
10:25 AM | 17-01-2019

My 4 year old son is snoring a lot at night. There is no congestion or nose block. He also tends to breathe from mouth. Overall he is sleeping fine and no obvious change in day time activities; at times gets restless at night. Should I be worried?

The answers posted here are for educational purposes only. They cannot be considered as replacement for a medical 'advice’ or ‘prescription’. ...The question asked by users depict their general situation, illness, or symptoms, but do not contain enough facts to depict their complete medical background. Accordingly, the answers provide general guidance only. They are not to be interpreted as diagnosis of health issues or specific treatment recommendations. Any specific changes by users, in medication, food & lifestyle, must be done through a real-life personal consultation with a licensed health practitioner. The views expressed by the users here are their personal views and Wellcure claims no responsibility for them.

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4 Answers

09:33 AM | 18-01-2019

To start with, I must say, the answer to “Should I be worried?” is - DEFINITELY NOT!

Worrying does not lead us to solve anything!

Snoring is due to obstruction, for sure.

The narration of “no congestion or nose block” ,needs a relook.

Congestion will be cleared by the body when it gets enough CONSERVED VITALITY.

More and more conservation of VITALITY for the child can be possible, following ways...

  1. Be there, when your child is restless to soothe!

  2. Ensure ample natural food consumption, primarily fruits.

  3. Since the child is active, nothing to do at this point. The child should be playful and active.

  4. Keep the mental environment, joyful,for the baby.

Thank you...

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06:33 PM | 17-01-2019

Hi. Snoring mainly happens when there is cough/cold congestion or due to some allergic reaction or if there is some inflammation in the respiratory tract. If your son's snoring is not a regular affair, don't think too much about it. Also because you mentioned there is no impact on his daytime activities. Observe for few more days.

In the meanwhile, try to do a few things - 1. make him do steaming before sleeping everyday. Put few drops of eucalyptus oil in the steam water. 2. Do a deep cleaning of his bedroom. Change the bedsheets, vacuum clean the matress or put it out in the sun, wash the curtains & stuff toys, etc. 3. Let some fresh air into his room, ideally in the morning, but see your comfort based on temperature outside. 4. Dairy & white sugar are big culprits when it comes to breathing issues. Hope your son is off those.

07:40 PM | 18-01-2019

Please get him checked for adenoid or tonsil swelling. My son had it too. If so, these can be healed naturally by following the principles of natural living and natural foods

07:58 AM | 18-01-2019

The connections  or synapse between 2 nerve cells sometimes don’t pass correctly if the baby’s body is spending more vitality then it just conserve. This can lead to insomnia , lack of sleep or being too active in the night and not being able to sleep.. etc . The gut has to be cleaned . 


Hence try to focus more on eliminating 




Refined foods

Polished foods

Ready to eat foods including bakery items choc and biscuits .. trust me they are the worse in the entire food pyramid.


Add more fruits to the baby’s diet

You might think we are asking you to take away the childhood from the baby by removing the above so called “let them eat and have fun at this age” foods, but trust me , a healthy child is a gift and it came like one and we have to maintain as such. My daughter had similar issues before we went vegan and she stopped breathing loudly over time. Give it 6 months  to a year. As his body starts detoxing, he will sleep well. 

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