
06:25 PM | 28-08-2018

Hi. Any suggestions for blood from nose. It's not much but just drops sometime. Not sure if it is due to heat, guess that might be the reason.

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3 Answers

10:27 AM | 20-11-2018

Hi! As a kid, I would often suffer from nose bleeding in summers. It was basically because the sensitive nerves in the nose would rupture due to heat. The blood used to gush out quite quickly, it was quite scary. As I grew up, it became ok on its own. I think what really worked for me was multaani mitti. My mom would wet it & give it to me for inhaling deeply. It had a cooling impact & maybe my nose nerves became stronger too with the deep breathing. I would do this as a preventive measure, almost everyday, without waiting for the bleeding to begin. I used to avoid over-exposure to the summer sun & would use a cold pack on the nose & wet my head whenever there was nose bleeding.

I would suggest you try the multaani mitti remedy & see if it helps. Watch it for sometime, else visit a naturopath or natural health expert.

10:25 AM | 20-11-2018

Keep yourself well hydrated by eating lots of raw fruits & vegetables as whole or juices & smoothies. Have natural preservative-free drinks such as nimboo paani, coconut water, bel sharbat, sattoo, etc. Foods that are acidic in nature tend to de-hydrate you. So keep a watch on what you are eating especially the processed and packaged foods. Non-veg, dairy, packaged foods like biscuits, breads, namkeens, grains, white sugar, table salt, refined oil, etc – try to minimize these foods.    

03:00 PM | 03-09-2018

Cool yourself not just through food, but also through your mind. Sleep well, rest more, don’t take stress. Engage yourself with people & activities that make you happy. This is very difficult to do for some people, but it’s very important for good health in the long run.

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