
01:04 PM | 06-02-2019

I switched to healthier food and started consuming raw food. Challenge is eating majorly raw, my stomach is always bloated and always paining. The moment i start eating roti, the pain stops. If i eat other millets it still pains.

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3 Answers

04:39 PM | 06-02-2019

Hi. Few points here:

  • Our body speaks to us through signals. What you perceive as pain may, in fact, be body's way of clearing accumulated toxic waste now that you are giving it the right inputs. So be rest assured that you are on the right path.
  • Since you have started eating raw recently, give some time to your body to adjust. How about this - try a few things:
  • 1. Start with smaller portions of raw & increase quantity gradually.
  • 2. If you are eating veggie salads with cooked meal, eat them before the cooked meal. Finish salad & then go on to cooked meal or give half an hour gap between the two.
  • 3. Be only on fruits from the time you wake up to noon. No restriction on quantity, eat as much as you want as per hunger, do multiple rounds of fruit if need be. Eat seasonal fruits. This time is very important from the circadian rythm point of view. Elimination function is at its peak, so don't divert body's energy by eating anything other than fruits.
  • 4. Eat a generous serving of fruits in the evening too.
  • 5. Have 2-3 lemons everyday, half or one lemon a time. Mix juice with equal amount of water & take it as a shot. 

Pain & bloating can also happen because of over eating or emotional reasons like stress. Hope you are not stressed about making food changes in your life. Enjoy the journey. Do everything with a lot of calmness and gratitude. All discomfort will vanish away soon.

All the best dear. Pls feel free to ask more anytime.   

09:32 PM | 06-02-2019

Thank u so much. Am sure it will help. But at present its causing a lot of discomfort. The pain is alot during mornings before passing urine and stools. 

10:14 AM | 07-02-2019

Hi Smita. Try what I have suggested, take it slow, give it some time, you will feel better soon.


04:37 PM | 06-02-2019


Please see following scenario:

Scenario 1: You have a PAN and you put FOOD.

Will it burn?

Scenario 2: You have a HOT PAN and you put FOOD

Will it burn?

Answer: Scenario 2 : Yes right

Same way it's body which is working on food.

So, if body has high toxins /acidic it will burn and that's happening with you in form of bloating.

It is accepting grain due to conditioning. If someone consumes lot of coffee regularly will having 1 cup of coffee matter. But if someone doesn't then he has coffee it stimulates a LOT.

When you are consuming raw food it immediately start cleansing work through fibre. So, don't worry it will adapt.

Remember 1 week for each year of abuse😀 it will start balancing


Common errors are:

Consuming Raw ( esp fruits) immediately after cooked food as dessert

Mixing grains ( esp rice and roti) in one meal

Mixing citrus and other fruits


1. Go easy on variety of fruit. Consume mono- fruit of your choice. For time being do not mix. 

2. Eat your salads before your cooked meal

3. Avoid eating in front of TV or under stress

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