
04:45 PM | 18-02-2019

My question is on cereals... Which cereals are good and which ones are loaded with sugar? Also, which is better museli or oats. In the market we have products like baggery oats and museli.... Are they healthy? Please suggest.

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4 Answers

09:53 AM | 21-02-2019

Cereals are tough on vitality conservation. Ideally we should never exceed 10% (consumable) of our meals with semi-concentrated foods including cereals.

It means, altogether potato, legumes, grains including cereals etc. should not be more than 10% of our total meals of the day measured in consumable weight only after cooking/steaming.

85-90% of our meals should consist fruits and vegetable, primarily, in raw form to attain optimum vitality conservation.

That 10% is, again, not dependent on the cereals primarily.

Hence, you may choose to ignore the botheration about the types of cereals to attain better health state. There is not superfood exists. Even if you stop consuming cereals you will end up conserving more vitality* and a better health..

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06:01 PM | 18-02-2019

It is better to avoid all these packaged cereals as they are hgh in sugars, artificial flavours and colours. These are high shelf life products but dont add to ones own life. The ideal breakfast should be fruits. We don't need to spend money on buying these products. Nature given frutis are already available in so many colours, flavours and aromas.. why go for dead food?

However if you still prefer some cerals, you can go for local foods like millets which can be easily made as a porridge and had.

06:01 PM | 18-02-2019

Hi. Is your question on breakfast cereals or grains & cereals in general?

I'll answer for breakfast cereals as you have mentioned about oats, museli, etc.

First & foremost - the best food to eat at breakfast is one which is 'natural' and supports our body's 'circadian rhythm'. 4 am - 8 pm body's elimination function is at its peak. By eating anything that's un-natural and/or difficult to digest, we interfere in the body's function. Because the moment you put something in your mouth, its a foreign material for body & body will prioritise on dealing with it. 'Elimination' is a very important function as w/o proper elimination, toxins start accumulating in body & toxaemia leads to diseases. So the best food to eat to support the elimination function is fruits. They are easy to digest & are cleansers.

If you choose to eat breakfast cereals, they do not meet the criterion of being natural foods and also don't support the body's circadian rhythm.

Having said so, muesli vs oats, I won't bother too much about it. They are both processed foods & you can read the labels to see they have artificial additives for color, texture, shelf life, smell, etc. Use the scale of 'whole' vs 'processed' to choose. 'Whole' means as close to their natural state as possible. For oats, the instant variety is supposed to be the most processed form of oats. It is said steel cut or rolled are lesser processed. You'll find these options on Amazon.

06:00 PM | 18-02-2019

Hi. Our body is 70% water & accordingly, we should eat water-rich foods such as fruits & veggies such that they form 70% of our diet. If you are able to accomplish this, it doesn't matter what you eat for the remaining 30%. The body has great coping powers, it will deal with it. So I would say focus on the 70%.

Oats, muesli, etc are mostly available in packaged processed form. They have artificial ingredients added in & anything that's artificial will interfere with the normal body functions. 

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