
01:08 PM | 29-12-2018

I am 40 plus! Have been having backache of and on for last 1-2 years years! Right now acute again! What should I do?

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5 Answers

10:21 PM | 29-12-2018

Back aches typically come due to strenuous activities over a period of time. I’m a mother of a 2.5 year old boy, sometimes when I excessively carry him around I get a backache. What I have noticed is that if I become more disciplined about my food on days when I know I’ll be superbly busy running after him, I’m able to manage much better. So fruits till noon and veggie juices before lunch - just these 2 things itself have such a big impact!! I’ll strongly suggest you follow this too as your problem has been lingering for a while now.

In addition to that, ensure you don’t strain ur back. Don’t sit in same posture for long. Do yoga for back strengthening, google for the relevant poses. Regular massage will also give you relief.

While taking bath,try putting water on your back through shower, alternating b/w hot and cold, do 3 rounds. I think this will really help you.

08:28 PM | 29-12-2018

Improve your digestion and gut. Increase raw in your diet to 80% and have triphala twice s day for 90 days.

02:56 PM | 30-12-2018

Hi there. Every ailment of body is a sign to take some supportive corrective action. Backache could be for multiple reasons. Excess weight, lack of ample rest n sleep time, lack of regular activity n movement ,toxic overload on body over many years
The good news is that you are now listening to your body. And our body responds very well with corrective actions
Currently for immediate relief you could do the following: 
Massage coconut oil and ginger juice regularly where there is pain 

Currently it's winters, so before sleeping put your feet in hot /warm water and allow yourself to wind down. Preferably do this right before sleeping with dim lights n no TV on 

Increase your rest time; sleep in dark; reduce your gadgets just before sleeping to allow your mind to get into deep sleep 

Soak up sun regularly. Expose your back to early morning sun rays 

In the long run move towards natural lifestyle 
Incorporate raw fresh live foods more and more in your food -- through fruits veggies nuts sprouts 
Reduce water --starved high load foods from your such as grains non veg n dairy -- do this for 3 months n see the difference 

Sleep in rhythm of nature. Allow yourself time to deactivate regularly. Go for weekly massages

Make sun your friend. Regular exposure to sun will liven rejuvenate n nourish your cells 

Get an active routine especially taking care of your spinal integrity. Start slow n steady (don't go straight to gym or start running). Incorporate mild walking stretching yoga into your routine --  you will build your strength n stamina steadily 

All the best! 

02:55 PM | 30-12-2018

I suffered back pain for many years. I believe it was a combination of wrong posture, food habits and lack of exercise. Take up regular yoga practice, increase raw foods, decrease intake of grains (not more than once a day), make sure to be off sugar, sleep on time and manage stress. This is all going to take time so stay positive. Body will heal itself.

08:27 PM | 29-12-2018

Need not say, I would assume this is because of any of the following reasons: Muscular tension, joint strain, poor posture, stress and strain resulting from sitting for a long time in a particular position, sedantary lifestyle, lack of excercise or even deficient nutrition. There can be many other reasons like kidney or prostrate problems, female problems and even high heels. Mine have been mainly due to sitting in a bad posture esp with laptop in my lap on bedfor hours together. This has happened few times to me due to corporate life pressures and travelling.

Medicines precribed to relieve pain or relax muscles help temporarily but donot cure and also perpetuate the disease if taken in excession.

I have found relief in walking, swimming and cycling with back upright! Swimming has been best esp free style. In very acute siutation, my recommendation is not to get into difficult yoga asans but try simple excercises like Shalabhasana to begin with. Hot fomentations, alternate sponging or radio heat also helped me. When feeling a little better, building back muscles stamena through Bhujangasana, Halasana, Shalabhasana and Uttanapdasana also helps. Controlling weight is also important as excess weight adds to the stress on soft tissues (though most difficult).

On diet, salads of raw vegetables ideally (such as tomato, carrot, cabbage, cucumber, radish, lettuce) or lightly cooked or steamed veggies with lot of raw fruits (except banana) help in faster healing of strained muscles and tissues. Whole wheat chapaties and sprouts also help as Proteins and Vit C are necessary for the development of healthy bone matrix. In the long run, Vit C, Vit D, Calcium, Phosphorus, trace elements are very important in building stronger back.

My Yoga teacher also recommended that I stay away from fatty and spicy foods, sugar and condiments and reduce on my tea or coffee, at least when the problem is in acute situation. Hope this was helpful! 

12:43 PM | 30-12-2018

I suffered back pain for many years. I believe it was a combination of wrong posture, food habits and lack of exercise. Take up regular yoga practice, increase raw foods, decreasing intake of grains (not more than once a day), make sure to be off sugar, sleep on time and manage stress. This is all going to take time so stay positive. Body will heal itself.


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