
10:05 AM | 27-02-2020

Will periods worsen the condition of anal fissure??

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3 Answers

06:06 PM | 28-02-2020

Hello Shama,

Yes, our menstrual cycle does have an effect on our rectal movements and but does it makes worse? No, it does not make worse because during our periods due to surge off hormones our rectal movements become smoother and there is less pain.

Our body starts having indigestion which leads to fissures, with the type of food consumes like milk products, gluten, packaged chemical-based products, highly spiced food, smoking, alcohol. In order to lead a healthier lifestyle by taking measures in all the directions and reaching towards a healthy health growth, we can get our ideal health. A lighter diet will help in accelerating thyroid gland function and our body can be back in harmony.

With a holistic way you can overall help yourself, that is why by taking a step towards holistic health you can effectively treat yourself in nature's way.


Start the day with two-three glasses of warm water, this will help in flushing out the toxins and improve the state of metabolism by increasing it. The next thing is the inclusion of vegetable juice in your breakfast as this will help in giving the right amount of energy for the day. Keep at least two hours gap between your food and your sleep timing at night. You can also choose to have vegetable juice in your breakfast, it is an easier way to absorb all the nutrients.

  • Have fennel seeds after meals which will aid in digestion and prevent fissures.
  • Take one tablespoon of coconut oil and add one tablespoon of naturally extracted aloe vera gel and apply on the rectal region at night. This will help in treating pain and fissure.
  • Fill a tub with warm water and sit in it for 15-20 minutes, this will help in both relieving any cramps of the menstrual cycle and fissures.


  • Taking a brisk walk in the early morning sun rays helps in treating all the problems, as the sun helps in treating the mood and freshens us for the whole day, it stimulates our system and strengthens our immunity. Early morning walk is recommended.
  • Vajrasana helps in digestion, practice it after every meal. This will even help in hastening the process of healing.
  • Suryanamaskar will help in treating the health issues and will help in dealing with all problems, 12 sets a day is recommendable. If you are a beginner start with 6 and increase it.


Stop using the gadget on hour before sleep, you can use a fragrant diffuser where you can use essential oils and then with the smell itself you will start feeling calm. Rosemary and lavender oil will be helpful.Take 10 long deep breaths, and allow your body to relax, any thought which comes, let it go do not resist. Say the affirmation, "I am healthy and happy" with each breath. This will help in curbing all your issues even in the long run.


The sleep is a very important part of treating any mental symptom, a sleep cycle of 90 minutes should be completed in order to get a sound body. This sleep cycle should be repeated 5 times. This makes 7-8 hours of healthy sleep. This will make your body and mind strong and refreshing. Make sure your room is gadget-free an hour before sleep.

Hopefully, these suggestions will help.

Thank you.

10:33 AM | 02-03-2020

Absolutely no. It has no connection. However, if you are using menstrual cups, yes it will impact the condition and your symptoms will increase. However, if you have changed your lifestyle to manage the fissure naturally, then even cups work.

I have personally healed from fissures and have got a surgery before my natural healing journey too.

Fissures are caused due to an unhealthy and stressful lifestyle where a person has no time for basics. Fast moving life on a daily basis has its impact in such cases. Fissures take their own sweet time when they are inflammed and no medicine can rescue that. So looking for a quick solution is a waste. It has to be a holistic approach always for piles and fissures in particular.


Physical Stress

Emotional stress

Sedentary life / constantly sitting for hours

Poor nutrition that contributes to inflammations

Lack of sleep

are some of the major reasons one can get a fissure. The only way to deal with it is to have a lifestyle that does not inflame it / swell it. It does not merge back with the body anymore.

Do the opposite of the above causes, avoid animal products in your food consumption such as dairy, eggs, meat, fish. Avoid oil in cooking, spicy foods, stress, move the body, hydrate the body enough with liquids to avoid constipation, sleep well.


Stay blessed

Smitha Hemadri (Holistic lifestyle coach)

06:05 PM | 28-02-2020

Anal Fissures are not linked to periods, however, they are very much linked to your eating habits and lifestyle.

If you want to live a healthy life free from fissure you need to stop with

1 Meat, Dairy products, refined foods like white sugar, salt.

2. Stop with all grains and lentils.

3. Stay on a fresh fruit juice ( oranges, grapes, pears avoid apples and banana )diet for at least two weeks, also until the fissure heals by itself, our body has an excellent mechanism to heal itself we just need to provide the right environment to it.

Hope this helps.

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