
06:08 AM | 07-01-2020

I have heel pain for a few months now, how can I cure it naturally or with any natural therapy? I have a desk job and I don't exercise much. I eat paranthas in breakfast and daal sabzi roti in lunch and dinner.

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2 Answers

08:40 AM | 07-01-2020


Lifestyle changes are essential to achieve and maintain good health. Apart from this kindly look into other aspects like the kind of shoes which you wear all day long. Make sure it is comfortable. Now, let's look into other aspects as well. Acidic foods over a period of time accumulate in the body at various points. These then cause inflammation. Our body works best in an alkaline medium. It is therefore important that you consume foods that are alkaline in nature. This includes raw fruits, vegetables, sprouts, microgreens, nuts, and seeds. Another essential aspect is exercise. Our bodies are designed to move. It is therefore essential to perform some kind of physical activity for overall wellbeing. Apart from making the below-mentioned lifestyle changes kindly soak your feet in a bucket of room temperature water and allow your feet to soak into it. Soak for at least 20 minutes.

  • Include fresh fruits and raw vegetables as a part of your daily regime. All micronutrients are provided which are essential in many biochemical activities of the body.
  • Try changing your breakfast to fruits and include more vegetables both in raw and cooked form. Fruits help the body in the elimination process since the body is constantly trying to get rid of its toxic load you could support your body by consuming fruits in the morning since the body is in elimination mode.
  • Avoid all animal foods, dairy, packed, processed, oily and sugary foods. They are empty calories. Provide no nutrition to the body. All these create a toxic load on the system and make elimination and absorption difficult.
  • Avoid caffeine and tobacco whether in tea, coffee, alcohol, smoking or even chocolates. They all cut down your appetite and lead to other health consequences.
  • Try including vegetable juices, dates, coconut water. The juices would provide hydration to cells at a cellular level. They also help in removing toxins from your lymphatic system.
  • Physical activity is important. Movement of the body is essential to prevent aches and pains. It also releases good hormones in the body. In a relaxed state, the body is able to function better.
  • Proper rest and sleep are vital. This helps the body repair and rejuvenate.
  • Exposure to sunshine and nature. Sunshine provides you with Vitamin D. There might be a possibility that you are not receiving enough Vitamin D since you have a desk job and are indoors most of the time.

Wishing you Good Health Always!

Thank you


08:00 PM | 07-01-2020

Dear health seeker,

Eating paranthas early morning is not at all conducive to health, on the contrary, it is a tax on your vitality, Dr  Dewey has postulated a doctrine of "no breakfast plan "following which n numbers of patients were cured of their affliction, be it acute, chronic or obstructive disease. So it is advisable to stop breakfast of cereals instead eat fruits that too if hunger is there. Eating with the clock, without real hunger is inimical to the body 
Secondly the fair of daal, roti  sabzi is also not a healthy combination, proteins and carbohydrates don't go together cut down daal roti instead eat roti vegetables raw and cooked conservatively without oil spices and condiments in both lunch and dinner. 

  • Have sunbaths for your daily intake of vitamins D.
  •  Fasting on juices once a week will do a lot of good.
  •  Intermittent fasting is the new kid on the blocks means keeping a fast of 14 or 15 hours are being followed by many Bollywood, sports luminaries, you may also take a cue and follow. Your pain in the heel and other parts will be a thing of the past. 

 Wishing you a pain-free life.

V.S.Pawar                         Member Indian institute of natural

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