
04:51 AM | 19-02-2019

I have a sun spot on my cheek and also dark circles under my eyes. It is dark and is very visible. I don’t want to go through radiation skin treatment. Any suggestions how I can get rid of both?

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3 Answers

06:06 PM | 19-02-2019

Hi. Pls focus on exercising, especially eye & face exercises. Improved blood circulation always helps in making skin feel fresh & heals it. 

& inculcate good sleeping habits. Sleep early, in dark & for a good duration. Nothing like beauty sleep. When we are asleep, dead cells are turned over & new cells come up.

Overall - adopt a holistic approach to health. Stay committed & see the results not just for skin, but all across. Hope you will make that choice. Good luck.

06:01 PM | 19-02-2019

Hi. I'm sure you would have already googled on the various home remedies available via lemons & tomatoes & papayas etc etc etc. They might help to a certain extent, but they will never fully solve your problem. Use them in addition to other changes.

Skin is our largest surface area organ & it reflects our internal health. Dark circles occur when there is pressure on blood vessels below the eyes. This pressure can be not just due to lack of sleep or excessive screen exposure, but also due to dietary habits & routine.

Look at what you eat because if your food habits support proper & clean blood flow, skin issues will go. Have only fruits till noon, seasonal ones, no restriction on quantity, eat as per hunger. & fruits again in evening, generously. 2 glasses of veggie juice everyday, one at noon & one around 7 pm. Lots of raw veggie salads with cooked lunch & dinner meals. Avoid oily or fried foods, junk foods, packaged foods, white sugar, maida, white salt, non veg.

In my personal experience, going off dairy, wheat & white sugar, has an immediate impact on skin. Do it for 3 weeks & you'll know what I mean :-) All the best.

06:02 PM | 19-02-2019
Skin issues take time to heal and it helps to heal from within from inside the body. 
While you remove toxic foods like diary sugar refined oils packaged goods and meat etc, you must also include raw foods in your daily routine. Once the liver and blood and starts clearing, the skin will also starts clearing and glowing. Parallely you can also apply cold and hot wet packs under ur eyes with some cucumbers, avoid chemical based creams and soaps and use natural cleansers. 
Trust me, the more months and years pass by while you intake more raw, the skin glows. I also had a lot of dark circles, but I have been on a high raw for the last 1-2 yrs and I don’t feel my age anymore, I feel younger , my skin has no wrinkles, no blemishes , no marks etc . What you eat is what reflects outside. Body cannot contain toxins for a long period. It comes out and settles under the skin. Eat a lot of fruits, drink a lot of vegetable juices, drink a lot of lime water, tender coconut. You will slowly see things reflecting. But since skin is the largest organ and on the outside , first the organs inside stArts to clean up and then the skin reflects that . You can also see more pimples and acne before things clear up . Do reach us if you have more doubts if you decide to follow our suggestion. Thanks 

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