
12:15 PM | 19-02-2019

I just got red poha.... How nutritious are they for snack or breakfast?

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4 Answers

05:37 PM | 19-02-2019

As everyone has already explained that the best breakfast is fruits, I'll not repeat it :-)

In addition to that, if you want to eat poha, just view it from a whole vs processed scale. The more your poha or any other food item is towards 'whole' on this scale, the more nutritious it is & easy for body to absorb its nutrients. So yes red poha maybe closer to 'whole' than regular white poha, though both are processed foods.....And always beware of marketing gimmicks, know your brand or vendor well to make the right choice.

05:27 PM | 19-02-2019

It's best to have fruits for breakfast as they are pre-digested foods. Fruits take only about 20-30 min to digest hence support the body in its elimination phase (that is till noon).

Try replacing your regular breakfast options like Poha, upma, Parantha etc with fruits for a few days. You could have fruits as whole or pulped or blend as smoothies.

08:04 AM | 19-02-2019

Poha (red or white) falls under category of grain so we need to treat it accordingly.

Red poha is superor to white poha as it is more whole but fact remains it's grain.

You can have it in your cooked meals as replacement for rice.

Breakfast- Morning time from 4-12 noon as per cicardian rythm (refer to https://www.wellcure.com/body-wisdom/15/circadian-rhythm-of-the-body for more details)

is body's cleaning time and best food to consume is FRUITS as it puts least burden on your digestive system and allow body to function optimally to clean and detoxify. When we consume cooked food especially grains at that time it takes away lot of energy to digest leaving little energy for body to eliminate toxins

Snack- You can ocassionally have Poha as snack but have it with a salad to provide body with necessary supply of enzymes ( Enzymes are special type of catalyst which is there in everything which nature produces. They are the workers which actually facitilates digestion and other processes. When we cook food heating destroys most of the enzyme leaving body to do extra work) Best snack options are fruits and nuts. But do not mix them

Sharing some interesting options for snacking:




08:03 AM | 19-02-2019

Red poha is better than white because its made with red rice. ANy grain is not ok for breakfast  because only fruits are okay for breakfast and you can use poha for snacking in the evening.

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