
10:35 AM | 23-08-2019

Please tell me source of collagen protein? Mutton n other non veg products are best source of collegen but I m vegetarian. How much it need?

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2 Answers

05:20 PM | 23-08-2019

Collagen protein is a new trend in supplement space. Essentially collagen was a cosmetic supplement for better skin and earlier only option was to take it via injection. In recent years oral form have been developed.

Collagen can be sourced from animals only but there are some companies producing plant-based supplements.

Now, coming back to question on supplement we need to question the need of taking supplements. Nature doe not produce any single nutrient whether it is protein, carb,vitamin or any mineral. It is always a combination which nature decides and it is beyond our comprehension how that process happens.

When we take supplements in artifical form they lack enzymes. Enzymes are like catalyst cells which helps in breaking down food. They are present in all natural foods. but when we cook or process most of these enzymes are destroyed.

What is the result? In order to digest we start using our body's reserves of enzymes and over long period this results in weaking of our body and internal systems.

You can read book Enzyme Nutrition: The Food Enzyme Concept by Dr Edward for in depth understanding on enzyme.

Second, important point is assimilation.Every doctor/nutirionist does prescribe supplements but we forget about ASSIMILATION.

If your body is not assimilating nutrients then it will not absorb artifical supplements. So, work on improving digestion assimilation will improve automatically. reason for defeciency is usually assimilation not lack of intake.

Trust this gives you clarity.

Take natural diet and adopt healthier lifestyle.

06:03 PM | 27-08-2019

Collagen is important for skin structure,to maintain suppleness and stretching properly. Its found in skin, bones, joints and lining of guts. 

Eating collagen rich foods or eating food items that boost collagen synthesis helps to get required collagen. 

Collagen rich and the food items helps in collagen production are, 

  • Garlic
  • Onion 
  • Berries 
  • Broccoli 
  • Spinach 
  • Cabbage
  • Beans 
  • Cashew nut
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Chia seeds 

11:26 AM | 30-08-2019



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