
01:45 PM | 26-08-2019

How to reduce anxiety and insomnia?

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7 Answers

09:29 AM | 28-08-2019

Hello !!!

The good news is you can completely cure your anxiety and insomnia problems by some of the strategies I discuss with you shortly over here.

Firstly, it is possible that you have a deficiency of magnessium,vitamin B6, Vitamin D, and B12, because of which the body isn't able to use tryptophan an amino acid which produces serotonin chemical (feel good factor). Plant based diet which consists of the mineral and vitamins are as below:

Nutritional Yeast

Plant based Yogurt

Plant based cereals





Flax seeds

Chia seeds

Sunflower seeds



Citrus Fruits

All kinds of Dry Fruits

Exposure to the first rays of Sun

Banana is a great fruit which serves its purpose for insomnia. Boil one cup water for 5 minutes, wash the peel of banana and insert it in boiled water, let the mixture boil for another 8 minutes, and after which you can drain the banana tea and drink it 30 minutes before bedtime. 

This will help you to relax your mind and produce melatonin a natural agent that induces sleep. 

Breathing exercise in the morning and night works best for your condition. I will encourage you to take professional help if possible just for talk therapy, so that you are able to share your suppressed thoughts and emotions. 

Kindly do the above for now, I can help you further once you start seeing the results from this.


Be blessed and be well :)



09:28 AM | 28-08-2019

insomnia is condition where u get poor sleep caused by unhealthy lifestyle and anxiety is due to overthinking about your future or other things so the question is remove anxiety answer is you should give priorty to health first then make goal n plan it so that you can efficiently use your time and energy at right place 

09:27 AM | 28-08-2019

Hi Ms. Nidhi 

Anxiety and insomnia both are interrelated, sleep deprivation may lead to stress vice versa anxiety cause disrupted sleep leads to insomnia.

Yoga, breathing exercises and relaxation techniques help to relieve both anxiety and insomnia.

Breathing techniques like deep breathing,  sectional breathing.


  • Savasana 
  • Makrasana 
  • Padha hastasana 
  • Chakrasana 
  • Sarvangasana
  • Sethubandasana 
  • Marjariasana 
  • Shashankasana


  • Nadi shodhana pranayama
  • Bhramari pranayama 
  • Sheetali/sheetkari pranayama


Relaxation techniques like Yoga Nidra,  deep relaxation technique and instant relaxation technique helps to reduce anxiety and improve sleep.

Mediation: Omkara meditation

To be avoided:

  • Nap during day time
  • Avoid coffee and tea
  • Watched TV/mobile for long time 
  • Irregular sleep routine
  • Irregular food habits 


10:03 PM | 28-08-2019

Namaste Ji,

To Treat Insomnia, Sleep is a natural phenomenon of giving adequate rest to the body and mind. Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep at night for many hours or inability to have a sound sleep, which deprives one of natural rest and interferes with activities during the day.

An improper diet and lifestyle causes toxin in the body which leads to sleeplessness.

Have fresh fruits, seasonal fruits especially.

Include nuts like almonds, walnuts, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, and peanuts in your daily diet.

Have Vegetable salads.

Avoid caffeinated drinks, alcohol, and aerated drinks after dusk.

Avoid watching television or working on the computer late at night.

Have a body massage with sesame oil, followed by a bath.

Massage your feet with lukewarm pure extra virgn cold pressed coconut oil 2-3 times a day and before going to bed.

Spend time with nature and walk in the garden with bare foot for good blood circulation.


10:02 PM | 28-08-2019

Namaste Ji,

Anxiety is psychological condition in which the person panics, suffers from social anxiety, feel excessively self-conscious and is worried about unrealistic problems. Anxiety disorders can last for six months or more and can affect normal activities, job performance and relationships.
Some common symptoms of anxiety disorder are restlessness, fatigue, irritability, muscular aches, insomnia/sleep disorders, abdominal upsets, dizziness, irritability and poor concentration.

Change your mindset, diet and lifestyle to overcome this.

Breathing exercises: Mind has a very close relation with breathing. A person has short and shallow breathing when anxious or stressed and has deep breathing when relaxed and happy. Next time you become stressed, watch your breathing. Try to slow it down. Take a relaxed position and breathe deep using the abdomen muscles. Let the diaphragm expand while breathing in, and contract while breathing out. This will immediately relax you and reduce anxiety attacks. Exercise, meditation, relaxation techniques and Yoga postures are also recommended.

Fresh fruits, fruit juices, vegetables (raw or cooked or boiled), vegetable juices, sprouts, nuts, dry fruits counsumption will be added advantage.

Spend more time with nature, involve social activity like helping others. Motivate yourself and do meditation.


09:33 AM | 28-08-2019

Underlying toxaemia or accumulation of toxins are some of the major reasons for anxiety attacks depression, insomnia and similar issues. Correcting the food habits and living conditions is very important to bring improvement in these areas. Remove all kinds of dead animal products from your life such as dairy from the cow that is meant for the calf and not for humans, meat and fish that is dead and lifeless, Eggs that attract viral activity in the body, refined sugar refined salt, excessive consumption of grains in the entire day, Consumption of excessive oil in cooking, eating fried food  can lead to accumulation of debris in the body which putrefies and rots giving rise to all kinds of viral and bacterial activity that can impact the sleep cycles and cause nervous issues such as anxiety. 

Start your day with a big glass of cucumber juice made with two cucumbers, followed by a big bowl of fruits, followed by a big bowl of vegetable salads until dinner. You can have any number of servings of fruits in a day without worrying about the sugar content in it. For dinner have 30% milletsAnd 70% grains cooked without any cooking oil. Consumption of leafy greens in all forms is essential along with fruits which will help clean your system.

Bring yoga pranayama and meditation in your day. Connect yourself with nature by showing gratitude to the Sun by exposing yourself to the sun for about 30 minutes in a day in the morning.
Practice happiness from within rather than expecting happiness from external sources. 


Following these will help improve your sleep cycles and also your anxiety attacks be blessed let us know if you have any questions
Smitha Hemadri (educator of natural healing practices)

09:29 AM | 28-08-2019

Anxiety - worry about certain situations. When we expect life to be in a particular way and it doesn't happen same. We feel anxiety. And this anxiety can lead to many situations and insomnia is one of same. Your mind is busy about worrying on few things and can't sleep. 

Dear, don't stress yourself. If you are dealing with some tough situation always remember life is never permanent, its always changing. Relax yourself and tell yourself this shall too pass and everything is divine. 

I am suggesting few things to you, may be it will help you..

1. Make a daily habit of writing your thoughts before you sleep. Sometimes anything unresolved in our mind also doesn't let us sleep.

2.  Make your sleeping routine it will create a Stimulus response and give signal body to sleep. Like sleep at same time everyday. 

3. Make a routine of washing your feet before you sleep, reading something before you switch off the lights. 

4. Make sure your bedsheets and pillow are clean. 

5. Application of lavender oil on your head can also be added to your routine.

6. Listen or read some positive thoughts. 

7. Believe all is well. And it will fall in place. 

God bless you.

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