
09:56 AM | 16-09-2019

Can roasted chana be a healthy snacks for a person seeking health from autoimmune disease?

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3 Answers

12:32 PM | 16-09-2019

I suggest soaked Channa or fruits for snacks instead of roasted Channa that’s also loaded with refined salts and possibly refined oils. Snacking is not suggested unless you are hungry. 


Auto immune issues are majorly GUT related. The filters in the intestines tear and food particles in its undigested state enter the blood stream. The body attacks the invading object in the blood. Hence you see many auto immune issues. 


To heal this condition., It is best that you start cleaning the  GUT, which in turn will clean the liver, which in turn will be ready to absorb and deliver nutrients throughout the body and eventually cleaning the intestine as well.  If the previous organs in the process have done their job, the colon will not have to take a hit. it’s very important that the liver starts doing its job to heal any kind of intestinal issues/organs of excretion so that the unwanted food , pathogens and heavy metals doesn’t end up in the intestines and colon. Ideally these are supposed to thrown out naturally after altering its state, but when they end up as-is, they attract more issues in the colon which the colon might not be geared up to do 


When body organs are clean, they do their job perfectly well. With a right lifestyle this can be achieved . You must switch to a low fat plant based lifestyle. Low fat here because fats also come in low % from raw foods like fruits vegetables and greens. 


  1. Give rest to the GUT by juicing majorly for few days with green fruit or veg juices only in abundance like it’s your meal. 
  2. Take water enema for a month under nature cure expert guidance without interfering with your normal bowel movements 
  3. Stop the consumption of dairy eggs meat seafood
  4. Stop all forms of fats ( oils , grease , nuts seeds ) that will add load to an already compromised liver
  5. Stop all forms of foods that are purchased
  6. Go raw on greens, fruits majorly for one full month/ 2 months as conditions improve
  7. Cooked food post that has to be only once a day without using oils or ghee with 30% grains that are gluten free and oilfree, unpolished, unrefined 
  8. Wheat and foods with maida wheat has to be avoided 
  9. Sugar and processed sweetners avoided 
  10. Place a cold wet towel daily on the abdomen for 30 mins. Start with 5 mins hot towel and 25 mins cold
  11. Exposure to sunlight for 30 mins
  12. Practice mental peace, leading a stress free life, free of any form of negativity 


Let us know if you have any questions

Be blessed 

Smitha Hemadri (educator of natural healing practices)

12:31 PM | 16-09-2019

Hello Guarav,

Firstly to answer your question there is no harm from roasted chana, and yes it can be eaten as healthy snack, however, more than roasted chana, you can prefer to eat roasted dry fruits, roasted green leafy vegetables, plant based yogurt, mushroom, onion, squash vegetable these are recommended for people with autoimmune disease. 

Its all about taking care of your gut system, and you can do that by avoiding glutten products, sugar and animal products.

So I hope I answered your question



12:31 PM | 16-09-2019



चना दलहन में आता है। अनाज के तरह पचने में समय अधिक लगता है। छोटे भूख को शांत करने के लिए फल के साथ सूखे फल ले सकते हैं। माखने, काजु, बादाम, अखरोट, भुना मुंगफली20g, ताजा नारियल ले सकते हैं। ऐसा करने से मुख्य भोजन के लिए अच्छे से भुख को जागृत किया जा सकता है। 

चना या कॉर्न को पचने में समय अधिक लगता है।



प्राकृतिक जीवनशैली प्रशिक्षिका व मार्गदर्शिका (Nature Cure Guide & Educator)

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