Coach:
Dr. M. Sathish Kumar
Founder of the School for Perfect Vision
10,000+ Varied Age Groups Happy Patients
Prevent & Control (Myopia & Hypermetropia)
Master’s Degree in Physiotherapy (Sports Medicine and Rehab)