Gallbladder - Is it Necessary?
This article focuses on a tiny organ, the gallbladder, tucked beneath the liver that is notoriously known to get removed as it is often cited that it does not have any important function to perform. This article takes a closer look at the function of the gallbladder, how stones develop and what is the remedy to heal naturally. What is a gallbladder? Cholecyst, commonly known as the Gallbladder is a pear-shaped sac that is located on the underside of the right lobe of the liver. It plays a major role in digestion. and is part of the digestive system alongside the liver, pancreas, stomach and intestines. Function of the gallbladder Bile is alkaline and contains bilirubin, biliverdin, cholesterol, organic and inorganic substances and salts, lecithin, mucin etc. The gallbladder acts as a reservoir of bile produced by the liver to aid in digesting and emulsifying fats. The concentrated bile empties into the duodenum (the first portion of the small intestine) when a meal with fat
Tonsils - Our first line of defense
We all know that the human body is more than the sum of its parts. This article focuses on the tiny little nugget-like structures at the back of our throat that commonly is known to get swollen and often removed. Yes, it's the tonsils. What are tonsils? Tonsils refer to a pair of lymph nodes or small masses of lymphoid tissue that lie on each side of the throat and that help protect the body. It is a part of the giant lymphatic system that helps in the elimination of wastes from the surrounding areas. It stands guard as the first line of defence to protect the body against dangers from food or air. The function of the tonsils The lymphatic system is one of the major liquid mediums to carry sewage from the body. Lymph nodes are collection points of toxins from their surrounding areas which eventually drain into the main channel. They contain beneficial bacteria that help break down the acids to be eliminated by the body. Tonsils, being lymph nodes, collect toxins that
The basic rhythm of our glands
Today there is a big rise in hormonal issues like PCOS and Thyroidism (Hypo or Hyper). Hormones take care of many functions of the whole body and help us continue our day to day activities with ease. But hormones are out of sync in today's lifestyle. How can we take care of this issue? Hormones get imbalanced because our glands do not release and stop them at the correct time i.e an overproduction or underproduction. The mechanism of systematic functioning is necessary for the harmonious function of our body. The feedback mechanism includes sending of hormones to the particular organ as per need and the gland controls when to stop sending hormones. But in some cases, this feedback mechanism stops functioning smoothly and this is when the disease starts. So how we can make our glands healthier with the correct diet and exercise for the Seven Major glands? 1.Testes and Ovaries: The sexual glands - testes in males and ovaries in females are the reproductive glands Pr
Food Cravings – Beat them with lifestyle changes
Part 1 of this blog series took a look at understanding the different causes of food cravings and the difference between craving and hunger. In this second part, we take a closer look at how to address food cravings with lifestyle changes and practical tips. Primary focus Natural foods - Include plant-based raw foods such as fruits, vegetables and greens as a major portion of your meal. Consuming seasonal and locally available fruits act as astringents which help remove all the wrong cravings over time. Hydration – Often the role of hydration is underestimated. Our material in the body, may it be digested food/undigested food/ toxins move only with the help of fluids and muscular movements. The lymphatic system is the sewage system carrying wastes from all the 100 trillion cells to the excretory organs. The blood in turn, carries nutrition. The solids in the GI tract need liquids and fibre for the peristalsis action to be efficient. Hence, drinking 3lts or mo
Food Cravings – Understanding the cause
Quoting Jonathan Safran Foer - “Food is not rational. Food is culture, habit, craving and identity” has proven itself right time and again. Everyone craves for the foods that they have been raised eating. However, it's always mistaken with hunger based on the conditioning of the mind. Craving for food is an intense momentary desire to have something that the parasites in the GUT want. Cravings can become addictive and vicious. This article aims to address various aspects of cravings. Is Craving Hunger or Appetite? A food craving is an intense desire for a specific food. This desire can seem uncontrollable, and the person's hunger may not be satisfied until they get that particular food. Appetite for a particular food is another word for craving. It's not time-bound and is attached to mental happiness based on contentment. It's a condition that resembles the emotional status of hunger but isn't. Whereas, hunger is the state of the body.
Eating raw in the winter giving you the chills?
So you spent the summer eating a high raw diet and feel pretty good – Light in body & spirit, lost weight, your skin glows and you sleep like a baby. You are convinced about the benefits of eating a high raw diet but with the days getting shorter and the temperatures dipping, eating cold salads and fruits don't seem appealing anymore. Here are some tips for you based on my experience of sticking to a high raw diet in the colder months. With winter comes so many tasty fruits and vegetables – grapes, oranges, strawberries, sapotas, spinach, methi, beets, carrots, amla etc. Wouldn't you want to enjoy their goodness in raw form? Eat as it is, juiced, in salads or as smoothies – so many combos to try out! In nature, all animals eat their species-specific food in their natural form without cooking whatever be the season. They eat what is available seasonally. So, here is our cue. Let's see how we can do the same. 1. Tune into your reason w
Natural cure of kidney stones
This blog discusses about kidney stones, their formation and their treatment through Nature Cure. Read on. THE BALANCING ACT Normally, a person has two kidneys. The kidneys are bean-shaped organs, each about 4 to 5 inches long. They lie on each side of the spinal column, just behind the space that contains the digestive organs (abdominal cavity). All the functions normally performed by the kidneys can be carried out adequately by one healthy kidney. Some people are born with only one kidney and some others choose to donate one kidney, in that case, the other kidney grows until it is large enough to do the work previously done by the two kidneys. THE FUNCTIONS OF THE KIDNEYS The kidneys are excretory organs discharging very vital function of filtering the blood, eliminating (excreting) metabolic waste products and excess water, electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, glucose and carbonates) and many drugs. STONES IN THE KIDNEYS Stones (calculi) are hard masses tha
Cholesterol And Triglycerides - The Silent Killers
So many people suffer from high cholesterol and elevated triglycerides. What is the reason behind this? By understanding the cause of increased levels, you become empowered to take charge and heal yourself. This article takes a deeper look. Cholesterol and Triglycerides have become synonymous with heart diseases and heart attacks. Though they look and sound dangerous they do not have to be so. Once we understand what cholesterol is, how it is produced, when we know how it starts going high in our blood, when we learn how we could reverse the build-up, then it is no more a matter to fear. This is where life proves time and again that awareness or knowledge is real power. Once we understand everything that is involved in this process, we could make changes accordingly and get freedom from disease and freedom from fear. What is Cholesterol? Cholesterol is a wax-like fatty substance that is produced by the liver. Cholesterol is produced to assist our body in building its cell membra
Keeping warm during winter
Many people dread the approaching winter especially those who are weak or suffer from chronic diseases. Is eating heavy foods or stimulating drinks like tea, coffee, alcohol the way out? What is the source of body warmth? This article discusses some of these aspects. The winter is fast approaching, many old age persons [like me] and weak persons, patients of some chronic diseases find it very awful to negotiate the marauding winter especially in north Indian states, some lucky ones migrate to the warmer ambience of southern parts of the country. They will be guided by the following passage. The secret of keeping warm is the abundance of VITAL POWER, which can be obtained only by avoiding the wasteful expenditure of it in the effort to digest excessive food. And the more nutritious the food is, the greater is the waste of vital power, and the less is the balance available to keeping bodily warmth. Explained in easy terms is that one should eat light meals avoiding stimulants, suc
Acid Alkaline Balance
Everything in our body can be understood by acid-alkaline balance. When we do not understand that the body is always balancing and give names to this balancing process by new disease nomenclatures, we create fear and panic of our own body and its vital power of realignment and balance. Understanding the pH Scale pH means the potential of Hydrogen in a solution, and pH scale represents that potential from 0 to 14. When you dissolve acid in a solution, it gives out hydrogen ions. Measuring the number of these ions in a solution gives the test of how acidic or alkaline a solution is. Acidity and Alkalinity are expressions of measurement on the pH scale, with neutrality expressed at the middle point of the scale, at number 7. Numbers below 7 symbolize acidity and above 7 symbolize alkalinity. Pure water is pH 7. Water is formed by integrating hydrogen and oxygen. Water continues to absorb both acid and alkaline radicals without itself being affected This property of wate
Rejuvenation by Fasting
Mother nature is ready to rejuvenate? Are you willing? It is an ardent desire of every one of us to be healthy, strong till our last breath. But we have lost our instinct of how to remain healthy, happy and strong till our last day on planet Earth. I believe it was George Bernard Shaw who once remarked that since youth is such a wonderful thing. It's too bad it has to be wasted on the young. It is an observation that all of us who are "fifty-nine and holding", or past holding, can see merit in. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could hold onto our youth until we had sense enough to know how to really enjoy it or if we could at least partially rejuvenate ourselves, once youth has fled? The search for eternal youth But in man's search for eternal youth nothing of the bizarre or unusual has worked. Brinkley 's goat gland transplantation was widely heralded for a time and Brown - Sequard's seminal fluid rejuvenator once attracted much interest. Th
Management of Sciatica through Natural Therapy
WHAT IS SCIATICA? Sciatica is a very common pain that starts in your lower back and shoots down to one leg or in both legs or sometimes it can shoot down all the way into your foot. Nerve root compression and irritation or inflammation of the sciatic nerve is often accompanied by low back pain and neurological deficits in the lower limb. In order to cure sciatica, my recommendation is to follow a proper treatment protocol which includes a proper diet and nutrition, hydrotherapy, massage, yoga, sunlight, sleep, stress management and exercise. HYDROTHERAPY FOR PAIN MANAGEMENT: Hot fomentation on the back for half an hour daily thrice. Ice pack on the painful areas daily thrice for 3-5 min. Hot leg pack for half an hour daily thrice. A hot and cold compress – Take two cotton cloths. One dipped in warm and the other in cold. Apply the warm cloth on the affected painful part for 3 minutes and then the cold cloth for a minute. Repeat this round around 4 minutes. Alway
Nature Deficit Syndrome
You do a work out, sleep well and yet feel fatigued and listless for no obvious reason at the end of the workweek? No, you are not counting your sheep wrong nor is anything missing: you may be suffering from a "deprivation of the outdoor"- one of the most common problems of urban living. Check these for yourself 1) When did you last lie in the sunshine? 2) When did you last have an air bath? That fresh cold air touching/kissing your bare body to tickle the nerve centres? 3) When did you last enjoy a cold water bath/shower? 4) When did your feet last touch any mud or soil? The answer will be a big no for most of the urbanites. This perhaps means that he may be suffering from what is termed as "NATURE DEFICIT DISORDER" OR "NATURE DEFICIT SYNDROME" which arises from spending too much time under artificial air sucking (means living in A/C), living and working in high rise buildings and having no connection with natural surroundings.
6 ways you can tend to your heart fire and nourish your immune system to feel radiant, balanced and filled with vitality this winter time. 1. Chant Mantra Mantra is one of the most beautiful, powerful ways to balance our entire body-mind-being. It works so viscerally within our physical body all the way to the subtlest expressions of our self. When we chant mantra we are inviting our mind to align with the essence of the heart. As this re-alignment and reprogramming gently occurs, the immune system gets a huge boost. Our thoughts begin to take on much more peaceful and loving energy transforming our whole entire energy field, which leaves not much space for any lethargy to live and thrive within us. As little as 15 minutes of chanting a day can have profound effects on your whole being, those around you and the energy of your home-Give it a try! A beautiful mantra to explore this wintertime is the Gayatri Mantra; chanting to the Goddess of the Sun and the
5 Benefits of Mindful Eating and How to Do It Right?
Food has been the ultimate boon for mankind. It gives our body the required nutrition to perform our daily activities. When it comes to maintaining one's ideal weight, the one parameter that plays the most important role is – Food. However, it is not just what we eat but the way we consume it that plays a major role in its proper absorption and synthesis by our body. You must've noticed people around you who are busy talking to one another while eating or engrossed in exchanging text messages on phones. Some are glued to the television while eating food and some even prefer to read during the same! All these distractions are signs of a mindless form of eating which leads to improper assimilation of nutrients by the body. When we eat socially in a cosy setting, we start lagging in listening to our body and invariably overeat. Some people are also emotional eaters who resort to food during distressing times. Ideally, it'd be the best to skip eating when you
Keep Calm and Beat IBS Naturally with 8 Lifestyle Changes
When something isn't right in your gut, it indicates something isn't right in your life. Identify what's stressing you out, what you are doing wrong, and treat IBS holistically and naturally, instead of symptomatically. Reports estimate that nearly 10 – 15% of the global population suffers from IBS. The embarrassment surrounding the disease and the taboos of talking about digestive problems make many individuals with IBS suffer in silence. When left untreated, IBS disrupts social, work and personal life, causing patients to experience psychological effects like nervousness, loss of confidence, and even anxiety and depression. Here, we explore how to treat IBS holistically and get free from it, once and for all. What is IBS? IBS is the catch-all term for all chronic digestive problems. Abdominal pain and change in bowel habits are common symptoms of IBS. An individual with IBS may have diarrhoea and constipation (in mixed patterns) and anal fiss
Diarrhoea (Loose motions) – Help yourself naturally
Diarrhoea refers to the frequent passage of loose or watery unformed stools. As a rough guide, it can be said that more than three or four loose or watery stools in a day constitutes diarrhoea. It is commonly referred to as ‘loose motion'. It may be accompanied with stomach pain and discomfort, nausea, vomiting, skin rashes, cold, cough, dizziness, weakness and sometimes even fever. Read ahead to know how you can support your body naturally if you have loose motions. What causes it? When the intestinal tract is irritated, the body rushes to get rid of the noxious matters in the bowels. It is the body's self-defensive, curative act to keep itself clean from obstructive, harmful or irritant substances. Common causes for irritation Wrong foods: Spicy, oily or processed foods, tea, coffee, colas and other soft drinks high in sugar and salt, stale food, are irritating to the body. Heavy foods: Indulgence in grain heavy meals particularly without full hung
Salt can be addictive
USE LESS SALT; BE KIND TO YOURSELF. What does excess salt do? Almost everyone has seen someone who is a salt 'DRUNKARD'.EGON V ULLMANN, M.D. in a classic article declared that ''like nicotine, alcohol, coffee, tea and opiates, salt leads to a craving and a large no. people do not want to eat even sweet fruits, coffee tea or chocolates without it." The food industry knows this craving for salt and has brought out many food items, dishes accordingly. Adults normally need only half a gram of salt a day. However, most people consume 10-15 grams of it and much of it is already incorporated in the foods we consume. ''People who consume from 15 to 25 grams of salt per day accumulate, in spite of elimination through the urine, so much salt in their tissues that they can be looked upon as' ‘LIVING PICKLES'. Why should we use less salt? One gram of salt, in order to remain in solution, retains 70 grams of water in the body .The me
Understanding Yoga as the Integrated System of Holistic Wellness
With the emphasis on application promotion of the applied benefits of yoga, people are waking up to the potential that it holds. An increasing number of people is taking up yoga as a means to contain the low or high BP, keep it within the reference range or address diabetes or the hyperthyroid or hypothyroid. Though the application of yoga in any capacity is useful, however, it is time to invite people to pursue it in an integrated manner for holistic wellness. When we talk about the yogic application in an integrated manner, we mean that it can be used to work on all three aspects body, spirit, and mind simultaneously and harmoniously. There have been some curative schools which work on one aspect at a time. Especially talking about the modern form of treatment, they focus primarily on body and to some extent on the mind, they don't address the impact of inattentive lifestyle, on instinct and psyche, and spirit. What does the integrated system mean? The in
Magic of Water - Hydrotherapy part 2
Taking it further from our previous blog post - The magic of hydrotherapy part 1, let us delve into the depths of the topic of Hydrotherapy and learn about the different ways in which we can use water for healing purposes. HOW CAN A WET PACK BE USED IN DIFFERENT DISEASE CONDITIONS? The Cooling Wet Pack This is suitable for people with acute issues such as fevers, etc, where the reactive powers of the body are still very strong. Place two thick wet towels cross on one another on a table and let the sick person lie on it. Cover the trunk from below the armpits to the waist with both the towels. If need be it can also be arranged in such a manner as to cover the thighs and the knees. Pour more water on the towels as to get them dripping wet, cover with two swollen blankets to keep the air from cooling the towels more than necessary. The body heat will warm up the towels in 15 to 20 minutes. If this doesn't happen then it means the body's reactive powers are too we
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Dr. Khushbu Suthar
Natural Healing - Leader & Influencer
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Natural Healing - Leader & Influencer
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Smitha Hemadri
Natural Healing - Leader & Influencer
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Nikita Mishra
Natural Healing Guide
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Natural Healing Guide
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Dr.Rajesh Kumar
Natural Healing Advisor
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Mohan M
Natural Healing Advisor
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Anchal Kapur
Natural Healing Advisor
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PSYsolution by Kalyan
Natural Healing Advisor
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Asha Shivaram
Natural Healing Advisor
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Natural Healing Advisor
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Natural Healing Advisor
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Dollie kashvani
Natural Healing Advisor
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Vijai Pawar
Natural Healing Advisor
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Natural Healing Advisor
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Dr.Elanchezhiyan Devarajan
Natural Healing Advisor
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Priyanka Kaushik
Natural Healing Advisor
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Anju Chhabra
Natural Healing Advisor
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Shweta Gupta
Natural Healing Advisor
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Natural Healing Advisor
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Dr Sangeeth Somanadhapai
Natural Healing Advisor
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Asha Shivaram
Natural Healing Companion
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Swati Dhariwal MA, ND,
Natural Healing Companion
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Aishwarya Elavarasan
Natural Healing Companion
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Pramod Pathak
Natural Healing Companion