
06:39 PM | 24-04-2019

I have noticed that when I eat more raw vegetables in form of salads especially if there are more leafy greens added I get a lot of bloating. It is very frustrating and discouraging at the same time. Is it just me or is it normal?

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3 Answers

09:43 AM | 25-04-2019

Hi. No it's not just you :-).  There are others who have asked similar questions here before. Refer to Q&A thread 1 & Q&A thread 2 to know more. Hope it will be of help. 

07:43 AM | 26-04-2019

Thank u, that’s helpful.


09:35 AM | 25-04-2019

Depends on whether your gut is ready for digesting that raw / if it still has undigested food matter still lying there. Start off with detoxing on liquids followed by fruits first. Let me know if you had further questions. I will need to know more about your current lifestyle to advice

08:53 AM | 27-04-2019

Reach us and we can guide you step by step


08:52 AM | 27-04-2019

Shalu, your body is not ready for vegetables yet. You need to be high on veg juices and tender coconut for 3 days and then slowly eat only fruits along with these liquids. Veggies in it’s Raw form is not s easily digestible in your condition. Moreover, you have to quit all animal food to see relief. The medicines are making it worse. This will get even worse with meds more than the wrong foods you are consuming.


07:42 AM | 26-04-2019

I do have severe acid reflux issues and I’m on meds for that. I am trying to be on fruits until noon. I’m not having milk for quite a few months. But I do eat plain homemade yogurt may be or cheese once a week. I’ve read about detox but I’m struggling/hesitant to try that, especially to be on liquids and raw stuff for few days. I think I’m fine with fruits but I think raw vegetables is what gives me bloating etc.


Anonymous User
09:56 PM | 24-04-2019

I do feel so. 

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