
03:22 PM | 01-12-2019

I am doing daily 30 mins excercise, controlling my eating habits and avoid outside food too. Still I am unable to loose weight. I checked I have no health issues or disorders but even after following everything I am unable to lose weight. What to do?

The answers posted here are for educational purposes only. They cannot be considered as replacement for a medical 'advice’ or ‘prescription’. ...The question asked by users depict their general situation, illness, or symptoms, but do not contain enough facts to depict their complete medical background. Accordingly, the answers provide general guidance only. They are not to be interpreted as diagnosis of health issues or specific treatment recommendations. Any specific changes by users, in medication, food & lifestyle, must be done through a real-life personal consultation with a licensed health practitioner. The views expressed by the users here are their personal views and Wellcure claims no responsibility for them.

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7 Answers

07:10 PM | 04-12-2019

The good part here is after doing so much you haven't got discouraged from the fact and haven't stopped the regime yet. Now there are two things to start with, weight loss is 80 percent of our diet and 20 percent of exercise. What you need to do to correct your weight is to depend on your diet first.

Make sure you complete your meal before 8 pm for a simple reason, our body's metabolism becomes slow after 8 pm. We do not absorb nutrition but the food is just stored as fats in our body. To continue having a healthier diet, including more raw vegetables in diet this again helps in easy absorption of nutrients.

Muscle building is an important part of weight loss having a high protein diet is what you need for losing out on weight. It depends on sources like soya chunks, dry fruits, nuts and healthy green vegetables for a good amount of protein intake. Exercise though 20 percent it is crucial to include exercises like crunches, squats, pulls up and push-ups and Surya namaskar sets for overall toning of the muscles in the body and continue the regime for 45 minutes. These things will definitely help you in losing your weight.

Weight loss or Self Love?

This blog will clarify more doubts on weight loss, all the best enjoy your journey.

Thank you.



09:12 PM | 05-12-2019


कारण - ये अच्छा है की आप बाहर का फ़ूड नहीं लेते हो और नियमित रूप से exercise कर रहे हैं फिर भी वज़न में कमी नहीं आयी है। वज़न का बढ़ना ख़राब हाज़मा के कारण होता है। इसके अलावा पर्याप्त नींद,  और रस फ़ाइबर युक्त आहार ज़रूरत है।

समाधान - शारीरिक और मानसिक क्रिया में संतुलन बनाए। दौड़ लगाएँ।सुप्त मत्स्येन्द्रासन, धनुरासन

पश्चिमोत्तानासन, अर्धमत्स्येन्द्रासन, सुर्य नमस्कार, शवासन करें।

10 से 4 की नींद ज़रूर लें। क्योंकि ये वो समय होता जब की आपका शरीर अतिरिक्त फ़ैट कट डाउन कर के बॉडी से eliminate करता है।

जीवन शैली-  1आकाश तत्व - एक खाने से दुसरे खाने के बीच में अंतराल (gap) रखें।

फल के बाद 3 घंटे, सलाद के बाद 5 घंटे, और पके हुए खाने के बाद 12 घंटे का (gap) रखें।

2.वायु तत्व - प्राणायाम करें, आसन करें। दौड़ लगाएँ।

3.अग्नि - सूर्य की रोशनी लें।

4.जल - अलग अलग तरीक़े का स्नान करें। मेरुदंड स्नान, हिप बाथ, गीले कपड़े की पट्टी से पेट की गले और सर की 20 मिनट के लिए सेक लगाए। 

स्पर्श थरेपी करें। मालिश के ज़रिए भी कर सकते है। नारियल तेल से घड़ी की सीधी दिशा (clockwise) में और घड़ी की उलटी दिशा (anti clockwise)में मालिश करें। नरम हाथों से बिल्कुल भी प्रेशर नहीं दें।

5.पृथ्वी - सुबह खीरा 1/2 भाग + धनिया पत्ती (10 ग्राम) पीस लें, 100 ml पानी मिला कर पीएँ। यह juice आप कई प्रकार के ले सकते हैं। पेठे (ash guard ) का जूस लें और कुछ नहीं लेना है। नारियल पानी भी ले सकते हैं। पालक  पत्ते धो कर पीस कर 100ml पानी डाल पीएँ। दुब घास 25 ग्राम पीस कर छान कर 100 ml पानी में मिला कर पीएँ। कच्चे सब्ज़ी का जूस आपका मुख्य भोजन है। 2 घंटे बाद फल नाश्ते में लेना है। फल को चबा कर खाएँ। इसका juice ना लें। फल + सूखे फल नाश्ते में लें।

दोपहर के खाने में सलाद + नट्स और अंकुरित अनाज के साथ  सलाद में हरे पत्तेदार सब्ज़ी को डालें और नारियल पीस कर मिलाएँ। कच्चा पपीता 50 ग्राम कद्दूकस करके डालें। कभी सीताफल ( yellow pumpkin)50 ग्राम ऐसे ही डालें। कभी सफ़ेद पेठा (ash guard) 30 ग्राम कद्दूकस करके डालें। ऐसे ही ज़ूकीनी 50 ग्राम डालें।कद्दूकस करके डालें।कभी काजू बादाम अखरोट मूँगफली भिगोए हुए पीस कर मिलाएँ। लाल, हरा, पीला शिमला मिर्च 1/4 हिस्सा हर एक का मिलाएँ। लें। बिना नींबू और नमक के लें। स्वाद के लिए नारियल और herbs मिलाएँ।

रात के खाने में इस अनुपात से खाना खाएँ 2 कटोरी सब्ज़ी के साथ 1कटोरी चावल या 1रोटी लेएक बार पका हुआ खाना रात को 7 बजे से पहले लें।

6.सेंधा नमक केवल एक बार पके हुए खाने में लें। जानवरों से उपलब्ध होने वाले भोजन वर्जित हैं।

तेल, मसाला, और गेहूँ से परहेज़ करेंगे तो अच्छा होगा। चीनी के जगह गुड़ लें।

7.एक नियम हमेशा याद रखें ठोस(solid) खाने को चबा कर तरल (liquid) बना कर खाएँ। तरल  को मुँह में घूँट घूँट पीएँ। खाना ज़मीन पर बैठ कर खाएँ। खाते वक़्त ना तो बात करें और ना ही TV और mobile को देखें।ठोस  भोजन के तुरंत बाद या बीच बीच में जूस या पानी ना लें। भोजन हो जाने के एक घंटे बाद तरल पदार्थ  ले सकते हैं।

हफ़्ते में एक दिन उपवास करें। शाम तक केवल पानी लें, प्यास लगे तो ही पीएँ। शाम 5 बजे नारियल पानी और रात 8 बजे सलाद लें।

8.उपवास के अगले दिन किसी प्राकृतिक चिकित्सक के देख रेख में टोना लें। जिससे आँत की प्रदाह को शांत किया जा सके। एनिमा किट मँगा लें। यह किट ऑनलाइन मिल जाएगा। इससे 200ml पानी गुदाद्वार से अंदर डालें और प्रेशर आने पर मल त्याग करें। ऐसा दिन में दो बार करना है अगले 21 दिनों के लिए। ये करना है ताकि शरीर में मोजुद विषाणु निष्कासित हो जाये। इसके बाद हफ़्ते में केवल एक बार लेना है उपवास के अगले दिन। टोना का फ़ायदा तभी होगा जब आहार शुद्धि करेंगे।



प्राकृतिक जीवनशैली प्रशिक्षिका व मार्गदर्शिका (Nature Cure Guide & Educator)

05:08 PM | 04-12-2019

Hi Sharda. Many times what we think are healthful habits may actually not be as per Natural Laws. Are you eating as per the circadian rythm of the body? Are you eating as per clock or as per body? Is your diet alkaline or acidic? Are you exercising when your body in fact is not ready for it? Do you know lack of rest also comes in the way of weight loss, & so does stress?    

Real-life experiences speak for themselves. Please read stories on losing weight naturally here. All these experiences are based on following a natural lifestyle, whole plant based foods, high intake of raw foods. You can join Wellcure’s one month weight loss program. Pls send us a mail at info@wellcure.com if you want to know more.

06:25 PM | 06-12-2019

Hi Sharda

The Good thing is you are motivated and also following regular routine of 30 mins. exercise and u have stopped eating outside food and junk food however doing all the above things will stop you to gain weight but will not help you to lose weight.

  • For losing weight doing exercises you will have to do at least 4 hours of exercise every day for 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the evening. Which is practically not possible to do. By this what you have to learn is 30 mins exercise will not help you to lose weight diet is the only thing which can help you to lose weight.
  • The diet that I am recommending will help u to lose 1-1.5 kgs per week. For that first u have to fix a target chart for your weight, eg: if you are 86 kg you target chart goes like this 
  • 86--84--82--80--78--76--74--72--70--68--(66)
  • The one in the brackets will be your Goal to achieve that it would take at least 4-6months.



  • Breakfast: Only seasonal fruits or Salads without Salt eat stomach full. 
  • Lunch: Normal lunch unlimited. 
  • Dinner: Only Tiffen's before 8 pm
  • Drink: 1/2 glass of water every half an hour
  • No munching in between meals. IN BETWEEN MEALS 
  • Weekly twice liquid diet : 
  • Here is where you lose weight.
  1. 3 Cups green tea.
  2. 3 Times honey water 200 ml water 3 tsp Honey.
  3. 3 Times tender coconut water. 
  4. Have the above every1 hour throughout the day.  

Do this twice a week keep at least  2 - 3 days gap between them. 

By following the above regimen u can lose weight Easily.

09:20 PM | 05-12-2019

Weight loss is a beautiful side effect after starting a healthy lifestyle by ensuring that the body has less digestion intensive foods as possible. Typically in a wrong lifestyle we tend to carry excess weight in the form of toxins and excess fat that the body was not able to process or melt, excess rotting fecal wastes, traces of heavy metals etc. when we consume foods that satisfy our hunger but also keeps the body less busy digesting, body starts doing a spring cleaning. If cleaning is done as a lifestyle then such exercises keep us healthy and if we follow it like a diet, in no time the junk is back usually with a vengeance and more severity. This is exactly why most unnatural weight loss programs become successful after promising a 5 KG loss and people don't lose anything beyond that so they tend to make the money and also keep you dissatisfied. To lose weight consistently and also to maintain health one must understand how the body works and also maintain the lifestyle and not a diet.

You can start by eating healthy, juicing a lot. Once your digestion and assimilation become efficient, your body will start shedding the excess weight.

Losing or gaining healthy weight happens when your body and mainly your gut is in a good shape to absorb nutrients or shed the excess. The solution is the same for both cases. Whatever is the imbalance the body decides and fixes it. A high raw whole food plant-based meal is your solution. Good sleep, exposure to the sun, exercises that help you gain healthy muscles.

Fats don’t come because you have nuts or avocado or coconut. Unless your body is ready to act on the food you eat, no food will help.

The more the body gets digestive rest from cooked and other wrong foods, it will heal u off your problems and then build your muscles after u work towards it with weights. You have to work on shedding fat and strengthening the muscles. There are no short cuts.

  • Start drinking only fruit and veg cold-pressed juices for 10 days. Nothing else. 3-4 liters a day

  • After 10 days eating just a stomach full of fruits and greens and occasional vegetables for the rest of the month and nothing else.

  • Workout in the gym for 1 hr daily / do 24 Surya Namaskar daily with regular breathIng.

You will lose the toxins that have clogged the body. To continue a healthy diet and not gain back after that, the following is a lifestyle you can follow this.

Follow this:-

Morning on an empty stomach

  • Celery juice 500 ml filtered / ash gourd juice/cucumber juice/ Green juice with any watery vegetables  like ash gourd /cucumber/ridge gourd/bottle gourd/carrot/ beet with ginger and lime filtered/ tender coconut water or more pure veggie juice

Afternoon from 12:-

  • A bowl of fruits - don’t mix melons and other fruits. Eat melons alone. Eat citrus fruits alone.

  • Followed by a bowl of veg salad.

  • Dinner 2-3 hrs before sleep, with Gluten-free, oil-free unpolished grains or dals 30%, and 70% veggies. This is optional and you can replace this with raw again and that’s best for you.

  • Please take enema for 30 days with Luke warm water and then slowly reduce the freq. this is not a substitute for a daily nature call. Consult an expert as needed.

  • Include some exercises that involve moving all your parts (neck, shoulder, elbows, wrist, hip bending twisting, squats, knees, ankles ) along with the 1 hr of workout. Focus on weight training.

  • See if u can go to the morning sun for at least 30 mins in a day. 

  • Ensure that you are asleep between 10 pm -2 pm which is when the body needs deep sleep.

What to Avoid:-

  • Avoid refined oils, fried food, packaged ready to eat foods, dairy in any form including ghee, refined salt, and sugar, gluten, refined oils, meat, eggs, fish, coffee, tea, alcohol, oils in any form.

  • Avoid mental stress by not thinking about things you cannot control. The present is inevitable. The future can be planned. Stay happy, happiness is only inside yourself. The world around you is a better place if you learn to stay happy inside yourself. Reach us if you need more help in this area. Emotional stress can cascade the effects. Thank your body and love it.

Be blessed.

Smitha Hemadri (educator of natural healing practices)

12:35 PM | 05-12-2019

You have not specifically mentioned about your weight and how much you want to reduce. The good thing is that you have started exercise and restricting food to reduce your weight. 
Generally initially up to 3.5 to 5 kg bodyweight reduction can be seen in 15 to 20 days if you are on fasting with fruit juices and with exercise/yoga for 1 hour per day. After that initial rapid weight loss, weight reduction occurs at a very slow pace. 
My advice would be to consider a little longer duration for weight reduction eg 6 months or a year.
Following natural ways may be considered for weight loss

  • Oily foods 
  • Tea/coffee
  • Sweets and chocolates
  • Ice cream
  • Snacks of any type

And the following things may be followed 

  • Fasting 
  • Fruit and raw vegetables diet only throughout the day 
  • Steam bath/sunbath/sauna bath weekly once
  • Full mud bath 15 days once
  • Full wet sheet pack 
  • Exercise/yoga for 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening. Cardio exercises may also be included. 

Since you have not mentioned your age and other conditions, generally avoid all these weight reduction methods during periods time. 



This is a general Recommendation only as the severity of your problem is not known. These treatments should be taken only on consultation with your doctor and this is for education purpose only.


07:12 PM | 04-12-2019


  • It is good to hear that you are doing regular exercise for 30 mins and avoiding outside food also. 
  • But your weight is not reducing it seems your body needs more exercise and lifestyle changes.
  • Increase your exercise duration and a few lifestyle modifications will help you to reduce the weight. 
  • Please check your height, weight, and BMI if it's ideal then there is no need for weight reduction. So please do that.
  • Avoid milk and milk products if you are taking them. 
  • Avoid tea, coffee, and other artificial beverages.
  • Avoid fatty and oily food items. 
  • Avoid sugar and the use of white flour.
  • Take more fruits and vegetables.
  • Take more raw salads and sprouts.
  • Do regular exercise like jogging walking swimming etc. 
  • Do regular yoga and meditation to reduce stress, as stress also causes weight gain. 
  • Take proper sleep. 
  • Drink plenty of water and keep hydrated.  Water helps to detoxify your body.

Namasthe ! 






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