Best Foods To Boost Your Brain Power & Memory



04:30 PM | 04-11-2022

Our Brain is what makes us human. We are the most evolved species on this planet due to our brain power.

The brain controls and coordinates all our actions and reactions. It allows us to think and feel and enables us to have memories and feelings. 

Your Brain is your most important organ, but what do you really do to take care of it?

There are some foods that are good for your brain health and are proven to improve your memory, focus, and cognitive ability. 

We call the Brain foods (food that feeds the brain)

Our take on Brain food is simple :

The overall dietary plan is more important than a single nutrient.

It’s not just about what one must eat but also what one should not eat or reduce the consumption of. 

The cells in our body produce ATP aka “energy molecule” and during this process, the cells also release free radicals. The excess release of free radicals can lead to the damage of cells which also includes the nerve cell. 


The main factor that increases or decreases the number of free radicals in your blood is food. 

  • Vegetables that are full of antioxidants such as broccoli and spinach decrease the number of free radicals.

  • Antioxidants also help reduce cellular stress and inflammation. They are directly linked to brain aging and other neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids help build and repair brain cells.  

  • Processed foods that contain high amounts of sugar and carbs increase the number of free radicals in your blood. and 

The brain is an energy-intensive organ and it uses around 20% of body calories.  Therefore, it needs plenty of good fuel and certain nutrients to remain healthy. 

This is what you should do for better brain health and reduce the damage from free radicals:

  • Eat antioxidant-rich foods. For ex: Fruits, vegetables, nuts

  • Focus your diet on anti-inflammatory foods like green leafy vegetables, berries, cruciferous veggies like cauliflower and cabbage, nuts, green tea, avocados, fragrant herbs, and spices such as turmeric.

  • Minimize inflammatory foods in your diet such as fast food, highly processed foods, saturated fats, hydrogenated oils, trans-fats, excessive sodium, food with refined sugar, refined carbs, and excessive alcohol. 

The Best Foods To Boost Your Brain Power & Memory

1. Green leafy vegetables 

Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, amaranth leaves and broccoli are rich in healthy nutrients like vitamin K, lutein, folate and beta-carotene. Studies suggest that one serving of deep green leafy veggies which are rich in compounds like phylloquinone, lutein, nitrate, folate, tocopherol and kaempferol can help slow down cognitive decline. 

Foods like Broccoli contain phytochemicals that are rich in sulphur and glutathione which is responsible for the cellular detoxification of brain cells. 

2. Whole Grains

Whole grains are known to improve concentration and focus. The essential fibers found in whole grains are vital for maintaining a healthy system as well as a healthy brain. These fibers also help control blood pressure and reduce the risk of brain inflammation. 

3. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate contains cocoa and cocoa has a brain-boosting compound called flavonoid. These are known to have antioxidant properties. They can accumulate in the areas associated with memory. 

The same goes with berries as well. They also contain flavonoids compounds which act as antioxidants and improve memory and learning. 

4. Walnuts

Walnuts are known as brain-power foods but supporting the brain extends far beyond just popping a handful of nuts or a pill. Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and Alpha-linolenic acid. These fatty acids are essential for the development of the brain. It helps improve the cognitive function and memory of the brain. 

Other than these foods…

Flaxseeds, avocados, oranges, guava, kiwi, tomatoes are also a powerhouse of vitamin C and good foods for brain.

While above mentioned foods are considered to be some of the best brain foods but unfortunately, there is no magic pill that can prevent cognitive decline or there is no single almighty food that can ensure a sharp brain as you age. 


Diet plays a major role when it comes to brain health but brain exercises can be a great add-on to it. Just like physical exercises keep your body strong, mental exercises keep your brain young.

Mental stimulation from games, puzzles and excercises are directly associated with memory and cognitive ability.

Here are some of the Best Brain exercises that you can practice. They will help you improve your memory and increase your cognitive ability. 

Exercise #1

Below is a list of eight unrelated words. Set a stopwatch to study the words for one minute and then spend 10 minutes doing something else. Then write down as many words as you can remember. 

  • Horse

  • Clown 

  • Tree

  • Doctor

  • Pipe 

  • Guitar

  • Orange

  • Chair

One memory technique we recommend to remember these words is the story method. Create a story by associating one word with the other and create a link of these unrelated words. 

Now try to visualize the whole story and do it 2-3 times. This way you can recall the story anytime you want and thus remember these words. If you learn to visualize the images that represent information, then your memorizing skills will be far better than average human beings. 

Exercise #2

Count up the number of square in this figure. 

(Hint : make sure to count squares within squares )



Exercise #3

Begin with the word WALL and change a letter at a time until you get the word FIRM. Each change must be a proper word


  - - - -

  - - - -

  - - - - 


Exercise #4

Arrange the three toothpicks into number 9 (without breaking or bending them)


Exercise #5

Come up with as many words as you can from the following letters. Use each letter only once in each word


Exercise #6

In the figure below, Draw a continuous line that connects the number 1 to letter A, then A to 2, then 2 to B and so on until you can no longer continue the numerical or the alphabetical sequence. 


Exercise #7

Which piece fits in the puzzle 


Exercise #8

Rearrange all the letters to find the four colours mixed up below. (Hint: Only one is a primary colour)





Exercise #9

All the vowels have been removed from the following proverb, and the remaining letters have been clustered into groups of three or four letters each. 

Replace the vowels and reveal the proverb.





These are some of the brain exercises to help you warm up your brain and we are intentionally not providing answers to them over here so that you can make efforts and solve them. 


The author of this article, Vinita Contractor is a Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach who has helped over 5000+ people achieve better health through food & lifestyle changes. She is a Culinary Wellness Specialist and an expert in Ayurveda Diet.

Join her online courses at Wellcure to build healthy eating habits:

1Fun with Fermented Foods

2. Healthy Vegan Indian Cooking

3. Everyday Dairy-free Delights

4. 30-Day Healthy Cooking Mastery

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