
10:50 AM | 30-05-2019

When it gets very hot outside even if I’m in my car the heat starts bothering my eyes. I wear contact lenses and my eyes get very dry. Is there any natural remedy for that instead of eye drops or artificial tears drops?

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2 Answers

03:37 PM | 30-05-2019

Dryness can be because of various reasons. Some of them may be infections. See if u have any kind of fungal or bacterial infections around your eyes. Sometimes due to the fact that your eyesight is becoming weak, this happens.
Use cold cotton eye pads to relax your eyes.
Avoid going outside in the heat especially with contact lenses on.
Try using spectacles until it all feels right.

03:36 PM | 30-05-2019

1)Consume fruits rich in Vitamin A.
2)Have food with greater moisture content like cucumbers,and keep yourself hydrated with adequate water
3)protect your eyes with good quality UV protect sunglasses whenever possible.
4) periodically splash cold water in your eyes, alternatively wet a handkerchief and apply as a compress to your eyes.
5)At the end of the day apply damp green tea bags to your eyes for 15-20 min.
6)You can also place slices of cucumber for a cool soothing effect on your eyes.

Dr.Arnold Fernandes (PT)

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