
10:12 AM | 18-12-2018

Whenever I go in sunlight (even mild) it hurts me in the eyes (even in an indirect view) and also causes headache. What could be a possible reason for this and how can I cure this problem?

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4 Answers

11:08 AM | 18-12-2018

Hello. First & foremost - We are a part of nature's creation, being outdoors is natural, being indoors is our artificial creation. Anything artificial takes away health from our health bank.

Follow your instinct with the sun. Morning sun & winter sun is extremely soothing. Sun in harsh summers should be avoided, imagine if you were an animal. In summer afternoons, the animals sit in the shade & not in the sun.

Our body speaks to us through signals. If exposing to sun gives you a headache, it means the body is not liking light because it wants to rest. Body knows how to rest only when there is no light, body rests without light, in darkness.

Rest is not just physical & mental, but also digestive. Eating easy-to-digest natural foods gives you digestive rest. Hydrate yourself well with fruits, fruit juices & smoothies, soaked dry fruits, veggie juices, veggie salads, coconut water, lemon, etc. Reduce de-hydrating foods such as tea, white sugar, milk, non-veg, refined oil, packaged products like biscuits, namkeens, etc.

As you do these changes, start sitting in the morning sun for a few minutes every day. Do deep breathing to send good oxygen to your head, close your eyes & visualise your head feeling cool.

A little bit of effort, patience and faith from your side and you will start enjoying being in the sun. Sun is a healer, its a painkiller, a natural antibiotic - don't fear it & don't miss out on this natural doctor!!

All the best.


11:35 AM | 18-12-2018

Due to working indoors for a long period of time and working in unnatural dim lights sometimes exposure to sunlight causes eyes to water and causes discomfort. Usage of sunglasses even at the slightest hint of Sun causes ti eyes to get used to low levels of light. Train your eyes gradually to get comfortable with natural sunlight as long as its not too hot. If its too hot and bright use a cap instead of sunglasses.


11:52 AM | 29-08-2019

Addition to the above remedies

1) You may wash your eyes with cold water

2) Take the juice of pomergrande ( red pearls without seeds ) and try doing a eye wash with the help of eye cups available in markets

3) Apply cumcumber eye packs for 20-30 minutes which could be soothing too

4) Apply mud pack to eyes of naturopathy whhich could also help as well

5) Apply aloe vera. Cut a leaf and remove the dark green layer on the leaf. You could see something like jelly inside it and you could apply that jelly which could be very useful as well

6) If at all you lack sleep or work at odd hours, good sleep is mandatory and lack of sleep could also create this problem

11:52 AM | 29-08-2019

Anchal is right. I had the same issues too. I could not go out without my rayban. I would have a splitting headache and dolo 650 was my long time friend . Even after I changed my lifestyle, became a vegan in 2012, quit medicines, i still did not go out without it- until few years back after I suddenly lost my expensive rayban did I realise that my body had adjusted to the sunlight. I no longer had headaches. Quitting animal products, and incorporating a lot of raw in your lifestyle will help you make your body stronger and resistant to harsh environments too. 

Be blessed
Smitha Hemadri (educator of natural healing practices)

11:51 AM | 29-08-2019



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