
08:54 PM | 30-05-2019

My 8 year old niece has Wheezing cough n nose filled with mucus but flume not coming from mouth? They are traveling next week to india, need some home remedies for cure.. Plz help TIA

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3 Answers

07:34 AM | 31-05-2019

Keep her on a high juice ( veg juices and fruit juices made at home fresh without any additives) diet ( juices for all morning and as needed and less of regular water ) and only fruits atleast until she reaches India. Put her off all cooked foods.  If she is taking puffs for wheezing, except for the attacks don’t medicate her on any other symptom. This will ensure she is fine. It’s possible she might have some running nose by then, but she won’t have wheezing or phlegm that cannot be managed. It might sound too drastic, but given the time, this is the best method that works at short notice. Flushing her with fluids and fruits. No medicines of any sort whether it’s herbs or homeo of allopathy will help the way natural healing does. 


Secondly put her off animal products which is the root cause of all her issues. My own daughter healed like a charm. Animal products include diary products and anything containing slight traces of diary ( coming from any animal), meat , eggs etc. stop sugar completely and replacewith dates. Give her diluted  lime water twice or thrice daily. Ask her to gargle with turmeric and salt for 5-6 times daily even if the symptoms are not there. 


This is a journey for your reading for a long term cure




09:08 AM | 31-05-2019

Rest is the cure. Physical mental and physiological. 

1 Let her sleep a lot.

2 Keep her off all digital devices be it TV or mobile , so that she can rest mentally too ( usually people tend to allow their kids to use devices when not well to keep their mind off the illness, but that doesn’t help in the healing) . To heal faster complete rest is required. 

3 Last but not the least is physiological rest. Don’t give her anything to eat except water with a few drops of lime. If she feels hungry hungry, only then give her any fresh fruit juice without any sugar or salt. Let the juice be fresh and pure or diluted with normal water. Stick to citrus fruits more like oranges, grapefruit, pineapples, pomegranates etc. But be sure to give only if she is hungry. If not a fast would work faster. But you can’t tell that to an 8 year old so just tell her she could have a juice of her choice( fresh fruits only) only when she is genuinely hungry.( this is how I deal with my 8 year old daughter when she has a cough or a cold, and it works) 

With in a day or two she should start feeling better. Continue this until she is mostly recovered. Then give her only fruits to eat. Once she is alright then transition slowly by giving her a soup followed by a simple home made khichadi or porridge ( whole grain). 

Be healthy be happy always 

Swati Dhariwal


10:01 AM | 31-05-2019

Thank u for the help!! I’ll convey


09:08 AM | 31-05-2019

Thank u!! Will share this and let u knw if more help needed

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