
04:25 PM | 04-11-2019

I am 20 years old and my height is 5'6 with a weight of 71kgs. I am not satisfied with my height and I want to grow it to two more inches. My mother has a height of 5'2 and my father is of 5'8. Is there any chance to gain the required two inches for me now. Is there anything that I should follow in order to gain height?

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3 Answers

04:58 PM | 05-11-2019

Epiphysis which is the round end of the bone grows in the kids whenever they have a good amount of Calcium. The epiphysis consists of the growth plate which is directly proportional to our height. 

This epiphysis generally happens by the age of 21 years in boys and 18 in girls. After this age, it becomes difficult for the height to grow as our body has got its structural formation completed.

Thank you

04:59 PM | 05-11-2019

Something’s come genetically.  We must be happy with what we are born with. Unless you have a lifestyle issue, u really can’t fix physical aspects of the body. However, physical fitness can help in contributing to growth in kids during their growing age. You can try swimming, play basket ball, skipping, do yogasana that’s helps in spine stretch such as vrukshasana. I am not sure if this will make you gain few inches. Might add few mm. My advice is to focus your attention on other things that might be more important in ur life. From a lifestyle perspective, 

Have fruits till noon

Salads in the afternoon for lunch 

Have whole food plant based Millets cooked oilfree for dinner 

Enjoy ur time out admiring the sun and other natural elements, spend time outside doing pranayama and admire the vayu or air. Connect yourself to the earth by doing some gardening .. things like this will divert your mind to other useful things that can really help you stay healthy. Staying positive in life will attract positivity around you.  Someone wise said “when you start taking care of yourself , you start to feel better , you start looking better and you start to attract better. It all starts within you. You are the only one with yourself, don’t hate it, enjoy the present and your company as is.”  

Be blessed 

Himadri (educator of natural healing practices)

04:58 PM | 05-11-2019

Hello  ! 

Loosing weight is not a big thing but ya to maintain it is a big thing. 

* From you food dictionary cancel the items like



Oil items

Junk food

Cold drinks

Non veg food

White sugar

Packed foodstuffs

Preservative foods

* Whenever you have food see that u chew it properly. 

* 1 hour before and after the food, water shouldn't be consumed. 

* Daily do 1 hour exercise.

Thank you  ! 


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