
10:26 AM | 20-08-2019

Is veganism good for kids? Especially in teenage years when substantial growth takes place and when kids are very active in sports. I worry about some of the vitamin deficiencies.

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6 Answers

08:37 PM | 20-08-2019

Hello :)

It is a very good question. Well I would say Clean Plant based diet and nuts or seeds diet has the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals for the growing kids. In fact the more greens they consume in their diet, that helps them to get the essential nutrients. Therefore a lot of greens, nuts and seeds diet along with pulses can never harm their growth. 

You can give them plant based yogurt that is made up of almond milk and this helps them with their cognitive functions. 

Hope this answers your question.


11:18 AM | 21-08-2019

Yes, a diet rich in fresh organic (biodynamically farming)fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Legumes, pulses, spices and lentils.
There is something called , " complete protein" ( a food which has all the essential amino acids the body needs) Usually we have be programmed to believe that complete proteins are got only from animal protein, this belief has been passed on to us through our parents ,grand parents, teachers, our text books and so on. ., ,but the truth is the largest animals on the planet the elephants, rhinos get their protein from green leaves. Definitely all the amino acids can be got from a varied diet such as I mentioned above, they complement each other.
 Calcium is also got from green leaves, for instance moringa leaves have more calcium than milk and in fact they are more bioavailable and the body utilizes this calcium better than the one in milk, because milk is first of all not digested properly, only when digested properly the question of absorption comes.
   Also a vegan diet can provide with healthy fats such as flax ,hemp, chia, walnuts, sesame, sunflower and pumpkin seeds. Avocados are a rich source of monounsaturated fatty acids.
   Moreover a vegan diet is loaded with phytonhtrients which helps the body heal

02:29 PM | 21-08-2019

Dear Shalu,

First, we need to be clear that our goal is Health. Philosophy or system - veganism, nature cure, naturopathy, ayurveda comes after it.

Veganism according to Wikipedia is: "Veganism is the practice of abstaining from the use of animal products, particularly in diet, and an associated philosophy that rejects the commodity status of animals"

Following Veganism may or may not be healthy. For example Instead of animal fat you consume plant based fat/oil in excess.

But following natural health principles, you automatically follow veganism.

Please read https://www.wellcure.com/body-wisdom/20/natural-foods for more guidance on natural foods.


08:36 PM | 20-08-2019

Vegan diet might be good and researches have shown that vegan diet prevents many diseases that target older age.

You must take care that you should have a well balanced diet that are rich in all required nutrients for a growing adult.

You must take into account that until 21 years the growth happens and to meet the requirements you must fulfill the nutrient demands.

If you are looking to go into vegan diet then you must look for options those which could subsitute the original source of nutrients by alternate plant sources.

08:36 PM | 20-08-2019

Yes, fruits and vegetables and a few nuts have all the nutrients a human needs in any stage of life. There are many children who are vegan since birth and are doing very well. Give them a balanced meal and there is no need to worry about anything. Do note that a few vegan children may hit puberty later or their growth spurt later and this may cause unnecessary worries in parents. The kind of growth we are seeing in children nowadays lengthwise and breadthwise due to processed and animal foods is unnatural.

If you are concerned, do consult a plant based doctor or nutritionist.

08:36 PM | 20-08-2019


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अम्लीय (acidic) शरीर में किसी भी विटामिन मिनरल का कमी होता है और शरीर रोगी होता है। क्षार युक्त (alkaline) भोजन से हर रोग मिटता है किसी तरह की विटामिन मिनरल की कमी नहीं होती है।  जो भी जीव चलता फिरता है वो अम्लीय होता है तो भोजन क्षारीय होना चाहिए। बिजली उत्पन्न करने के लिए धनात्मक (+) और ऋणात्मक (-) आवेश (current) की ज़रूरत होती है। उसी तरीक़े से मानव शरीर को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए पेड़ से मिलने वाले भोजन (फल-फ़ूल, साग सब्ज़ियों) से मिलने वाले अम्ल (फल से प्राप्त होने वाले अम्ल) और क्षार (साग-सब्ज़ी) की ज़रूरत है। जानवरों से मिलने वाला अम्लीय भोजन स्वास्थ प्रदान नहीं करता है।


रूबी, Ruby

प्राकृतिक जीवनशैली प्रशिक्षिका व मार्गदर्शिका (Nature Cure Guide & Educator)

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