
10:26 AM | 20-08-2019

Is it a good idea to skip dinner and have fruits instead? What fruits are suggested?

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11 Answers

03:53 PM | 20-08-2019

Have food following your instincts, breakfast, lunch and dinner was designed by modern man for the sake of convenience, eat whenever you are hungry and eat a whole food plant based diet, comprising of fresh organic vegetables, fruits , whole grains ,nuts and seeds. When you eat such food and obey the laws of health, you will always be Hale and healthy . Keep in mind never to eat after sunset(6-7pm) , and usually it's good to eat a light food before retiring, because it's this time the body uses to repair, and if you eat heavily all the energy will be sent in digesting the food. The idea of eating fruits for dinner is a good idea, experiment and see if it suits you, because everyone are different.
          Wish you a successful journey towards health.


12:50 PM | 01-09-2019

The answer to this question is in two steps:
Step 1: Differentiate Hunger from Appetite

Hunger is the actual urge to eat accompanied with urgent need to eat, feeling of empty stomach and occasionally hunger pangs too.

Appetite is false hunger, when u don't feel the need to eat but the desire to eat due to your regular eating habit or the taste of the food offered to you.

So at night if you experience hunger then do not supress but if it is just appetite, feel free to skip your food.

Step 2: If you are hungry, then choose raw food over cooked food, 
Salad or fruit bowl( one single type) based on your own taste preference.

If fruits, any whole fruit is suitable provided you eat only one type of fruit.

12:48 PM | 01-09-2019

The best fruits to have at night time apples, bananas, guavas, There are more in calories so they are easily substituted with dinner. Rather than skipping dinner completely it is more advisable to have your meal before 7 and it will give your body more nutrients and get ready for the next day. 

Take care.

09:06 PM | 20-08-2019

Hello :)

I would say rather than eating fruits at night you can rather have plant based diet or vegetable soup. Fruits at night can sometimes be cause of acidic episodes, especially citrus fruits. If you choose to eat a Banana that should be fine. However, I will still recommend and advice for a vegetable soup which is complete and whole :)


09:06 PM | 20-08-2019

Whatever fruits, seasonal are the best one to use.
Fruits diet in the morning are the best samplings but in evening we should prefer gudda dhari means the fruits which have more edible parts. Dry fruits should be avoided.
Fruits with more water and sugar should be avoided and fibrous should be taken.
Banana, kiwi, apple, apple are best for night due to serotonin, melanin, and tryptophan for better sleep in night.

09:05 PM | 20-08-2019

In  my opinion one  should not  consume  citrus  fruits and  sweet  varieties of fruit, they  don't gel  together. It would be  advisable  to  have one  variety at a  Time. Since  you are a  growing person the  energy  requirement is more  as  such  add  enough  coconut  scrappings   .
       V.S.PAWAR   MIINT 1980

03:52 PM | 20-08-2019

If you are not hungry then it will not harmful but you should avoid heavy meal in dinner because it takes more time and energy to digest and disturb your sleep cycle. For good sleep and health you must be diet conscious whike eating.

12:49 PM | 01-09-2019

Yes you can have fruits in dinner. Just make sure that you eat fruits on empty stomach. A gap of two hours from cooked food is good. 

12:49 PM | 01-09-2019

Fruits are good for dinner. However if you think that you will have fruits for dinner alone and for breakfast you will have a cooked breakfast then it’s a wrong choice. One can eventually easily develop constipation on a raw dinner and a cooked breakfast. If you are having fruits for breakfast and fruits for dinner as well then it’s A perfect choice. Fruits can be consumed at any point in time. But do make sure that you always prefer a juice or a fruit for breakfast. If you prefer a juice for breakfast, then make sure that fruits are your lunch. Refer to the circadian rhythm topic in body wisdom of wellcure.


Be blessed
Smitha Hemadri (educate of natural healing practices)

03:53 PM | 20-08-2019



 भोजन पेट के सफ़ाई के लिए लेना जरुरी है कच्चे सब्ज़ी का सलाद बिना नमक के लें। ये अत्यंत गुणकारी है। फल ऊर्जा के लिए है तो इसका सेवन सुबह अधिक उचित होगा। सलाद आप या तो दोपहर के खाने में लें या रात के खाने में ये आपके ऊपर है।

दोपहर में सलाद लेने से अच्छा होता है क्योंकि दोपहर में सोने का समय बहुत से लोगों को नहीं मिलता है।

रात में पका हुआ हुआ खाये तो सोने का समय मिल जाता है क्योंकि पका हुआ खाना के बाद नींद जरुरी होता है। बस ये बात का ध्यान रखें की सोने से 3 घंटे पहले भोजन कर लें।


रूबी, Ruby

प्राकृतिक जीवनशैली शिक्षिका (Nature Cure Educator)

03:24 PM | 20-08-2019

Yes, of course. Fruits are welcome anytime. Human beings are frugivores.

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