
07:18 PM | 08-08-2019

Hi I'm in the age of 17 and my weight is about 55 how can I lose my weight

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6 Answers

01:26 PM | 09-08-2019

1.Concentrate on your diet,if you can't
control yourself eating junk food than
eat it but in moderation and add a lots
of healthy food in your diet and try to slowly eliminate junk food from your diet.
2.Do exercise regularly it helps in burning calories and keeping you fit.
3.Try to loose weight gradually and understand your own body.Everybodies requirements are different you should try out on your own what your body needs.
4.Don't try to directly jump on any diet plan, gradually add more healthy food in your diet.
5.Never leave your food completely to loose weight,your body needs nutrition to work.

Hope this has helped you, all the best.

01:12 PM | 10-08-2019

Hi Neeraj,

First of all,start getting up early in the morning and sleep early at night.

Do some physical activity in the morning like exercise, yoga.
Suryanamaskar, paschimottan asana,chakra asana are very effective. 

Avoid deep fried foods, dairy products like milk,curd,paneer, butter ,animal based food,packed items.

Take fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.Also have sprouts, nuts.
Have whole grains like barley.
Try to avoid maida,wheat.

Drink a good amount of water throughout the day. 

01:25 PM | 09-08-2019

Hi there , 

Go for physical activities and exercises daily such as jogging, walking, trekking, hiking, swimming and cycling etc
Try yogasana and pranayama as well .
Reduce oily fried food , processed and artificially added trans fats.
Stay stress-free.

01:11 PM | 10-08-2019

1. I suggest you to try 2 tablespoon of Apple Cider vinegar in half glass of water Every day early morning...it will help boost your metabolism and aids in weight loss...
2. Check your BMI, BMR and Calories intake for weight loss, according to that plan your diet in restricted calorie range.

3. Do exercise/yoga/walking 20-30 min Daily...30 rounds of suryanamaskara's can give you all the results you want.

4. Don't take stress.

5. 8 hours of sleep is compulsory.

Dr. Ruchika Sharma

06:37 PM | 09-08-2019

Hello. We are starting our weight loss program next weekend. See if you would like to join - Guided online Weight Management Program - Lose weight naturally, by syncing with the Laws of Nature!

06:34 PM | 09-08-2019

Do root chakra meditation.n chew the food maximum time. eat only when you r hungry eat more fruits then cooked food

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