Hi I am suffering from hypothyroid for last 16 years. It happened right after giving birth to my son. My thyroid over time has gone up and so now I am taking 150 mcg everyday. I have gained at least 20 pound in last 1 year and my cholesterol is through the roof - 190 for ldl and overall total cholesterol as 275. Please advise
The answers posted here are for educational purposes only. They cannot be considered as replacement for a medical 'advice’ or ‘prescription’. ...The question asked by users depict their general situation, illness, or symptoms, but do not contain enough facts to depict their complete medical background. Accordingly, the answers provide general guidance only. They are not to be interpreted as diagnosis of health issues or specific treatment recommendations. Any specific changes by users, in medication, food & lifestyle, must be done through a real-life personal consultation with a licensed health practitioner. The views expressed by the users here are their personal views and Wellcure claims no responsibility for them.
Read moreHi. Hypothyroidism, also called underactive thyroid or low thyroid is a condition in which your thyroid gland doesn't produce enough of certain important hormones. It upsets the normal balance of chemical reactions in your body. While we commonly refer to 'thyroid' as a health issue, it is actually the body’s way of indicating to us that the hormones are out of balance. Our body always works for us to be in good health. We just have to support it correctly & this can be done by staying in-sync with nature. Hence avoid all foods and all products that are unnatural. Chemicals are a key reason for hormonal imbalance because chemicals are hormone disruptors.
Where do these chemicals come from?
- These chemicals come in our food when we eat non-organic food.
- Chemicals come in packaged food as preservatives & other artificial agents.
- We unknowingly put chemicals in or on our body when we use toothpaste, mouth wash, shampoos, soaps, make-up, perfumes and talcum powders.
- Chemicals are also all around us in our houses when we use air fresheners, pest control and cleaning agent.
- Another cause of hormonal problems is the hormones that we are taking in…in the form of dairy & dairy products, eggs & flesh food. The food suppliers inject hormones in all these animals in our food chain so that they grow faster and yield more.
What can you do?
- Eat whole plant-based foods. Try to eat organic if you can know the source of your food in a credible manner. Say no to animal products.
- Avoid packaged foods
- Shift to natural personal & home care products.
I'll also suggest you watch this video by Sadhguru - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VZF-F6LRwU&t=743s
I would like to close by saying that thyroid - hypo or hyper - is definitely not something that you have to live with. Give it some time & disciplined effort, you will be healed for life. If you would like to know more, please send me a message one-on-one through my profile.....Best wishes dear!!
Let us go little deeper to the root-cause of this problem.
Hypothyroidism depicts reduced performance of thyroid gland in secretion ofthe specific hormones.
Why a gland would become underactive?
- Definitely due to some restriction.
- The restriction is uneliminated toxin.
- The toxins remain uneliminated due to lack of CONSERVED-VITALITY* within us.
- The lack of CONSERVED-VITALITY* happens due to the overspend of vitality in any or many of PHYSICAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL & PSYCHOLOGICAL domains.
- Physical domain of vitality-spend may get affected if we do not access the sunlight and fresh air on a regular basis. Also, if we do not consume a lot of raw fruits and vegetables on a regular basis.
- Physiological domain is a beyond conscious domain but our conscious changes bring remarkable change in the expenditure of vitality in this domain too. For example, regular exercise clears our lymphatic system which is a primary stay of the toxins. Spinal care improves the body performance manifold, which reduces the enervation. Sleeping early better the quality of sleep. Right understanding of sex, improves the vitality spends a lot.
- Psychological domain is an area which can be proven as master of all. Staying stress free is the goal. There are many routes to achieve it. Meditation, being one of the best routes. We, at PSYsolution, recommend RATIONAL ANALYSIS of each and every aspect of life, to reduce stress-level remarkably.
When we resort to suppress any symptoms of TOXAEMIA*, it appears in other forms and symptoms in the body. No wonder, the thyroidism becomes obesity or hypertension, progressively.
CONSCIOUS CONSISTENT CONSERVATION OF VITALITY is the only route towards holistic wellness. This can happen in the following adoption.
You may also check our recent article on the above* terminology, in case you are new to Nature Cure science. You may join next batch of PSYsolution’s course on NATURE & LIFE to strengthen your understanding about this science and philosophy. You can APPLY HERE.
Thank you...
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Thyroid malfunctioning is a matter of concern because it disrupts many more normal functions of the human body. However the good news is it’s reversible with lifestyle and if you follow a healthy lifestyle, this will be automatically reversed in few months.
My suggestion is that you be on some vegetable juices and cucumber pure juices till 12 and post that fruits for lunch and salad for next hunger. For dinner you can have some 30% unpolished millets and rest steamed veggies or curry without oil. Don’t use salt for anything but ur cooked in the night.
Get a rested sleep between 10-3 am without waking
Join a gym/ yoga and work out for atleast 1 hr
Emotionally forgive and practice gratitude
Go off all forms of cow based or animal products
Go off all ready to eat packed foods
No fried food
Add plenty of coconut , sesame peanuts etc in ur food but don’t cook with oil or use oils in ur meals.
Continue ur meds and monitor the levels each month and reduce accordingly.
Reach us if you have any more doubts
Anchal Kapur
04:45 PM | 03-02-2019
Hi Vandhana. I'm so glad to hear that you have began doing changes in your diet. All the best dear. Natural cleaners for body - You can refer to this post by Smitha, for natural hair wash -https://www.wellcure.com/recipes/163/healthy-and-natural-hair-wash
12:34 AM | 31-01-2019
Thank you Anchal, Parul, Asha, Smitha. I have nowstarted ona 100% fruits and vegiie diet. Since I live in USA, I was wondering if anybody could recommend natural cleaners for body and for home cleaning purpose as well.
11:46 AM | 30-01-2019
Thanks Smitha for the recommendations.Just one query here - usually it is recommended to have fruits till 12 noon & later veg juice & salads ...Any specific reason u have mentioned Veg juices in the morning.I also have thyroid issue which I would like to cure hence the qs:)
ReplyProper thyroid functioning is needed to regulate cholesterol. In fact, al health problems are due to just one problem i.e toxic build up in the body. Once you help your body detox, you will see that all problems heal together, It may take time but it will heal you as medicines never will.
Thyroid gland is very sensitive to environmental toxins and emotions.
So apart from what Smitha has written, please evalutate all the chemicals you may be using on your body ..particularly in shampoos, soaps, make up, toothpaste etc and opt for natural , least toxic products.
Please take care of your emotions, Adopt a daily gratitude practice, meditation and walk in the Sun outside.
The most important change which you should make however is to reduce or give up animal products like dairy, non veg, eggs etc. These contain many hormones not suited for our body and cause hormone fluctuations.
You may like to read these health journeys relating to thyroid problems
If you like, please also join the detox program currently running on Wellcure
Sorry to know you are suffering.
From your post doesn't look like your medication is giving any benefit. 16 years is a very long time to be suffering.. I hope you have tried homeopathy or ayurveda as an alternative to your current mode of treatment. Both are way more superior and will relieve your symptims along with healing your thyroid.
I am hypo since 20 years and use only Ayurveda if and when my levels go out of range. You have been the hormone too long and it will not be an easy task for any doctor to get your gland to start functioning optimally. Your aim should be to wean off the aynthetis hormone.
There are many restrictions and protocols you need to follow. Listing some:
Cut out inflammatory foods like dairy, egg, non-veg, sugar, corn, soya and some seeds and nuts.
Avoid all processed and packaged foods.
Increase turmeric and ghee/coconut oil in your diet.
Soak in an hour is sun everyday.
Do yogasanas and pranayam for thyroid.
Have liver supportive herbs.
Sleep in time and address insomnia.
Make sure you are NEVER constipated.
Stop using lotions and other endocrine disrupting toiletries.
Do not exert with exercise in trying to lose weight.
Build up tour electrolytes especially potassium to take care of your water retention.
Cholesterol is a side effect of your thyroid condition. I would consider this secondary for the time being, but a holistic practitioner will address this too.
Hope this helps.
Parul, juices are ok because they don’t add digestive load on the gut. If you can fast for 16 hrs from previous dinner to next lunch, that’s great. Else include juices till llunch time . I did not speak about fruit juice because fruits are best eaten while vegetables are best juiced while healing.
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Prashanthi Atluri
08:56 PM | 04-02-2019
Looks like all the diet changes have been answered ... fasting.. eating Whole Foods mostly fruits n veggies ... cut down on grains as much as you can. No animal products of any kind. How is your gut health?? Any constipation issues??
ReplyUsually after 16 yrs of being on thyroid medicine - gland goes into disuse atrophy. But once you start healing your body it will reset itself.
Regarding cleaners - ditch all store bought. Make your own using organic vinegar, bioenzymes, baking soda.
Try drinking food grade diatomaceous earth in water if you are constipated
No fluoride in water
There are many changes we need to make ... it is a life style disease so takes time to make changes.
Look into herbal medicines ... yoga ... homeo and ayurveda.
All this needs to be individualized.
Pls see Ranika’s comments too.