
10:55 AM | 21-02-2019

My husband is diabetic and takes insulin shots. Recently his reports showed keytones (2) present. Is there any natural way to flush it out from body? What does having Keytones means?

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3 Answers

05:26 PM | 19-02-2019

Hi. Ketones are chemicals that start building up in the body when the body burns fat for energy. This happens in 2 scenarios -

1. The person is not eating a balanced diet, i.e. a low carb diet. Else body gets energy from carbs. If carb intake is low, the body ends up burning fat for energy.

2. Insulin is less. Due to low insulin, glucose is unable to enter the body cells. As a result, sugar levels in blood increase & cells depend on burning fat for getting their energy fuel.

In Natural Healing, we always look at treating the root cause & not the symptom. The ketone build up is a symptom, in your husband's case, it is probably because of diabetes. But even diabetes is a symptom, the root cause for which is an imbalance in the body. Our body has a state of homeostasis (a state of balance). Whenever that is disturbed, it manifests into one disease or the other.

Whether you ask how to treat ketones or you ask how to treat diabetes, the answer is the same in Natural Laws - Body heals itself, just support it through natural inputs. Well, there is no shortcut to this, once you make up your mind, changes will happen. Please go to the Journeys section of Wellcure and read diabetes reversal stories, you'll know what I mean :-). Best will be to take guidance from diabetes reversal experts (all natural) such as Dr Pramod Tripathi of 'Freedom from diabetes' or Dr Nandita Shah of 'Sharan'.

Take care pls. 

09:51 AM | 21-02-2019

The natural way to flush out the toxins from the body is consciously, consistently conserving the vitality.

‘Ketones in the body’ is another medical term to explain THE ACCUMULATION OF TOXIN in the body. For the body, a toxin is a toxin! No matter what name mankind chooses to give to it!

  • The toxin in the body needs to be thrown out by the body.
  • The body is driven by the vitality.
  • The total quotient of vitality is fixed.
  • Unless the vitality is conserved, effective toxin elimination cannot be restored.

In fact, the term diabetic is itself another jargon of explaining a symptom of TOXAEMIA*.

RIGHT HABIT OF RESTING is the solution towards conservation of vitality.



Which would lead to reversal of the cause, naturally.

CONSCIOUS CONSISTENT CONSERVATION OF VITALITY* is the only route towards holistic wellness. This can happen in the following adoptions.




You may also check our recent article on the above* terminology, in case you are new to Nature Cure science. You may join next batch of PSYsolution’s course on NATURE & LIFE to strengthen your understanding about this science and philosophy. You can APPLY HERE.

Thank you...

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08:01 AM | 19-02-2019

In wellcure, we believe in eliminating the root cause of problems and not focus on removing symptoms. We have the army of allopathy, homeo and ayurvedic doctors prescribing medicines to make people feel comfortable. However, in wellcure we encourage you to ask questions such as "why did my husband become diabetic and how can he become normal, is that possible and how, what are keytones "

Keytones are the acids formed when body burns fat to make energy. Here its not using glucose. Ideally glucose is taken into the cells and cells convert that to energy. But in diabetes type 2, cells are resistant and its on strike. It is not going to allow glucose into itself because its sick of the environment of work thats provided to it. The environment is full of toxins, it can hardly breathe too. The gate of the factory (mouth ) is sending all unwanted pollutants and making the living cells toxic. In people that are insulin dependent, such as people with type 1 diabetes , however, high levels of ketones in the blood can result from taking too little insulin and people with advanced type 2 this can lead to a particularly dangerous condition known as ketoacidosis which is pretty severe to manage and can be fatal.

In type 1 - Body is not able to produce insulin and insulin is injected to compensate for the loss. Here the only way to manage is to be on a raw vegan lifestyle of low fat and avoid insulin for life

Type 2 - Medical practitioners advice insulin in Chronic stages when meds would have stopped showing its effect anymore. Remember that cells used to be reacting to goondas (meds )and now they are too tired to even listen to goondas and now an army is sent to tackle the problem. However, until the cells get fresh air, they will be unconscious and even an army cannot wake them up.

Adopt a full natural lifetyle and cells will learn to breathe.

Attaching some videos here for further reading. Get back if you have further questions.

UNless he brings awareness that he can heal naturaLLY  and reverse his lifestyle by 180deg, he wont see any relief in his life. No medical doc can reverse it with medicines. He has to resign to fruits, vegetables and greens and assume that its the only food that will bring him back to shape then he will in pretty short time periods as few months.


Check for people who reversed diabetes naturally here https://www.wellcure.com/health-journey/tags/diabetes

for basics on how body works -  https://www.wellcure.com/body-wisdom

PLease reach us if you have further questions. kindly be more detailed in your questions.
Be blessed

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