
10:04 AM | 10-02-2020

I am suffering from pimples on face since 6 years. I am having pimples pits scars and pigmentation on face since 2 years. I am having oily skin. Please suggest me a daily skin care routine to get clear skin without scars and pimples holes. What to do?

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4 Answers

02:27 PM | 10-02-2020

Your skin is also one of the eliminatory or excretory organs of the body. If your skin is releasing something it just means that you have something in excess. Typically consumption of oils in the cooking even if it’s not deep-fried foods when consumed on a daily basis can clog the pores, cause pimples and oily secretions just a few mins after washing your face too. Animal proteins are high in sugar and fats. Even a drop consumed on a daily basis will accumulate over a period of time. 

Skin is a reflection of your body’s internal health. So, if you feed the body the food it’s designed to eat, such as fruits vegetables and greens in abundance it will reflect back on your face. It is also extremely important that you switch to whole food plant-based lifestyle which does not include dairy eggs meat fish or any products that contain ingredients coming from animals, sugar coffee tea oils( extremely important)

I have seen children who are on a plant-based diet and consuming junk like chips also have issues like pimples. Hence I would like to focus your attention on raw fruits veggies greens intake as a cooked meal replacement to see results. I have successfully worked with teenagers facing oily skin, pimples. Once they were made to go with one oil-free cooked, gluten-free, fruits for breakfast and salads for dinner, it cleared in 2 months. It’s very important that you also hydrate your body when you wake up with either limewater or cucumber juice. Focussing on hydration is extremely important 2-4 ltrs per day fresh juices and water put together. 

Be blessed

Smitha Hemadri (Holistic lifestyle coach )

09:17 PM | 10-02-2020


Please read a previous Q&A thread on pimples and skincare.

With this,

  • Apply Gulab Jal twice a day on your face after cleaning the face.
  • Apply fresh aloe vera gel before going to bed. 
  • Rinse your face with rice water 2-3 times a day.

Thank you 

09:15 PM | 10-02-2020

Hello User,

The regular consumption of high-fat diet, oily food, causes the chronic accumulation of toxins in the body resulting in skin problems. It is the result of long term accumulation of toxins because of a certain kind of lifestyle. This acne is caused by the accumulation of dirt and oil in the skin, along with the diet.

Here we will help you by changing your lifestyle, to get healthy and glowing skin. This also includes saying no to all the chemical products which will give short term results with long term issues.

In any case, the cure remains the same, which is a holistic cure.


  • Start with food items like jaggery, dates, sprouts, green leafy vegetables which help treating pigmentation.
  • Starting your day with two-three glasses of warm water which helps in flushing out all the toxins, this is the first step to take for healing your skin.
  • Vitamin C addition helps in easy-iron absorption, for example adding lemon in dals vitamin C helps in increasing collagen and results in healthy skin. Have a glass of chia seeds(one tablespoon) soaked in one glass of water with one tablespoon of lemon to get healthy skin.
  • Include one fruit like apple, papaya, a banana a day to have a healthy GUT, excretion will help in releasing the waste from the body.

There are face packs which you can try:

1. Flax seeds to crushed beetroots: This helps in treating the face, take one tablespoon flax seeds and beetroot cut, and blend them together. This will help you with unwanted scarring and pigmentation.

2. Gram flour, turmeric, and rose water together will make your skin glowing and treat all disorders. You can daily wash your face the early morning with this.

3. Massage your face every night with coconut oil and naturally extracted aloe vera gel, one teaspoon each. This will treat the pores, acne and your skin will start radiating.


  • Suryanamaskar every day for 12 times complete sets helps in increasing blood circulation and gives us healthy skin.
  • Sit and take 10-15 long deep breaths from the abdomen, to release all the toxicity.
  • A daily brisk walk in the morning early, the sun helps in treating any skin problem as the sun helps in activating the cells and increasing blood circulation.


While sleeping, take a bowl of water. Put two-three essential oil drops like lavender or orange and inhale it. It will help in calming your self which will automatically enhance your skin.

Listen to music for 15 minutes by closing your eyes and deep breathing is a good exercise for a healthy mind.


Sleep should be of 7-8 hours, sound. This will help in releasing all stress and treat all the issues in a healthy manner. It is time to get yourself a healthy skin.

Hopefully, these suggestions will be helpful

Thank you

02:26 PM | 10-02-2020

Pimple or Acne is an adolescent common condition that is characterized by blackheads, pustules, papules which are caused by an increase in hormones called androgens which are characterized by the sebaceous glands by increasing the size and oil secretions. They are mostly found on the face and neck and at times they might appear on the shoulder and back. Blackheads considered to be small, dark coloured lesions that appear on the surface of the skin, often on the face and neck. They are classified as mild acne, but they can appear without other signs of acne being present. These blackheads contain an oxidized version of melanin pigment, the dark pigment made by cells in the skin and these melanin pigments give the colour of the skin. At times these glands get blocked and then blackheads and whiteheads develop and get infected by bacteria that cause inflammation and pimples. This acne appears on the face, back, shoulders and chest. The conditions may be lying deep inside or superficial which could cause scarring. These have a family tendency as well.


  • Consume high proteins, low carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, sprouts, etc.
  • Avoid fried food items, junk foods, butter, sugared drinks, citrus fruits, and citrus juices, caffeine, etc.
  • If you have access to a registered Naturopath or Naturopathy Centre it is a wise idea to try fasting therapy using non-citric juices.
  • Drink lots of water at least on a daily basis. Drinking water is the best medicine according to Naturopathy.


Alternate compress hot and cold could be applied to the affected areas.

Other measures:

  • Manage stress - Undertake some leisure activities, yoga, deep breathing techniques, and pranayama.
  • Avoid chemical-based face creams, soaps which could aggravate the problem.
  • Wash the face with warm water so that it could reduce pain in the inflamed area.
  • Avoid meddling with the pimples or wounds as it could hamper healing.
  • Try to have enough sleep for at least 6- 7 hours.
  • Avoid alcohol or smoking.
  • Avoid facial treatment when the face is affected and when wounds are present

Once healed some aloe vera gel ( taken from fresh leaves ) could prevent and also bring the smoothness of skin back.

Finally to get the expert advice you may get yourself checked with a registered Naturopath for further consultations and lifestyle modifications if needed.

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