
03:34 PM | 04-09-2019

How to purify drinking water to remain Healthy and prevent from diseases that come from water infection, while we travel where only tap water is available?

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10 Answers

05:18 PM | 04-09-2019

now a days copper based water bottles or bamboo bottles are available in the market that are good for health.
In ancient tradition copper vessels n mud vessels were used to purify the water.

07:41 AM | 10-09-2019

Thank you for your Answer


05:18 PM | 04-09-2019


तुलसी पत्ता, दूर्वा घास, गुलाब के पंखूरी या बेल पत्ता, या कोई भी जड़ी (herb) धनिया, पुदिना, करी पत्ता डाल कर पानी को दोष को बड़ी ही आसानी से मिटाया जा सकता है। फल, और कच्चे सब्ज़ियों में शुद्ध और शरीर के काम आने वाला पानी रहता है।अतः मुख्य भोजन में एक बार फल लें। एक बार सलाद लें तो नल के पानी की ज़रूरत ही नहीं पड़ेगी।



प्राकृतिक जीवनशैली प्रशिक्षिका व मार्गदर्शिका (Nature Cure Guide & Educator)

07:41 AM | 10-09-2019

आपके सुजाव के लिए धन्यवाद


10:27 AM | 09-09-2019

Namaste ji,

During travel time i always use to carry dried tulsi powder, Teem leaf powder and jeera powder with me.

When there is only tap water is the option i use to add 1/4th tea spoon of above said natural herbs and mix it well and then used to drink it.

This helps me to overcome any health issues or digestion issues keep me fit.

If this heatlh bite is useful to you can try this and share your feedback Ji.

Note: Avoid using plastic bottles, Use organic bamboo bottles, steel bottles or copper based.


07:42 AM | 10-09-2019

Sure , Will give you updates after applying your said things
Thank you

Mohan M

09:57 AM | 10-09-2019

Sure.. Thanks..

11:29 AM | 08-09-2019
  • You can use filter water bottles now available in the market.  Which helps to get clean water. 
  • You can use copper water bottles.  Copper ions Help to kill the germs in the water. 
  • You can use sunlight to kill the germs by keeping water directly in sunlight. 
  • Boiling water before starting your travel and store it.
  • Use limestone (helps to kill germs and helps to settle down the dirt ) to purify water.


07:44 AM | 10-09-2019

Yes , Very nice
Thank you for your Answer


05:17 PM | 10-09-2019

The best way to purify water is to boil it as because it converts contaminated water into alkaline drinkable water. It maintains water pH levels and also minerals in water are not vanished away. Simply filter water with cloth or water filter before boiling it. In Ayurveda, Jainism boiled water is mentioned only the right way to drink it. Again if you are using RO water than alkalize it before drinking. 😊 Hope it will be useful thank you

05:17 PM | 10-09-2019

The best to purify water is to boil it, add a little bit of cumin and then store it in a mud pot. The logic behind adding cumin is, it is known that cumin has properties which can kill harmful bacteria, and it's an antiseptic agent. After the water is cool, you can store it in a copper or mud pot. There are copper bottles available now which can be used as well to store the water.


07:14 PM | 09-09-2019


Adding tulasi powder helps to purify the water. 

Also, you can use alum (fitkari) for the purification of water. 

Avoid plastic bottles, use copper based or steel bottles. 

07:14 PM | 09-09-2019

Drinking the right amount of the right type of water improves every function in the body and even slows down the ageing process. It is said that our body can absorb up to 30% of essential elements from the water that we drink. So it is very important for our long term health that we drink that water which is not devoid of at least the essential elements like calcium and magnesium. Tulsi, Neem, Pudina, Curry Patta and Black pepper leaves are the Indian heritage which can purify water instantly and without any cost to pocket.

It has been found that handful of Tulsi leaves can decontaminate about 20 litres of water. One drop of Panch Tulsi Oil is enough to clean and converting it to drinkable for ten litres of water filled in mud pot. Just like that we can use Pudina, Neem, Curry patta and black peper to purify the urban water.

The gooey core inside cactus leaves, called mucilage, has been known to remove sediment from water for ages, yet research is finding it also can also remove arsenic and bacteria. Boiling the mucilage with contaminated water creates a floating film that can easily be skimmed, creating safe and drinkable water for people in need. The technology was successfully tested during the 2006 Haiti earthquake, where displaced people needed clean, potable water.

Certain varieties of tree branches can make for a simple purification technique. MIT researchers found that xylem tissue from a white pine tree, when used to filter contaminated water, removed 99 percentages of E. coli bacteria. The very same tissue that delivers life-giving sap to all parts of the tree also traps bacteria. Using this technique in parts of the world where resources are scarce can still produce safe, purified water in a pinch.

For those in tropical areas of the world, fresh water may already be scarce. Luckily, this is where the Molinga Oleifera tree, a drought-resistant plant whose seed contains a protein that binds to pollutant particles, flourishes. Researchers perfecting the technique are communicating with the governments of Namibia and Botswana, among other nations, who could benefit from having a reliable method of decontaminating water.

Many commercial water purification ventures use activated carbo to do the job, yet some areas have naturally occurring “bioabsorbent” plants that are much more readily available and cheap. Cilantro leaves do so well at removing pollutants – even toxic metals such as lead – that a bunch of the herbs can be used as a replacement filter for commercial purification systems.

Arsenic is known to poison groundwater in at least 70 different countries, so scientists have been scrambling to find the perfect chemical solution to combat the hazard. A more natural approach uses the symbiotic relationship of a certain bacteria and algae to safely filter arsenic from drinking water. The bacteria converts arsenic into a less toxic and less soluble form so it can be more easily removed, while the algae provides a reliable supply of carbon. Carbon dioxide from the bacteria’s processing, in turn, feeds the algae in these innovative filters.

UNICEF received accolades for providing Cambodia with ceramic water filters, a purification system that reduced the country’s prevalence of diarrheal diseases by 50 percent. The porous nature of ceramic prevents nearly all bacteria and protozoa from reaching the water supply, specifically reducing E. coli by 99 percent. Gravity is all that is needed to get the system going, which is perfect for areas that require simple and easily accessible solutions.

11:28 AM | 08-09-2019


*आज के परिवेश में लगभग हर जगह शुद्ध पानी की बोतलें उपलब्ध है !

*अपने घर से 5 या 10 लीटर के बर्तन ले जा सकते हैं यदि संभव हो तो !

* फिटकरी पानी को तुरंत शुद्ध कर देता है उसका प्रयोग करके आप पानी को शुद्ध कर पीने योग्य बना लीजिए !

*बोतल में पानी भर कर के रख दीजिए कुछ देर बाद सारी अशुद्धियां उस बोतल के नीचे की सतह पर बैठ जाएंगे, ऊपर के शुद्ध पानी को आप पी सकते हैं ! 

*प्राणायाम- प्यास लगने की अवस्था में पानी यदि उपलब्ध न हो तो शीतली ,शीतकारी प्राणायाम का अभ्यास कर सकते हैं , कुछ देर के लिए राहत मिल जाएगी ! 

*तरबूज, खीरा अच्छा विकल्प है !


# यात्रा के दौरान बहुत अधिक बात न करें,तली हुई चीजें ,मसालेदार चीजें, नमक- नमकीन से बनी चीजों इत्यादि का सेवन ना करें !

07:46 AM | 10-09-2019

जरुर ,यह आसान तरीको के लिए आपका धन्यवाद ।


11:25 AM | 08-09-2019

Everywhere you get bottled water. Carry some from known brands if you are traveling by car. 

Carry lots of lemons and take lemon shots thrice a day

Keep your system healthy because external factors are always variable. Stick to raw lifestyle and this will clean you. A cleaner system can fight against smaller issues faster , eliminate and also heal faster. Eat fruits or vegetables where water is short. Look for natural alternatives to water. 

We carry a can of water, tender coconut, juicy fruits, from home always while traveling. We stop for sugarcane juices too. Anything natural and watery, stock it. Avoiding any forbidden foods that we have shared in other questions of yours will ensure you don’t put toxins into the system. You must be more careful than usual now. Germs don’t stay in the body unless you have food inside that it likes ( all thats forbidden for ya is party food for the germs )



Be blessed 

Smitha Hemadri ( Educator of natural healing practices)

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