
11:38 AM | 27-02-2019

Hai my daughter is 2yrs she not taking any fruits and vegetables, how can i make her to eat. She not taking any juice also

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3 Answers

07:50 PM | 27-02-2019

What does your child eat currently? Do you give her sugar or milk products?

Sugar messes up the taste buds so fruits and vegetables dont seem tasty enough. Please gradually decrease and stop sugar in your child's diet if it is so. The sweet taste can be satisfied with dry fruits and fresh fruits.

In case of dairy, it is hard to digest and keeps the child full for many hours. Hence, the child may not want to eat anything else. Only mother's milk is best for the child.

Children are naturally attracted to fruits as compared to vegetables. Offer the child a plate of seasonal ripe sweet fruits in different colours. Initially she/he may not eat much but just eat a bit. Have some patience and eat along with her. Offer her fruits first thing when the child is hungry. Soon it will become a habit to reach out for fruits.

Let the child decide when to eat based on hunger. Usually their instincts are better than ours.

For vegetables, offer them as finger food in steamed or raw form. Children usually like steamed carrots, beans or potatoes. Try different combinations and let them choose. 

Eat together as a family. Usually children learn by imitation.

Lat but not the least ensure your child gets enough time to play outside to develop good digestion. Hope all this helps.


10:50 PM | 27-02-2019

Kindly provide her current food habits. Feelings for kinds of foods depends on the gut health of the child .

10:59 AM | 28-02-2019

Smitha, the mother mentioned that she does not give any sugar to the child or milk but however the child has curd.


02:21 PM | 27-02-2019

Hi. Any background? Is she unwell? Or is a fussy eater? My answer will depend on that pls. So pls share.

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