
12:56 PM | 01-09-2019

I wanted to know if it is essential to soak seeds like sesame, melon, water melon, sunflower etc before we consume them?

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8 Answers

06:16 PM | 01-09-2019


Yes it is good to soak the seeds before you consume. It gets easier to digest after soaking.  Soaking breaks up the phytic acid and makes it easier on the digestive system. 

Be happy be healthy always 

Swati Dhariwal 

Nature Cure Practitioner 

06:12 PM | 01-09-2019

If you soak it then it will more easy to digest.

06:15 PM | 01-09-2019

Actually seeds are coated with natural toxins to protect it from predators as it is going to become a plant... 
So we have to soak them before consuming, as the toxins Will be removed after soaking... 
Soaking will increase the nutritional contents
Digestion can be better
Softens and easy to consume

06:17 PM | 01-09-2019

No essential to soak them. You can consume them as raw seeds

06:16 PM | 01-09-2019

Hlw ma'am 

Almost all types of Seeds contains phytic acid which is essential for plant growth which makes minerals and other supplements present in seeds unabsorvable for human body 
So soaking of nuts and seeds dehydrate the seed and helps in break down of much phytic acid and make the nutrients available in seeds more available for our baby 
So it's essential to soaked seeds or nuts before use 


09:04 AM | 02-09-2019
  • To improve nutritional benefits and digestion soaking nuts is necessary. 
  • Soaking for 12-24 hrs helps to neutralize the enzymes which inhibits release of full nutrients from the seeds and nuts. 
  • And soaking helps to digest easily, and prevents indigestion, bloating.
  • Soaking improves flavour, textures, vitamins and minerals in present in the seeds/nuts get a boost. 

06:13 PM | 01-09-2019

Seeds are dry and ideally produced in nature to grow more plants. However for them to be ready for germination they need water. Soaking helps the seed to believe that it is ready for germination. Soaking helps to remove all the phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors which is around to safeguard the seed from predators Or until growing conditions have been present it for germination.

As we already know body acts on the food and not vice versa. However,  the food brings in essential nutrients for the body to be used. They bring in essential enzymes which combine with the body fluids/digestive fluids and helps in assimilation. When we soak the seeds the enzyme inhibitor is also dissolved or released. Nuts seeds or grains contain phosphorus in the form of Phytic acid which then becomes phytate when it binds with minerals. this process can stop nutrients from being absorbed in the digestive system and reduce the digestibility of these foods. It is not very harmful to ingest them as is without soaking however these are like low doses of poison. Hence it’s always a good practice to soak grains nuts or seeds and then consume them. They are actually complex for the body and body needs to do the extra work. Body is not really designed to eat grains nuts or seeds as primary foods. Body is designed to eat fruits majorly and then greens and veggies. Hence seeds nuts or Grains should always be consumed in moderation. Hence to answer your question it is always good practice soak the seeds if u use it. 

Be blessed

Smitha Hemadri (Educator of natural healing practices)

06:13 PM | 01-09-2019


ये इस बात पर निर्भर करता है कि आप क्या बना रहे है। मीठा है तो धो कर भुन कर डालने से स्वाद बढ़ जाता है। ये सारे बीजों को धो कर सुखा लें फिर भुन कर oil free सब्ज़ी, सलाद dressing में प्रयोग कर सकते हैं। कच्चा भिगो कर चटनी भी बना सकते हैं। या भूनकर लड्डू, हलवा में इसका स्वाद अच्छा रहता है।धन्यवाद।


प्राकृतिक जीवनशैली प्रशिक्षिका व मार्गदर्शिका (Nature Cure Guide & Educator)

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