
05:29 PM | 29-08-2019

Have been trying to have a baby but not working plsss help me.... Secondly my period is always painful before coming out... Thirdly how can one cure adenomyosis and polyps... Naturally.. Plsss am 31yrs

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2 Answers

11:23 AM | 30-08-2019

Namaste Ji,

This might be Initial stage of Infertility which refers to the inability of a person to contribute to conception. In women, it may also refer to the state when she is not able to carry a pregnancy to its full term.

Female infertility is caused due to structural problems like blocked fallopian tubes, defect in the cervical canal, uterine fibroids or polyps. Hormonal imbalance leading to ovulation problems too can cause infertility.

But you can overcome this through Natural diet and Lifestyle Advice.

Eat soaked almonds or soaked walnuts (you can grind them and add them to your vegetables).

juicy fruits such as mangoes, peaches, plums, and pears are recommended.

If your digestion is strong, eat urad daal (Split Black Gram) cooked with equal parts of turmeric, cumin, coriander, and fennel.

Avoid high-fat foods and foods containing preservatives

Caffeine should also be avoided, especially if you're having trouble conceiving.

Stress can have a major impact on women's fertility. The importance of a positive attitude is essential when trying to get pregnant.

Being both overweight and underweight can impair a woman's odds of getting pregnant. Hence balance your weight management.


11:43 AM | 31-08-2019

Many thanks


11:23 AM | 30-08-2019

Hello oge , human reproductive system is one of the  most sophisticated in the human body, because it grows a new being. Before you really Focus on the artificial ways of conception in case you have, your menstrual process and its abnormality has to be rectified. The body will not attempt to bring a life into picture unless it can  give birth to a normal child. Reproductive system from a spiritual perspective has its own energy system to grow a life in it . It’s so high-end that it has a lot of interdependencies and contributing factors to make this system work. 

Adenomyosis is a condition where the uterine lining also encroaches the muscles of the uterus and hence this extra growth leads to all the symptoms that are being experienced. We have not got a similar case here, but in nature cure the cause for all the issues is a toxic body where it accumulates the toxins that does not see a channel for release. The condition when Adenomyosis happens is also due to the cause that there is a high estrogen build up in the body. There is more than what the organs have naturally produced for you as a female. When there is an extra Harmone, this build up in the liver and clogs it. Overtime when liver cannot take the brunt of things, it channels it to the uterus. You must know that the liver is one of the sewage systems in the body. It takes all the toxins we eat , it takes a hit and filters all the junk our tongue enjoys. So it tries to hold extra estrogen, extra fats and all the extras that the body is not designed to handle.. in a hope that it will balance out one day and it will find a proper channel via the intestines and colon to release it , but when it can’t in this case, the uterus takes a hit. Many conditions like fibroids are also another form of abnormal growth. Nature of the growths can be anything, but the growth is abnormal. This is not an autoimmune issue where body’s estrogen is attacking the body only. It’s trying to protect you from other complications. 

The extra estrogen potentially could be coming from animal products that are pumped with female harmones - dairy, eggs, meat, plastics, medications that might taking to control this issue. Wherever there is toxins, there are pathogens scavengers attacking the body to feed it. Unless we remove the root cause and remove the toxins from building more, pathogens won’t die and will inflammate the uterus even more and cause all complications.

Lead a lifestyle with low fat high raw all day and gluten-free oilfree cooked in the night ( can be raw for dinner too ) . 

Drink only veg juices all morning, have fruits and 3-4 cups of greens all afternoon and have veggies most of the evening only few spoons of cooked if hungry only at night. Have an early dinner by 7pm

Put a wet cloth and rest for 30 mins twice a day on the abdomen 

Expose the abdomen to the sun and ask for blessings and express gratitude for 1 hr daily morning.

The more the raw, the sooner u heal and less painful it gets. It will get corrected in few months. Don’t take any medicines. 

Become a vegan and avoid all animal products such as dairy meat eggs fish and any packed foods. Everything must be made at home and eaten raw or juiced. Avoid oil, grease , wheat , refined flour, sugar etc

Once this periods get fixed, the conception will happen.


You had asked a question on autism too. You were not emotionally at peace as seen from that. Irrespectively, mentally remaining at a positive frame of mind is extremely important for healthy periods, a healthy conception and a healthy baby. If you go rollercoaster on your emotions, it will affect your physical body. Emotional and physical go hand in hand 

Connect with nature by practising the life of gratitude irrespective of the situations we face in life.


Let us know if you have any questions
Be blessed
Smitha Hemadri (educator of natural healing practices)


11:23 AM | 31-08-2019

Many thanks...God bless you.....

Smitha Hemadri

11:25 AM | 31-08-2019

Practice the power of blessings with the lifestyle changes suggested, u will see results 100%

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