
09:42 AM | 17-12-2019

I am doing regular exercise. Can you please suggest me full day diet plan to loss belly fat?

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4 Answers

10:32 AM | 19-12-2019

Most people punish their bodies with strenuous exercise which only harms it more.

In the equation for weight loss, food plays a higher part than exercise.

Check these yourself.

Are you eating only when truly hungry?

Are you eating 2 to 3 hours before bedtime?

How many fruits and vegetables in raw form do you consume everyday?

How much of high density, acidic foods do you consume - animal-based foods, oils, high starch foods etc?

Once you know the answers, you can start making corrections.

07:34 PM | 17-12-2019

Losing weight might be a part of a weight management strategy which is very essential because weighing too much is not good for your health as well poses a high risk for other health issues. Obesity increases your risk of health conditions such as cardiac problems, hypertension, diabetes and certain types of cancer even.

A specific diet plan might be possible after a brief case-history take along with a recording of dietary dairy which details the dietary pattern on a daily basis. A generic diet plan is given below based on basic principles that one could follow:

  • Consume a high-protein breakfast. Don't skip a meal or food for breakfast in the name of dieting.
  • Avoid sugared drinks and artificial or synthetic fruit juices. 
  • Consume a lot of dietary fibers that are rich in fruits and vegetables.
  • Stop coffee, tea, alcohol, social drugs, and sedentary lifestyle habits.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Exercise at least an hour if possible. Alternatively, you may walk one side to your work if it is less than 2 kilometers or use stairs while you climb down instead of the lift.
  • Cut down on sweets, oils, ghee, and non-vegetarian diet.
  • Avoid drinking water during meals.
  • Cut down your calorie intake and increase your calorie burn up.
  • Eat your food very slowly and properly.
  • Practice Yoga, Jogging, Cycling or Brisk Walking.
  • To reduce belly exercises concentrate on forward bending asanas like paschimotasana, padahastasana, suryanamaskar etc which could help you achieve your goals.
  • Note yoga postures are advised to practice under the supervision of trained yoga teacher.

08:54 PM | 18-12-2019


It is excellent that you are doing regular exercise. Apart from these other aspects are also important when we are looking at weight loss. They include - Stress, sleep, food patterns, hormones, exposure to sunshine are important and need to be addressed. Let's briefly understand what happens when we consume excess food.

When we eat food it gets converted by the body to glucose. This is used by the body to carry out various functions. When there is excess food the body converts this and stores in the muscles as glycogen and if there is still excess it stores in the fat cells for later use. This fat is in the form of adipose tissue. When there is a drop in the blood sugar levels and there is no supply of food, the body releases energy from the muscles and fat. All high sugary foods, dairy and animal foods, fried and processed foods alter the ph. of the body. They create an acidic environment. Due to this, the body needs to protect itself from the toxins and thereby produces more fat cells in order to protect itself. When you switch to fruits and vegetables it helps create an alkaline ph. and thereby helps in eliminating toxins from the body.

The diet plan will give only short term results and will affect your health in the long run. By following fad diets you may lose weight, but you would also lose the lustre of your hair, the glow on your skin and most importantly you will feel drained out of energy. It is therefore recommended to make lifestyle changes.

  • Include lots of raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. They all contain essential vitamins and minerals for the normal functioning of the body. They contain fibre which would help you get rid of both constipation and also assist in weight loss. Fibre gives a feeling of satiety and fullness.
  • Avoid excess of teas, coffee. This also triggers the production of cortisol. Which in turn signals the body that there is some kind of stress and danger.
  • Exposure to sunshine and proper rest and sleep are also of prime importance. They release happy hormones. Apart from this Vitamin D from the sun is essential for many functions in the body.
  • Manage stress either by some physical activity or deep breathing. This calms the body down. This helps the body to understand that there is no urgency and it can repair and heal.
  • Adequate sleep. The body repairs and heals during sleep.
  • Apart from the above-chewing food slowly and avoid distraction from electronic gadgets while eating is equally essential.

You could also read the blog on the circadian rhythm of the bodyhttps://www.wellcure.com/body-wisdom/15/circadian-rhythm-of-the-body

You could also take help from any of the health coaches to help you onhttps://www.wellcure.com/body-wisdom/339/nature-nurtures-program-wellcure-your-natural-health-coach

Wishing you Good Health Always!

Thank you,


03:45 PM | 17-12-2019

Dear Pankaj

We suggest you take a personal consultation with our Natural Health Coach who can understand your background better & suggest you the way forward. You can explore our Nature-Nurtures Program for the same.  

Team Wellcure

04:29 PM | 17-12-2019

Ok ...thank you


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