
09:35 AM | 09-12-2019

How to treat toothache in natural way?

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8 Answers

09:29 PM | 09-12-2019

Toothache is generally caused due to pathologies like a cavity, decay, or an abscess in the gums making the roots of the tooth pain. The best way to deal with toothache if you are having it recurrently then having a change in the diet. Eating more fruits and vegetables which have acted on the tooth is your solution.

So what is there for you to include in your diet?

For maintaining tooth health the minerals should be your prime health, the main minerals which you have to focus on is,

  • Calcium: Calcium is the prime thing that you need to keep in mind when dealing with tooth decay as our teeth are majorly made of calcium. Sources should be cashews, spinach, fenugreek leaves, tofu, walnuts.
  • Phosphorus; Whenever we bite any crunchy fruit, for example, apple, carrots, cucumbers, radish, the particular food items release phosphorus. This helps in maintaining both our teeth and gum health.
  • Magnesium: It also helps in micrograms for our teeth to remain healthy the prime sources being, pumpkin seeds and almonds.

Hope this will help you in preventing toothache.

Thank you

06:53 PM | 10-12-2019

Dear health seeker Sadique,

One must understand that any physical discomfort has its roots in unhygienic foodstuffs and other habits. We are responsible for the sensitivity of teeth. We can not see the health of any particular organ in seclusion, health of teeth also follow the overall health, It is to remind you that toothache is on account of bloodstream getting highly acidic and needs to be made alkaline again for that you will have to do lots of penance in the form that all your foods should be highly alkaline and for that, you have to live on raw fruits and vegetables and conservatively eat cooked without oil and spices, condiments to the extent of 80%, rest 20% to be sourced from cereals, nuts, seeds, and beans. 
   Sugar alone is responsible for the erosion of very hard enamel of the teeth, in combination with refined wheat (maida), all bakery stuff, sweets are poison for the teeth and gums. 
     For the health of the teeth, please don't use any toothpaste of any brand or manufacturer. Make your own herbal powder by grinding and powdering, the leaves of guava, mango, Jamun and use this powder. 
  Wheat Grass juice is very effective in all problems of mouth and teeth, gums, acidity, Drink  50 to 60 ml of it early morning on empty stomach and again in the evening.
     When in pain apply a thick wet pack over your jaws from ear to ear covering jaws, every one or two hours.  It will be better if you remain on fruit juices for 2 to 3 days. Since every acute condition mandates fasting. 
   Try to exercise your teeth by thoroughly chewing hard fruits like apples, guava, coconut in particular after the pain is over, this is to strengthen the teeth. 
    Try to have a clean gut, if constipated, use a non-violent enema for some days, since constipation has a major role in the overall health of every organ. 
   It is reiterated to avoid denatured, devitalizing foods like processed, manufactured, preserved, having sugar, glucose, tea, coffee, cola, alcohol, tobacco, etc.  
   By following this you should be free from all your teething troubles toothache. Don't forget to eat your liquids and drink your solids, that's for our maximum health. 
     V.S.Pawar Member Indian institute of natural therapeutics 

09:50 AM | 10-12-2019


Toothache is generally due to tooth decay, cavity, abscess of the tooth, damages filling, infected gums, its very important to find the real cause of the ache to get the proper treatment.

Here are some tips to take care of dental problems:

  1. To maintain proper Dental Hygiene: To brush the teeth after every meal this would help to reduce the infection and not to spread the infection further to other teeth.
  2. Cold compress: Will instantly reduce the pain by constricting the blood vessels and also reducing the heat during inflammation and cause the exudate to reabsorb.
  3. Garlic: Application of paste on the site of tooth pain will reduce the pain and reduce the progression of the pain and infection, by KILLING BACTERIA.
  4. Peppermint Tea: it helps to Numb pain & sooth sensitive gums
  5. Clove : It contains EUGENOL it’s a natural antiseptic, which helps to numb the pain and reduce infection, can apply directly with cotton swab dipping in the clove oil and dropping few drops on the painful teeth or you can even mouth wash by adding 4-5 drops in 150 ml water.
  6. Guava leaves: Has anti-inflammatory property helps to heal the wounds,
  7. Saltwater rinse: Its very effective first line of treatment which helps to remove accumulated food particles in between the teeth and warmth and salt in the water help to reduce inflammation and heal oral wounds.

Thank you!

09:50 AM | 10-12-2019


It might be helpful for you to read this inspiring Health Journey - I am 69 and have never been to a dentist

You may find this blog helpful - Reverse cavities naturally and bid goodbye to dental woes

09:43 AM | 10-12-2019


Toothache occurs due to dental cavities, gum disease, poor oral hygiene, usually due to inflammation/improper detoxification. Hundreds of bacteria live in our mouth and some of them on the tongue or below the gum line, between gums and teeth. The germs affect the teeth and cause toothache. Sometimes, malnutrition, uncontrolled diabetes, and dry mouth (saliva has an antimicrobial effect) Infections, sinusitis, heartburn, ulcers, and lactose intolerance, also leads to toothache.


  • To prevent toothache, avoid cavities and lower risk of gum disease, by consistently maintaining good oral hygiene.
  • Brush your teeth after you eat. Brush regularly, at least two times a day, especially after meals. Toothpaste/neem stick/babool stick with antibacterial properties helps to maintain oral hygiene and prevents toothache.
  • Floss at least once a day. Proper flossing helps to remove food particles and plaque from in between your teeth helps to tooth decay.
  • Clean dentures. If you wear a bridge or a denture, dental retainer or mouth guard, clean it each time before you put it in your mouth.
  • Avoid dry mouth. To keep your mouth moist, tobacco and drink plenty of water.
  • Avoid tea, coffee, soft drinks or alcohol, which can lead to a drier mouth, drink more water to stimulate saliva.
  • Adjust your diet. Avoid or consume less onions and garlic that can cause bad breath. Eating a lot of sugary foods is also cause tooth decay and toothache.
  • Change your brush periodically. Change your toothbrush when it becomes frayed, about every 2-3 months, and choose a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • Use cold compress in case of more pain:  Cold compress helps to restrict the blood flow to the painful area and reduces swelling and inflammation.
  • Garlic: Put a small amount of crushed garlic on the painful tooth, helps to kill the harmful bacteria and also reduces pain.
  • Guava leaves: Chewing of guava leaves also helps to reduce toothache.
  • Chew a handful of cloves, fennel seeds, or aniseeds. Their antiseptic qualities help fight bad breath causing bacteria.
  • Consume whole fruits like apple, guava etc. which are rich in calcium, phosphorus which helps to get strong teeth.
  • Regularly do gargling using lukewarm saltwater.
  • Put a pod of clove on the painful tooth to reduce pain in case of toothache.
  • Chewing of cardamom also prevents toothache by killing germs. 
  • Chew fresh parsley, basil, or mint the chlorophyll in these green plants neutralizes acidic saliva.
  • Avoid Non Vegetarian food items.
  • Take more fresh fruits and vegetables.



09:27 PM | 09-12-2019

Gums and teeth are also made up of the cells similar to the rest of the body. It belongs to the first part of the Gi tract. It can tolerate only alkaline foods. It can’t tolerate acidic foods over a period of a few yrs. Some people have cavities, gingivitis, receding gums, and pains too. Pains are an initial sign.

On an immediate basis, switch to a complete juice as meals for 3 days and rinse with salt water after every intake. Brush twice a day. If possible floss.

Once pain reduces, follow a healthy whole food plant-based lifestyle.


start fasting correctly 16 hours per day between dinner and next solids daily

rinse with salt water after every drink or solid

Quit animal-based foods such as dairy, meat, eggs, fish, forever, quit sugar and other unnatural sweeteners.

Do not eat any ready to eat foods that have been packed.

Exposure to sunlight

Use Vicco Vajradanti toothpaste twice a day for brushing and avoid all other fluoride-based ones.

Floss daily

I have personally healed from surgeries in my mouth after teeth removal tooth removal without any medication, by being on liquid fast and adopting all the suggestions that I have mentioned above. There have been people who have had pains in the teeth and have also healed.

Gums and tooth pain is an inflammation of the gums. It might take one week to 15 days for it to completely heal without any medication and with dedicated care. It is very important to be religious in the above practice to heal completely and avoid cooked food with grains as much as possible.

Be blessed

Smitha Hemadri (educate of natural healing practices)

09:24 PM | 09-12-2019

There might be various reasons from dental caries to gingivitis for the cause o your tooth pain. Sometimes the real cause of the pain might be somewhere else but the pain might be felt on your gums. It would be wise to find out the real cause of it.

Some basic steps to manage it are...

  1. Maintain Proper Dental Hygiene- Flossing or brushing your teeth after every meal might be the best simple way to prevent in the future and also to prevent allowing it to aggravate the pain. It is advised to brush at least twice daily.
  2. Saltwater rinsing or gargling- This could immediately bring down the pain. This could provide an analgesic effect caused by the ache. repeat 5-6 times on a daily basis.
  3. Place a compress- You may place a compress over the affected area which could act as an analgesic by the vasodilatation process of local blood vessels.
  4. Garlic application- Take few cloves of garlic and crush them into a paste and keep them at the affected area which could not only reduce pain but also could prevent its future or aggravating from the present situation.
  5. Clove/Clove oil application- Application of clove oil which might be readily available or clove on the affected area could act as an analgesic by reducing the pain.
  6. Chewing Guava leaves- Chewing some tender guava leaves could act as an antibiotic if there is an infection present in the affected area.
  7. Chewing Wheatgrass- Chewing some fresh wheatgrass could act as an anti-inflammatory agent to the affected area.
  8. Apply Thyme oil- This is an essential oil that could have a similar effect of clove oil.

09:30 PM | 09-12-2019


कारण - ख़राब हाज़मा के कारण दाँतों में समस्या उत्पन्न होती है। दांतों पर खाने का बचा हुआ अवशेष, दांतों और जीभ पर जमा हुआ प्लाक विषाणु उत्पन्न करते हैं जो की दाँतों में सड़न का कारण बनते है।

समाधान - अमरूद या आम के पत्ते चबा कर मुँह में होल्ड करें 40गिनने तक फिर फेंक दें और ऊँगली से 

दाँतों को साफ़ करें। ब्रश और टूथपेस्ट का प्रयोग ना करें। 

लोंग के तेल को गुनगुने पानी में डाल कर मुँह में रखें।

नीम के पत्तों और खीरे का पेस्ट जिस तरफ़ दर्द है उस तरफ़ के गाल पर 20 मिनट के लिए रखें।

जीवन शैली-  1आकाश तत्व - एक खाने से दुसरे खाने के बीच में अंतराल (gap) रखें।

फल के बाद 3 घंटे, सलाद के बाद 5 घंटे, और पके हुए खाने के बाद 12 घंटे का (gap) रखें।

2.वायु तत्व - प्राणायाम करें, आसन करें। दौड़ लगाएँ।

3.अग्नि - सूर्य की रोशनी लें।

4.जल - अलग अलग तरीक़े का स्नान करें। मेरुदंड स्नान, हिप बाथ, गीले कपड़े की पट्टी से पेट की गले और सर की 20 मिनट के लिए सेक लगाए। 

स्पर्श थरेपी करें। मालिश के ज़रिए भी कर सकते है। नारियल तेल से

घड़ी की सीधी दिशा (clockwise) में और घड़ी की उलटी दिशा (anti clockwise)में मालिश करें। नरम हाथों से बिल्कुल भी प्रेशर नहीं दें।

5.पृथ्वी - सुबह खीरा 1/2 भाग + धनिया पत्ती (10 ग्राम) पीस लें, 100 ml पानी मिला कर पीएँ। यह juice आप कई प्रकार के ले सकते हैं। पेठे (ash guard ) का जूस लें और कुछ नहीं लेना है। नारियल पानी भी ले सकते हैं। पालक  पत्ते धो कर पीस कर 100ml पानी डाल पीएँ। दुब घास 25 ग्राम पीस कर छान कर 100 ml पानी में मिला कर पीएँ। कच्चे सब्ज़ी का जूस आपका मुख्य भोजन है। 2 घंटे बाद फल नाश्ते में लेना है। फल को चबा कर खाएँ। इसका juice ना लें। फल + सूखे फल नाश्ते में लें।

दोपहर के खाने में सलाद + नट्स और अंकुरित अनाज के साथ  सलाद में हरे पत्तेदार सब्ज़ी को डालें और नारियल पीस कर मिलाएँ। कच्चा पपीता 50 ग्राम कद्दूकस करके डालें। कभी सीताफल ( yellow pumpkin)50 ग्राम ऐसे ही डालें। कभी सफ़ेद पेठा (ash guard) 30 ग्राम कद्दूकस करके डालें। ऐसे ही ज़ूकीनी 50 ग्राम डालें।कद्दूकस करके डालें।कभी काजू बादाम अखरोट मूँगफली भिगोए हुए पीस कर मिलाएँ। लाल, हरा, पीला शिमला मिर्च 1/4 हिस्सा हर एक का मिलाएँ। लें। बिना नींबू और नमक के लें। स्वाद के लिए नारियल और herbs मिलाएँ।

रात के खाने में इस अनुपात से खाना खाएँ 2 कटोरी सब्ज़ी के साथ 1कटोरी चावल या 1रोटी लेएक बार पका हुआ खाना रात को 7 बजे से पहले लें।

6.सेंधा नमक केवल एक बार पके हुए खाने में लें। जानवरों से उपलब्ध होने वाले भोजन वर्जित हैं।

तेल, मसाला, और गेहूँ से परहेज़ करेंगे तो अच्छा होगा। चीनी के जगह गुड़ लें।

7.एक नियम हमेशा याद रखें ठोस(solid) खाने को चबा कर तरल (liquid) बना कर खाएँ। तरल  को मुँह में घूँट घूँट पीएँ। खाना ज़मीन पर बैठ कर खाएँ। खाते वक़्त ना तो बात करें और ना ही TV और mobile को देखें।ठोस  भोजन के तुरंत बाद या बीच बीच में जूस या पानी ना लें। भोजन हो जाने के एक घंटे बाद तरल पदार्थ  ले सकते हैं।

हफ़्ते में एक दिन उपवास करें। शाम तक केवल पानी लें, प्यास लगे तो ही पीएँ। शाम 5 बजे नारियल पानी और रात 8 बजे सलाद लें।

8.उपवास के अगले दिन किसी प्राकृतिक चिकित्सक के देख रेख में टोना लें। जिससे आँत की प्रदाह को शांत किया जा सके। एनिमा किट मँगा लें। यह किट ऑनलाइन मिल जाएगा। इससे 200ml पानी गुदाद्वार से अंदर डालें और प्रेशर आने पर मल त्याग करें। ऐसा दिन में दो बार करना है अगले 21 दिनों के लिए। ये करना है ताकि शरीर में मोजुद विषाणु निष्कासित हो जाये। इसके बाद हफ़्ते में केवल एक बार लेना है उपवास के अगले दिन। टोना का फ़ायदा तभी होगा जब आहार शुद्धि करेंगे।



प्राकृतिक जीवनशैली प्रशिक्षिका व मार्गदर्शिका (Nature Cure Guide & Educator)

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