
11:27 AM | 18-08-2019

Autism... Is it for a lifetime.?... Can a child... Outgrow it? How can it be treated help plsss really in tears

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12 Answers

07:06 PM | 18-08-2019

Namaste Oge Ify

Whether autism is for lifetime or if it can be cleared can be established only when someone puts the child on complete nature based lifestyle. Sometimes the damage may be permanent and sometimes temporary. It all depends on the individual child,the vaccines he or she has had and genetical and environmental effects.

What ever the position still change your lifestyle and food habits. with time you will certainly see a lot of improvement. And if the damage is not permanent then you will certainly see the child perfectly normal, healthy and happy.

What are the changes that you can introduce in the childs life?

Let the food be completely plant based and mostly raw. Give it more fresh locally grown seasonal fruits and vegetables. Dont ever give the child any processed food, milk or milk products, meat or eggs. No refined flour or oil. NO MEDICINES.

Help the child spend lot of time in nature, exposed to the sun, mud, air, rains if any and the sky. Let the child be relaxed and happy. And thats possible when the child is mostly in nature. You may plant a garden and nurture the plants together. Encourage the child to indulge in activities that it is good at. Dont need to over burden the child with normal school curriculam for a yaer or two. Try home tutoring.

This should be good enough to put your child on a path of cleansing. The child may experience head aches, mood swings, emotional out bursts and may throw tantrums. Be there with the child let the emotion pass. dont try to divert by providing any divresions. Let the cleansing happen. Just be there for the child, hug him or her and if the pain is unbearable use some hydrotherapy techniques to relieve the pain. And soon the child will start feeling better. With every out burst, pain or any such crises the child will release the chemicals and cleanse slowly.

wish you all the best. Stay cool and calm and work in alignment with nature. Your child will be fine.

Be Happy Be healthy Aways

Swati Dhariwal

Nature Cure Practitioner.

03:09 AM | 24-08-2019

To be honest, I don’t exactly know what kind of mental health issue the kid had, but following nature care treatment similar to what’s mentioned above by Swati (partially only) yet that boy is able to function like any other normal child. He may not be as smart- clever etc but that’s okay. He’s able to take care of himself. Go to regular school. Basically, live normal life like any other kid of his age.


10:15 PM | 19-08-2019

Many thanks


07:06 PM | 18-08-2019

Hy... autism is a developmental disorders that leads to inability to interact and communicate.
As in naturopathic treatment lifestyle changes, nutrition and diet these are the factors which can help upto an extend but cannot cure the condition.
But i suggest you to search for PEMF technology for autism PEMF therapy has proven itself to increase cognitive abilities in people with autism, as well as improve blood circulation and boost immune.

Thank you.

Dr. Ruchika Sharma.

09:09 PM | 20-08-2019

Hello :)

I would say Autism can definitely be cured if right approach is used. The child will need a practitioner who can professionally help the child with social skills, repetitive behaviors and non-verbal communication. It is important to give the child positive reinforcement by giving them small rewards whenever they behave normally than the other times. Helping an Autistic person or child requires a lot of patience and positivity. Autism can be healed when a positive environment is created for the child or the individual. 

It is my personal experience of seeing changes in Autistic patient who was given an animal therapy and a happy environment which changed their behavior completely. Today no one would be able to differentiate their behavior. 

Therefore everything is possible with a lot of faith, determination and hard work offcourse. 

Secondly, Mindfulness and Visual Imagery helps to create positive images for an individual and that gives them hope to become better and live life in a better way. 

Hope this helps. 

10:38 PM | 20-08-2019

Yea many thanks God bless


07:05 PM | 18-08-2019

Autism can be possible through PEMF therapy under guidance of competent practioner
It needs cell charge, rejuvenation and regeneration of cells.
The current is supplied at microcirculation level to activate ATP DTP and MTP function of cell
Any therapy working at cell level can help you

03:02 PM | 23-08-2019


Autism is different from disability and disorder. While disability is hardcoded at the time of birth and disorder is visible only in the later stages of life, autism shows its first sign around 18 months of age. It appears that a child makes a subconscious decision around that age to fall in this spectrum. 

For centuries, various cultures have believed that a child receives various Samskara during the nine months period of pregnancy; therefore pregnancy of a woman was carried out by elders of the family to ensure that the woman does not pass on the tendencies to the child which can hamper the growth of the child. This wisdom has been passed down from one generation to another over the centuries. But there hasn’t been a scientific approach which could be taught to modern women who are often carrying the pregnancy on their own in a nuclear setup. 

 It seems your child is a recent diagnosis. If so, there is all the possibility to reverse it now. We have worked with autism cases and it’s essential that the work is more on the parent than the child.

Please watch the video (the link shared below), of a parent’s journey towards the cure for her child, who is on the autism spectrum :


NV LIFE, is a health and wellbeing organisation, which has discovered that the cure for every form of suffering (distress, disorder, disease) is within us. All our understanding of emotional distress, mental disorder & disease is based on the book Meditation-The Cure (by Naveen Varshneya), which shares the wisdom, from the author’s decade-long research, in the form of this self-help book. The book outlines a step-by-step approach to finding a cure within you.


09:08 PM | 20-08-2019

stem cell therapy is effective .

09:08 PM | 20-08-2019

past life regression therapy can help yo cure it. sound therapy is also helpful .

10:48 AM | 20-08-2019

In addition to what Swati has said, pls check this websitehttps://parentsaspartners.com/. All resources are free there.

Dr Shelly has helped many children reverse it. Also she helped her own son heal from autism.

Please also consider learning pranic healing from a competent person.

10:48 AM | 20-08-2019

In addition to above all therapies Music Therapy has efficient management to Austism. There are many researches which are conducted in this field and results have been astonishing. Even AIIMS, Delhi does some research on Autism and Music Therapy.

06:57 PM | 18-08-2019

Hello Namaste,

It is not permanent. There are various therapy center available.. It can be cureable at the earliest.


10:37 PM | 19-08-2019

Looking forward to hear from u soon


10:15 PM | 19-08-2019

Ok Dr which one can u prescribe d boy in question is 4yrs old and can't talk....nor interact.....he is in Germany....plssss....help me I beg u 😥

Mohan M

10:19 PM | 19-08-2019


03:03 PM | 23-08-2019

In addition to what Asha has told kindly to reach and evaluate the sonrise program. Read this book called autism breakthrough from Raun k Kaufman. My friend Dr Shelly Stravitz who has also worked with Barry Neil Kaufman for about 30 years to help parents and children with autism and other disorders. Kindly explore the sonrise program. Raun himself was on the autism spectrum Who has now completely healed. Shelley’s son also has healed completely and is an out a young adult. Basically, the way they work as the child is perfect, and it is a test for parents to understand the world of the child, go into the world of the child be the child and get the child into the social world. Swati has perfectly described the food and other needs for the child it is very important that for the effects of vaccinations to be slowly removed from the body the child is on a majorly raw diet and the important criteria are the parents to be absolutely non-expectant and display unconditional love to the child. I understand that you are desperate but I really request you to acknowledge the situation, surrender to the current situation, before the miracle can shine upon you

Be blessed
Smitha Hemadri (educator of natural healing practices”

06:58 PM | 18-08-2019



कुछ योगा अभ्यास धैर्य के साथ करना होगा। यह एक बीमारी नहीं अपितु अलग तरीक़े के सम्भावना वाले लोग हैं। जिनके साथ अलग तरीक़े से पेश आना होता है। ये आप उनको कभी ना जताएँ की आप उनसे अलग तरीक़े के लोग हैं आपको पहले उनके जैसे बने फिर उनसे अपनी बातें मनवा सकते हैं। उनको समझें की किन किन कामों में उनकी रुचि है। वो ही चीज़ें उनको करने दें। मेरी दो बहनें ऐसी थीं। जिनको खुराक बदलने से आराम आया बहुत सारे मामले में। पर योग को ज्ञान उस वक़्त हमें नहीं था। खुराक केवल कच्चा हो फल, मेवा, सुखे फल कच्चे सब्ज़ी का हो और कुछ नहीं, तो समस्या बहुत कम होगी। उनका स्वास्थ उत्तम होगा। ऐसे लोगों का स्वास्थ अगर बिगड़े तो कठिन परिस्थिति का सामना करना पड़ता है।

हो सके तो इनमें से कुछ नियमों का पालन प्रतिदिन करें। अनुशासन के साथ करें।

प्राकृतिक जीवन शैली अपने आप में पूर्ण भी है और जीवंत भी है। पाँच तत्व से प्रकृति चल रही है और उसी पाँच तत्व से हमारा शरीर चल रहा है।

1 आकाश तत्व- एक खाने से दूसरे खाने के बीच में विराम दें। रोज़ाना 15 घंटे का उपवास करें जैसे रात का भोजन 7 बजे तक कर लिया और सुबह का नाश्ता 9 बजे लें। वाद्य यंत्र शास्त्री संगीत (instrumental classical music)सुनें।

2 वायु तत्व- लंबा गहरा स्वाँस अंदर भरें और रुकें फिर पूरे तरीक़े से स्वाँस को ख़ाली करें रुकें फिर स्वाँस अंदर भरें ये एक चक्र हुआ। ऐसे 10 चक्र एक टाइम पर करना है। ये दिन में चार बार करें।

अपने कमरे में ख़ुशबू दार फूलों को रखें।

3 अग्Iनि तत्व- सूर्य उदय के एक घंटे बाद या सूर्य अस्त के एक घंटे पहले का धूप शरीर को ज़रूर लगाएँ। सर और आँख को किसी सूती कपड़े से ढक कर। जब भी लेंटे अपना दायाँ भाग ऊपर करके लेटें ताकि आपकी सूर्य नाड़ी सक्रिय रहे।

4 जल तत्व- नहाने के पानी में ख़ुशबू वाले फूलों का रस मिलाएँ। नींबू या पुदीना का रस मिला सकते हैं।खाना खाने से एक घंटे पहले नाभि के ऊपर गीला सूती कपड़ा लपेट कर रखें या खाना के 2 घंटे बाद भी ऐसा कर सकते हैं।

मेरुदंड (स्पाइन) सीधा करके बैठें। हमेशा इस बात ध्यान रखें और हफ़्ते में 3 दिन मेरुदंड का स्नान करें। मेरुदंड स्नान के लिए अगर टब ना हो तो एक मोटा तौलिया गीला कर लें बिना निचोरे उसको बिछा लें और अपने मेरुदंड को उस स्थान पर रखें। मेरुदंड की दिन में दो बार तिल के तेल से घड़ी की सीधी दिशा (clockwise) में

और घड़ी की उलटी दिशा (anti clockwise)में मालिश करें। नरम हाथों से बिल्कुल भी प्रेशर नहीं दें।  नीच tale bone से ऊपर गले तक कर्नल है।

ऐसा करने से बहुत लाभ मिलेगा।

सर पर सूती कपड़ा बाँध कर उसके ऊपर खीरा और मेहंदी या करी पत्ते का पेस्ट लगाएँ,नाभि पर खीरा का पेस्ट लगाएँ।पैरों को 20 मिनट के लिए सादे पानी से भरे किसी बाल्टी या टब में डूबो कर रखें।

5 पृथ्वी- सब्ज़ी, सलाद, फल, मेवे, आपका मुख्य आहार होगा। आप सुबह खीरे का जूस लें, खीरा 1/2 भाग +धनिया पत्ती (10 ग्राम) पीस लें, 100 ml पानी मिला कर पीएँ। 2 घंटे बाद फल नाश्ते में लेना है।

दोपहर में 12 बजे फिर से इसी जूस को लें। इसके एक घंटे बाद खाना खाएँ। शाम को नारियल पानी लें फिर 2 घंटे तक कुछ ना लें। रात के सलाद में हरे पत्तेदार सब्ज़ी को डालें, नारियल की गिरि मिलाएँ।

लाल, हरा, पीला शिमला मिर्च 1/4 हिस्सा हर एक का मिलाएँ। इसे बिना नमक के खाएँ, बहुत फ़ायदा होगा।

जानवरों से उपलब्ध होने वाले भोजन वर्जित हैं।

तेल, मसाला, और गेहूँ से परहेज़ करेंगे तो अच्छा होगा।एक नियम हमेशा याद रखें ठोस(solid) खाने को चबा कर तरल (liquid) बना कर खाएँ। तरल  को मुँह में घूँट घूँट पीएँ। खाना ज़मीन पर बैठ कर खाएँ। खाते वक़्त ना तो बात करें और ना ही TV और mobile को देखें।ठोस  भोजन के तुरंत बाद या बीच बीच में जूस या पानी ना लें। भोजन हो जाने के एक घंटे बाद तरल पदार्थ  ले सकते हैं।

हफ़्ते में एक दिन उपवास करें। शाम तक केवल पानी लें, प्यास लगे तो ही पीएँ। शाम 5 बजे नारियल पानी और रात 8 बजे सलाद लें।


रूबी, Ruby


प्राकृतिक जीवनशैली शिक्षिका (Nature Cure Educator)

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