
10:45 AM | 29-04-2019

I have blood pressure 160 by 100 how to get rid off

The answers posted here are for educational purposes only. They cannot be considered as replacement for a medical 'advice’ or ‘prescription’. ...The question asked by users depict their general situation, illness, or symptoms, but do not contain enough facts to depict their complete medical background. Accordingly, the answers provide general guidance only. They are not to be interpreted as diagnosis of health issues or specific treatment recommendations. Any specific changes by users, in medication, food & lifestyle, must be done through a real-life personal consultation with a licensed health practitioner. The views expressed by the users here are their personal views and Wellcure claims no responsibility for them.

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5 Answers

10:39 AM | 01-05-2019

If you are looking for a short cut to bring the blood pressure down ASAP then you may consider going on a three day holiday. Holiday from food, work and responsibilities. 

Go on a juice fast. Drink sugar-free fresh fruit or vegetable juices only when hungry. 

This is not a permanent solution. This is only a temporary solution to bring blood pressure down. 

To get a lifetime solution to your issue you have to change your lifestyle completely to a routine which would result in better health in the long run. 

12:48 PM | 09-07-2020

Hello Manoj,

Hypertension is a condition when the pressure in our blood vessels increases more than the normal levels. When the lumen of the blood vessels becomes narrowed due to the accumulation of toxins then it results in increased pressure in the vessels to maintain the appropriate blood supply in the blood. By making some changes in the diet and lifestyle, it can be cured naturally. 

  • Start your day with 3 to 4 glasses of warm water. This will help to flush out the toxins out of the body.
  • Include Vitamin C rich foods in your diet like lemon juice, orange juice, amla juice.
  • Eat fresh, seasonal, and locally available fruits and green leafy vegetables. 
  • Eat nuts, sprouts, salads, and dry fruits.
  • Cook oil-free.
  • Have whole grains like barley, millets, oats, etc.
  • Avoid dairy products and animal products. 
  • Say no to tea and coffee. 
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco. 
  • Avoid carbonated drinks, tea, and coffee. 

Foods to avoid- 

  • Avoid a high-fat diet like deep-fried foods. 
  • Avoid processed, packaged, preserved, and spicy foods. 
  • Avoid dairy products and animal foods. 
  • Avoid refined oils and refined grains. 


Exercising is essential to remove the toxins out of the body. 

  • Do jogging or walking in the morning. 
  • Do 12 sets of suryanamaskar daily. 
  • Perform pranayam regularly specially anulom-vilom, kapalbhati and bhastrika pranayam. 
  • Take sunrays daily early in the morning.


Sleeping is important to get relief from the stress. So, take proper sleep of at least 7-8 hours daily. Sleep early at night at around 10 pm and also wake up early in the morning at around 6 am.  

Thank you 

10:59 AM | 29-04-2019

Hi! We have a health journey on our website, that of Nandini Gulati who managed to overcome BP by changing her lifestyle to plant-based foods. In her story, she also covers very well, how a deeper change at all levels ie connecting to nature, sunlight, activity and foods helped her manage her weight and BP issues.

You can read here to know more.

04:06 PM | 29-04-2019

Hi. You have to clean your blood to normalise the pressure with which it's flowing in your body.

  1. Sun is the source of all life on earth. Plants are like solar cells. They use the sun's energy and create nutritive energy. Plant based foods are living foods which give your body nutrients, enzymes, oxygen - all of which are important for good blood circulation. So first & foremost, switch to plant based foods.
  2. Secondly, eat them in raw form. Cooking destroys enzymes as they are heat sensitive. Remember that except human beings, all living beings are 100% raw :-). Also foods cooked at very high temperature, beyond 90 degrees celsius, are recognised by body not as food, but as an invader. So body doesn't accept them & wastes time & energy in removing them away.
  3. Spend time in early morning sun doing 15-20 minutes of deep breathing. Exercise regularly. Oxygen is a natural blood cleanser.
  4. Stay happy. Stress blocks normal blood flow.

Read this health journey - I reversed my diabetes, high BP, cholesterol & being overweight.

Also read this Q&A thread by another user on BP - Click here.

Make changes in consultation with a Nature Cure expert who can hand hold you through the process. Let me know if you would like to get in touch with one.

10:58 AM | 29-04-2019

It requires consistent, persistent lifestyle changes. It cannot be rid off in just a few days. The toxicity in the body accumulated due to many months/years on the wrong lifestyle causes the blood to thicken and move slowly, builds up deposits on the blood vessels and increases pressure.

Some steps you can start doing are

- Exercises - Gentle, stretching exercises to improve circulation

- Deep breathing/pranayama - To increase oxygen for your cells

- Meditation - To bring calmness to your mind

- Food - Increase intake raw and vegetables

- Reduce/Stop - Oily foods and dairy,non veg .  They are high in fats,hormones and have no fibre.

- Regulate sleep - Try to sleep by 9 or 10 p.m most days of the week.

Consistent adoption of these practices will bring you relief. It requires commitment and change of mindset.

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