
09:05 AM | 02-01-2019

Hi, I am a father of two. My son who studies in class 10 has a hectic study schedule. He studies till late in the night and hence ends up munching on knick-knacks mostly junk. Can anyone suggest some healthy alternatives?

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3 Answers

04:40 PM | 12-12-2018

It really helps to clean the kitchen off junk. Imo kids will eat whats provided to them as options. When I started healthy eating habits for my kids who are now 13 and 10, we stopped biscuits, chips, chocolates etc. We are also vegans and hence most of the junk has milk powder in some form. Since we also focus on eating healthy, i avoid all foods with preservatives and additives, GMOs, vegetable oils, flavors, colors in them. So this means, i get to do more work in the kitchen to substitute their needs. Wellcure has healthy recipes. Having oranges / bananas / smoothies in the fridge helps the kids to say awake. If they want something savory, make a salad with some chat masala lime and pepper with some pieces of dates. Some baked potato chips with coconut oil smeared on them / baked potatoes with salt , italian seasoning and pepper , channa steamed with some coconut lime and salt are some healthy options. It all comes down to extra work for parents..so imo that cannot be helped. We must embrace the work for the health of the kids. Over time it becomes a habit for the entire family to eat healthy.

08:57 PM | 11-12-2018

​​​​​​Now a days junk food is a major concern for most of us. What worked for me was – I tried and experimented with some healthy snack recipes (like the ragi laddu recipe on the Wellcure website). I would keep at least two such options with the reach of my daughter’s study area. This encouraged her to munch on healthier options when hungry.

08:51 AM | 14-01-2019

Foxnuts, makhanas, corn, popcorn, khaakras, lemon sherbet, smoothies, juices are best alternatives for junk

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