
03:24 PM | 30-05-2019

I have noticed that since past few months, the area around the right eye is getting darker. The left eye area seems fine. What could be the possible reasons and the cure for it.

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2 Answers

03:47 PM | 30-05-2019

1)Rule out any injury to the site..For eg-Check for the fit of the spectacle you ar using,the use of micrscopes touching one eye etc.. and take precautions against all such activities.
2)If all probable cause of an injury to the area has been ruled out-apply cold compress to the area 4-5 times a day.
3)Also rule out the possible effects of tanning (this can usually happen when you ar traveling and a strong beam of sun is focussing only on half side of your face) potato juice is very effective to remove tan.


04:25 PM | 31-05-2019

As we are talking about eye turning black the first thing to notice is whether it is one eye or both together, you have clearly mentioned that it is right eye. The probable causes can be:

1. The most common reason is a blow to the eye.

2. Allergic reaction if you have noticed that it has been recurrent and also redness included in the area.

3. If you have undergone any tooth extraction or dental implant sugery which can cause black eye due to accumulation of blood and tissue beneath facial tissue near eyes.

If you have any of the above three start applying ice packs near the eye. If it is due to allergic reaction it is better if you get it checked as you will find the cause that is irritating you. Take good rest and don't take stress, it can be handled easily.

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