
11:40 AM | 12-08-2019

Namashkar My sister (29) is specially abled with cerebral palsy. Is there any way to improve her muscles coordinations and also would like to know how could she loose her weight?

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2 Answers

06:01 PM | 13-08-2019

Her weight gain must be mainly due to her inability to walk and therefore a sedantary lifestyle, and probably because of her wrong eating habits.
      Encourage her to eat a whole food plant based diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, lots of green juices,nuts and seeds ,legumes and beans. Healthy fats such as avacados, flax, hemp and chia seeds. Sprouted Fenugreek and legumes. 
       Muscle tone can be improved by doing regular exercises with the help of a physiotherapist.
         Best wishes.

06:00 PM | 13-08-2019

Massage and physiotherapy can help better, make her to practice yoga asanas.. 

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