
10:05 AM | 18-09-2019

I'm 21 year I have height and low weight problem , my family height is fine but I'm short. My height is 5"5. Can you plz tell me how my height can increase and my weight become normal too?

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1 Answer

10:45 AM | 19-09-2019

Dear health seeker, to answer first part of your query it is stated that nothing much could be done to address the issue of height since it  depends on Genetic and hereditary traits. your height has taken over on some of your ancestors of short stature,at best an inch or two could have been added had you started living hygienically doing some Yoga Asanas and stretching exercises along with positive diet in years of your life. Regarding weight also there is law of nature cure which state that only 'Nature ' knows  how much one should weigh so that the vital flow of prana is unhindered and smooth to keep the person healthy and disease free.however conversion from unhygienic to hygienic way of living may add few kilograms to your body weight.

V.S.Pawar MIINT 1980 

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