
12:19 PM | 28-02-2019

Can carrot/ raddish leaves eaten raw or they should be steamed? In my experience, some leaves like arbi patta cause itching in my throat, even after being steamed or fried. Kindly advise what greens can he eaten raw and what needs ro be steamed?

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2 Answers

03:23 PM | 28-02-2019

Hi. I would say just follow your instinct. Recently I tried eating bathua in my raw salad, just didn't like it :-(. Mooli ke patte - look & feel very rough, I have never felt like eating them raw!! My latest addition to raw leaf is methi. Spinach I have been eating raw for a while. 

So I would say go as per ur comfort. Keep exploring & figuring out for yourself. 

04:21 PM | 01-03-2019

carrot and radish leaves taste best when steamed. My mom says arbi patta should be cooked with tamarind to do away with the bitterness but i have never tried it. Go by what your tongue tells you

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