
09:48 PM | 25-12-2018

I'm often suggested by well wishers to feed lots of ghee to my son because he has a tiny structure. He takes ghee in limited quantities. What say?

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2 Answers

08:48 AM | 02-06-2019

It’s a myth. Go by what your Instincts tell you and not what people want. We cannot please everyone around us. Having said that, diary products and it’s byproduct’s are the worst and causes serious health damage. Ghee was used as a preservative in Meds in the past when there was no preservatives or fridge. Beyond that it has no reason and has no place in keeping us healthy with the toxins, harmones and antibiotics it carries. Please don’t get carried away by such false rumours. 

08:47 AM | 02-06-2019


The bone structure of a child very much depends on the genes he has inherited from his parents. 


Ghee is not the only source of body building fats. Plant based fats are more easily digested and better assimilated by the body. 


To improve the kids structure  and strengthen his bones 


1 Ley him play out door sports a lot.

2 feed him lots of juicy fruits.

3 Keep him off processed and packaged foods.

4 Give him nut based smoothie once a day.

5 Teach him yoga.

6 Give him lots of love and boost his self esteem.


And remember the size is not what matters the most important thing is his fitness, strength, positive attitude, agillity and mental alertness that will actually reflect his level of good health.


Be happy be healthy always


Swati Dhariwal


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