
10:56 AM | 30-01-2019

Hi my eyes are very puffy. In fact sometimes when I wake up in morning the eye bags are so big that I feel very embarraed. No amount of good sleep is helping. Please advise natural cure.

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5 Answers

08:00 AM | 01-02-2019

Natural Cure to any wellness problem comes through a holistic approach.

The fluppy eyes is definitely a problem of accumulated toxins which increases after the sleep more, because during sleep the body extracts the toxins more to throw away from the body. Post the sleep, the toxin build-up increases in the body.

This can only be normalised sustainably through conscious consistent conservation of VITALITY* in all domains of life. Ultimately, your eliminations needto get improved to reverse this issue of TOXAEMIA*.

CONSCIOUS CONSISTENT CONSERVATION OF VITALITY is the only route towards holistic wellness. This can happen in the following adoption.




You may also check our recent article on the above* terminology, in case you are new to Nature Cure science. You may join next batch of PSYsolution’s course on NATURE & LIFE to strengthen your understanding about this science and philosophy. You can APPLY HERE.

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04:47 PM | 05-02-2019

Hi ... In addition to focussing on bringing in natural foods into your lifestyle (more fruits, veggies, nuts, sprouts which are raw live foods) you could also look at including 2 major ingredients on which our bodies thrive:

Sunlight & oxygen 

So you could look at early morning soaking up the sun and being out in nature (it doesnt have to be a hectic excercise schedule) - just connect with nature more and more.  Ensure you are breathing deeper

In addition you could look at your sleep cycle - are you sleeping on time earlier than 10 pm? Are you resting & taking breaks enough during the day? say 4 minutes every 4 hours? 

How is your sleep quality ? Is it deep enough? 

As explained by others - body is trying to eliminate; and its working hard at night,  and hence the puffiness.  You need to look at it as a whole, are there other body signals which are indicating build up of toxins, and lack of adequate restorative rest. As you shift your lifestyle, your puffiness should reduce 

All the best! 

04:52 PM | 30-01-2019

Hi. Watch out for sodium in your diet. It leads to water retention & if ur processed foods intake is high, sodium intake will automatically be high. Remove table salt from ur kitchen, use rock salt instead. Read these blogs - do-you-know-everything-about-salt and salt-a-quick-roundup-through-faqs.

04:47 PM | 30-01-2019

Hi. I assume like sleep issues are ruled out, so are alcohol, smoking & excessive screen time!!

In Nature Cure, different issues don't have different solutions. It is believed that once you remove accumulated toxic waste from the body, the body attains its state of balance and is able to function effectively. This gives us good health. 

Puffy eyes/eye bags is an aberration from the body's state of balance. All you have to do is support the body restore that balance. There is no quick fix to this. It needs effort & discipline, so once you make up your mind, I would suggest refer to the 6 weeks detox program being run on Wellcure by Asha. Here's the link - detox-2019-based-on-principles-of-natural-healing-by-asha-shivaram.

In the meanwhile, support your body through:

  1. eye exercises - every morning step out & look at the greens, stare at them for few seconds at a time. Do few eye exercises like rotating them clockwise & anti-clockwise, opening & shutting them for few seconds, rolling ur eyeballs up & down left & right.
  2. eye packs - this is quite common. relax ur eyes through rose water eye pads or cucumber slices, even if they don't feel tired. healing works best in a relaxed environment.
  3.  carrots & green leafy veggies are specifically good for eyes. Have carrot tomato or carrot spinach or spinach cucumber juice every day, at least twice a day. You can also have in soup form.

If you would like one-on-one help, please message me through my profile. All the best dear.

12:50 PM | 30-01-2019

Puffiness of the eyes when you get up not just indicates lack of sleep. Even if you sleep well it can be puffy sometimes. It majorly depends on the eliminations that happened in the night when you slept. Your gut needs to get cleaned for your face to glow and eyes to not have bags under them. 

My suggestion 

Fast for 14-16 hrs - from dinner to next lunch 

Lunch start with a green juice ( green leaves Palak coriander mint etc and then cucumber grind with lemon and filter and drink)

Next hunger have a big bowl of fruits 

Next hunger have a vegetable salad with very little salt and a vegetable juice ( base can be carrots, u can add cucumber or any watery vegetable along, filter and drink)

Dinner can be 30% millets and 70% vegetables. 

Try this for 10 days and give us a feedback. I am sure you want to continue that for the rest of your life. As you do, your body will give you headaches or cold cough fevers etc to eliminate all the junk it has collected including all that’s under your eyes too. 

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