
10:54 AM | 21-08-2019

How much hours of walk is suggested in evening after the age of forty?

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11 Answers

02:28 PM | 21-08-2019

atleast 30 minute

02:28 PM | 21-08-2019



जब थकावट महसूस हो रुक जाएँ। यह तो आपके शारीरिक क्षमता पर निर्भर करता है।

टहलने के अलावा आप अपने शरीर को विभिन्न आसन प्राणायाम से नयी ऊर्जा दें। 

खान पान में फल, मेवे, सलाद में अंकुरित अनाज, कच्चे सब्ज़ी को शामिल करें। 



प्राकृतिक जीवनशैली प्रशिक्षिका व मार्गदर्शिका (Nature Cure Guide & Educator)

02:59 PM | 23-08-2019

Hello sir, I am 42 and I do an hour of yoga and Pranayam sometimes 1.5. Age really doesn’t have to do with the stamina. It really depends on the kind of body you have maintained. In my opinion unless you are doing a brisk walk with certain bouts of pushing the bodyTo sweat ( high intensity ) walking doesn’t really help. I really suggest that first you take a look at your living conditions your lifestyle and switch over to a plant-based  routine.  on the plant-based lifestyle you can push your body harder and efficiency of the body increases. Instead of walking I really suggest that you look for a yoga class under it rain practitioner and practice you got Internet that will be better than Walking. If you were 70 or 80 with ailments, I would have definitely given you some benchmark for walking. But then at 40 you shouldn’t be  thinking you’re too old to just resign to walk. Think young, believe young, feel young, stay young


Be blessed
Smitha Hemadri (educator of natural healing practices)


02:59 PM | 23-08-2019

Hi listen to your body. Start with initial 15 minutes of walk and then slowly increase 5 min every day.

If you feel tired then increase your time on alternative days.

Then you will be able to set time on your own.

Hope you enjoy your walks.

02:59 PM | 23-08-2019


You should atleast walk 10,000 steps ..however start with slow walk and steadily increase your speed....it will take you around 1 hour to complete 10,000 steps..

I would encourage you to walk in the morning 😊


02:59 PM | 23-08-2019

Walking depends on the strength of energy u have sir  ! 
But minimum should be 35 - 40 mins

02:59 PM | 23-08-2019


It is adviced to have a brisk walk morning 30min and evening 30min.
Walking with bare foot in the garden will be even more benefits instead of wearing sandals.


02:59 PM | 23-08-2019

It is advised walking for 30-60 minutes. But with short intervals. It will help to improve fitness, regulate breathing and calorie burning. 

04:18 PM | 22-08-2019

50-60min if walking is the only physical activity you do.otherwise 30-40min with some other physical activity like yoga or some exercise. 

02:28 PM | 21-08-2019

I suggest you first set your baseline. How much you can walk until you start sweating or feel tired. Let's say it comes out to be 15 minutes. 

Every day start adding a few minutes to the baseline. That's how you gradually build your stamina and strength.

There is no formula for the amount of brisk walk but 30-35 minutes is good enough. This gives enough exercise to your body.

few tips to consider: Wear cotton clothes to allow the skin to breathe and sweat; Listen to nature sounds not audion on mobile; rest for 5-7 minutes post-walk till breath has normalised.

02:28 PM | 21-08-2019

Walk on heals for ten minutes is equal to three km walk
For three km walk half an hour is must or it may be one hours for both way walking.

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