
11:58 AM | 31-01-2019

Hi all! My son (age 12 years) is facing a strange problem - he is exceptionally sensitive to touch. Gets a strange sensation, discomfort and irritation upon touching rough paper, synthetic cloth. Feels the urge to keep his hands wet. He is otherwise healthy. Can anyone help me understand what could be the reason??

The answers posted here are for educational purposes only. They cannot be considered as replacement for a medical 'advice’ or ‘prescription’. ...The question asked by users depict their general situation, illness, or symptoms, but do not contain enough facts to depict their complete medical background. Accordingly, the answers provide general guidance only. They are not to be interpreted as diagnosis of health issues or specific treatment recommendations. Any specific changes by users, in medication, food & lifestyle, must be done through a real-life personal consultation with a licensed health practitioner. The views expressed by the users here are their personal views and Wellcure claims no responsibility for them.

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3 Answers

07:54 AM | 01-02-2019

Skin is the largest eliminating organ and it seems to be a case of toxicity in the skin. If it is not troubling a lot, you may opt to ignore without compromising on his lifestyle.

The lifestyle has to get synced with nature more and more to improved wellness state and life.

The betterment of lifestyle means inculcation of a knack of conservation of vitality*, on a regular basis.

The child needs to know about proper food, importance of sunlight, fresh air, exercise, spine care, sleep etc. and the last but the vast area of stress free mind.

You may also check our recent article on the above* terminology, in case you are new to Nature Cure science. You may join next batch of PSYsolution’s course on NATURE & LIFE to strengthen your understanding about this science and philosophy. You can APPLY HERE.

Thank you...

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03:30 PM | 01-02-2019

Thanks for your inputs! We are already on our way of making lifestyle changes and being in sync with nature. Still a lot to do!


01:42 PM | 03-02-2019

Sure Swetha. Please see the link I sent. I know them personally and she has reversed many of those symtoms in her son and reversed it without meds. Please take her classes via that page. 

10:10 AM | 01-02-2019

Since when did he start this and have you vaccinated him recently or fed him any unusual meds ? Can you send some details of the timings or if he had any other symptoms before this . Can you get an Occupational therapy and sensory integration test to see if he is on the autism spectrum ?

Sensory problems can be tactile, visual, auditory etc. this seems more like a Tactile Sensory issue ( https://scienceblogs.com/neurophilosophy/2008/12/01/tactile-emotion-synaesthesia

 Based on that please start taking classes on this free website as a parent to understand how to deal with it. Try not to medicate him and supress anything. Reach me offline if you want to talk more. 

Dr Shelly stravitz 


Parents as partners is a autism reversal website which is now free 




More on this from an expert .. 

This child sounds like he has extreme tactile sensitivity.He should be seen by a really good pediatric SI/OT. This can be extra effective when combined with auditory therapy ( center- based Tomatis is best, though Vital Sounds)

Vital Sounds can be helpful during SI/OT therapy and at home. Given his functioning in other areas, he probably doesn't have an an ASD, though the tactical defensiveness may need treatment before or in addition to the necessary therapy for his tactile sensitivity. These are 2 separate issues which he may have. The therapist can teach her what she can do at home in conjunction with the therapy.

03:32 PM | 01-02-2019

Thanks Smitha!


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