
10:07 AM | 19-12-2019

I am 64 old my height is 5'11". Weight is 81 kg. I want to know if weight is ok or am I overweight?

The answers posted here are for educational purposes only. They cannot be considered as replacement for a medical 'advice’ or ‘prescription’. ...The question asked by users depict their general situation, illness, or symptoms, but do not contain enough facts to depict their complete medical background. Accordingly, the answers provide general guidance only. They are not to be interpreted as diagnosis of health issues or specific treatment recommendations. Any specific changes by users, in medication, food & lifestyle, must be done through a real-life personal consultation with a licensed health practitioner. The views expressed by the users here are their personal views and Wellcure claims no responsibility for them.

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4 Answers

07:36 PM | 19-12-2019


The weight does not define health. Yes, your weight is on a higher side. We are not looking at weight loss. Fad diets may provide weight loss for a short duration and it then impacts your energy levels etc. When we eat and live a healthy lifestyle weight is automatically in control. It is only when our lifestyle, which is our food consumption, sleep, physical activity and stress are in balance would we experience a healthy and disease-free life. To help you with this you could consult any of our health coaches onhttps://www.wellcure.com/body-wisdom/339/nature-nurtures-program-wellcure-your-natural-health-coach.

Following lifestyle changes are recommended

  • Include fresh fruits and raw vegetables as a part of your daily regime. All micronutrients are provided which are essential in many biochemical activities of the body.
  • Avoid all animal foods, dairy, packed, processed, oily and sugary foods. They are empty calories. Provide no nutrition to the body. All these create a toxic load on the system and make elimination and absorption difficult.
  • Avoid caffeine and tobacco whether in tea, coffee, alcohol, smoking or even chocolates. They all cut down your appetite and lead to other health consequences.
  • Physical activity is important. It releases good hormones in the body. In a relaxed state, the body is able to function better.
  • Proper rest and sleep are vital. This helps the body repair and rejuvenate.
  • Regular elimination of bowels from the body is essential.
  • Exposure to sunshine and nature. A calm and peaceful mind will have a healthy gut.
  • Regular deep breathing is helpful in reducing stress hormones in the body. Avoid anxiety and worry. This constantly raises the stress hormones in the body and the body cannot perform its functions optimally.

Wishing you Good Health Always!

Thank you




Wishing you good Health Always!

Thank you


07:32 PM | 19-12-2019

Dear health seeker Dilip,

Every human frame is quite different and can not be encompassed in some rigid formulations. In an allopathic way of dealing the subject, they have formulated charts showing the relationship of height and weight, say for example if one is 6.0 feet tall he should have so much of weight but this methodology is not correct since bodyweight is not indicative of good health, there exist the seeds of latent diseases. Pure nature cure has laid down the following parameters to judge the health level of a person:--

 Health is the greatest wealth,which means that he has health must cherish it with care,lest he should lose it. Unfortunately it happens that most people do not know the value of health until it is lost.

        Nature cure provides a window for every one to judge his health level without resorting to costly diagnostic tests-----whatsoever.

               Medical men have a number of standards for checking up the health level of a person. There are tables giving standards of height, weight, temperature, pulse rate, blood pressure, respiration and so on and so forth. But all these show only a patent condition. The disease that is latent cannot be seen by any of these tests. Health is, therefore, something far different. A healthy feeling is one in which the person does not feel the presence of his body, its weight at any part of it. The presence of his body, its weight at any part of it. The presence or otherwise of any part of the body is known by the presence of pain or uneasiness there. That is the indication of the presence of the cause of disease.

                 In common parlance, in any of the Indian languages, when we refer to Health, We use the word'' Arogya,'' which denotes the absence of disease, and that is a negative term. This term is based on something permanent behind it, viz Health. So, health is a positive condition and disease is one opposite of it, which is only a symptom of fall in one's health-level.

        Acharya k.Lakshmana Sharma describes a healthy body in a succinct form:-

      1   ''Even warmth all over the body, lightness of feeling, keen hunger, sound and restful sleep, clarity of mind, the ability of the body to work, freedom from laziness, and timely elimination of filth are the signs of good health.'

       2    A healthy person enjoys simple food and is contented because he experiences real hunger. He gets satisfaction before eating to full capacity, which would be given a feeling of fullness and discomfort. Equally so, the process of digestion will be quite one and the person will be absolutely unaware and unconscious of it.

        3     The healthy skin should not emit an unpleasant smell as does that of a carnivorous animal. The skin should be moist, but wet, should feel warm, be smooth to touch and have an elastic surface.

         4     The lung function should be voluntary and without any difficulty, i.e an unconscious routine breathing should be through the nose.

          5      The sleep of a healthy person is soft, quiet and uninterrupted. On waking, one feels cheerful, bright and contented. 

           6      Deep mental emotions cannot long oppress a healthy man; he recuperates quickly.

           Father of hydrotherapy: LOUIS KUHNE has laid down the following:-  A healthy person has the measure of neck [say 17 cms] the measure at the calf [say 15 cms] should be equal to the measure of abdomen at the naval [say 17 cms, 15cms= 32cms]  

         The abdomen is not prominent. The legs are strongly build and straight.


         A healthy person does not have to strain much to clear his bowels,and this should not be laced with mucous.

             I wish that everyone has the requisite health level. 

       V.S.Pawar       Member Indian institute of natural therapeutics   1980

07:18 PM | 19-12-2019

I think for the details you have provided, you must be ok. What matters more than the external appearance is whether you

  • Get tired often.
  • You have a big belly.
  • Your bowel movements are not frequent and it's dry.
  • You eat cooked thrice a day.
  • you have lifestyle diseases for which you medicate daily / often.
  • You are exercising daily.
  • You don't have trouble falling asleep for 6-7 hrs.

If you have some of these issues, then your appearance won't matter much. The body decides the ideal body weight based on your lifestyle. If you follow a healthy lifestyle with 80% raw fruits veggies and greens, it's quite possible that you may have a better physique than what you have today. You won't realize the benefits of following a whole food plant-based lifestyle with high raw know unless you try.

If you want to speak to me reach me on this link -https://rzp.io/l/1LR1mH1

Thanks and let me know if you have any questions

Be blessed

Smitha Hemadri (Educator of natural healing practices)

07:15 PM | 19-12-2019

As per the Basal Metabolic Index (BMI) it might be classified as borderline obesity in your case in particular.

Being overweight means your risk of developing health problems such as heart disease, stroke, and kidney problems increases. Other risk factors might be high blood pressure (hypertension), High blood cholesterol or triglycerides. High blood glucose (sugar), a sign of type 2 diabetes also which might affect you in the later part of your life.

Here are some basic principles that you could follow to keep your check on your weights and cut down excess pounds:

  • Consume a high-protein breakfast. Don't skip a meal or food for breakfast in the name of dieting.
  • Avoid sugared drinks and artificial or synthetic fruit juices. 
  • Consume a lot of dietary fibers that are rich in fruits and vegetables.
  • Stop coffee, tea, alcohol, social drugs, and sedentary lifestyle habits.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Exercise at least an hour if possible. Alternative you may walk one side to your work if it is less than 2 kilometers or use stairs while you climb down instead of the lift.
  • Cut down on sweets, oils, ghee, and non-vegetarian diet.
  • Avoid drinking water during meals.
  • Cut down your calorie intake and increase your calorie burn up.
  • Eat your food very slowly and properly.
  • Practice Yoga, Jogging, Cycling or Brisk Walking.

Naturopathic Management

  • Drink lukewarm water, lemon, and honey early in the morning.
  • Take the following Nature Cure treatment every 3 months regularly.
  • Lukewarm water enema for detox.
  • Abdominal massage to remove excess fats from abdominal cavities.
  • Alternate Hot and Cold hip bath.
  • Abdominal pack.
  • Gastro-hepatic pack, kidney pack.
  • Full body massage, sauna bath once a week preferably.
  • Cucumber, pineapple, Ash gourd, orange juice.
  • Ash gourd boiled vegetables.

Yoga Management

  • Kriya- vaman dhauti,shankh prakshalana,
  • Yogasana - Trikonasana,ardh chakrasana, Bhujangasana,Naukasana,paschimottanasana.
  • Suryanamaskars
  • Pranayama etc

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