
03:58 PM | 16-01-2019

Hi. My son is 2 years 11 months old. I have never given him the prescribed de-worming medicines. Can someone suggest natural home remedies?

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7 Answers

08:06 AM | 17-01-2019

Thank you for your question!

It would help many people to go deeper into the aspects worm-infestation and its management for babies.

I would take this as Organism, nothing else! A worm is nothing but organism only, and it follows the similar principles of Nature as any other organisms do follow! Organisms are attracted by the food, perennially.

A worm does not have any enmity towards a specific individual, it has just interests towards food!

In any way, there are infinite organisms, stay inside our body in active or nascent stages. Most of those are in line with our internal chemicals and do not disturb us, hence we do not sense any discomforts.

When we feel any discomforts, it is due to the toxin accumulation within the body. There are few segments of the organisms (Micro and macro, both) whose food is our toxins. The stated discomforting worm-infestation happens due to the uneliminated toxins within the body.

Now, to get rid of the discomforts, which is just a symptom, if we target the worms (as it is termed as deworming), it is a shallow approach. It may bring a momentary relief but then, what about the toxins which were the CAUSE of the SYMPTOM?

Natural toxin elimination can happen ONLY through CONSISTENT CONSERVATION OF VITALITY, nothing else!

The child needs to be guided and shown the path of the VITALITY CONSERVATION to align herself with NATURE to celebrate her LIFE to the fullest!

THE VITALITY CONSERVATION happens through consistent



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07:25 PM | 16-01-2019

What are the symptoms you are seeing ? Does he have itching in the anal region ? Why did you think you have to deworm him ? Can I know ?

07:59 AM | 18-01-2019

If the child is perfectly fine, but doctors thinks you have to deworm him, then it does not make any sense. Like Kalyanji told, if we have toxins in the body, the natural tendency of the germs is to come and feed that. Instead if we keep our body clean with the right lifestyle even if it’s a baby, worms will go elsewhere where it gets its food. Please don’t medicate babies . Their bodies are pure when they come to earth, let’s not pollute their bodies with man made toxins. As it is we can’t restrict polluted water and air and other things, but don’t be fearful and listen to someone else. A mom knows best how to read the cues of the baby.babies are stronger than adults. Don’t worry they will be safe. Avoid dairy , meat processed , packaged and refined foods. 

Anonymous User
06:41 PM | 17-01-2019

thankyou all for your response.

@smitha - no there is no discomfort that I have noticed in him.

@arvinder - yes it's more about my conditioning rather than his body's need. As a mother, fear often takes over :-(. Glad to hear about turmeric, I give it to him in his lemon shots almost everyday.

@shikha & @shweta - I'll try saunf water. That's an easy one. It will put my mind at ease.

@PSY Solutions - thanks for explaining it so beautifully. would love to know how I can manage my son's vitality.

12:39 PM | 17-01-2019

Deworming to get symptomatic relief or just due to conditioning ? If it’s the latter then do not worry .... I’ve never dewormed my kids ‘cause deworming was supposed to be done collectively for the entire family , domestic helps included at the same time and this is something which I could not bring myself to do .

If there are some symptoms like itching , loss of appetite, excessive appetite anything unusual happening then attack the root cause . Are you still feeding him? If so then what are you eating ?If not then keep him alkaline ... He’s just barely 3 so what are his eating habits like ?Does he have salads / green juice?

Coconut water is excellent. Another food item that comes to my mind is fresh turmeric a natural antiseptic. Either put it in green juice or in warm water.

But again these are all remedies ... review the tiny angel’s entire lifestyle & rectify it.

09:37 PM | 16-01-2019

I would suggest sauna water and castor oil. Castor oil is a miraculous remedy for a number of problems related to the gut.


However, castor oil should not be used without supervision.


07:26 PM | 16-01-2019

Hi! As I am a mother of two children, I have also explored the answer to this question a couple of times! Some common natural recommendations are castor oil, pumpkin seeds soaked overnight and saunf water. Personally, even with natural things, I don't prefer to experiment too much when it comes to kids. Of these, I found saunf water as totally safe and hence have tried with my kids. In your case also, your son is very young, so saunf water should be easy to give and seems safe enough. I simply boil some saunf in water, strain, cool and give to my kids. Castor oil and pumpkin seeds, I have never tried!

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