
10:33 AM | 01-06-2019

My hands remain very dry during the change in the weather. Often it leads to pealing of skin. What is the reason behind this and how can I overcome it

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5 Answers

03:00 PM | 01-06-2019

Dryness and pealing of the skin mainly occurs due to the change in season, due to environmental irritants and some medical conditions however these could be prevented by few methods like application of aloe vera and also that of cucumber, Eating papaya also helps as it contains an enzyme papain which promotes skin renewal and cell turnover.

Keep yourself hydrated as lower amount of water and moisture can trigger this problem.

Moisturizing from inside out is very important one should eat Vitamin E rich foods like Nuts, seeds,spinach also Vitamin A rich too like Carrots,sweet potato, apricots and last but not the least zinc like pumpkin seeds and other

12:22 PM | 15-06-2019



03:01 PM | 01-06-2019

Dry skin is a common condition and can make the skin peel and crack. Dry skin is often caused by frequent hand-washing with soap. or Very dry weather conditions can also dry out the skin, causing it to peel or crack.  Once you bath keep applying virgin coconut oil daily.. and you will overcome this problem. Thanks.

03:05 PM | 01-06-2019

Flaming and scaling of skin is common in weather change. It also depends on how sensitive your skin is to external and pH changes.

Do try to keep hydrated as much as possible 

If this peeling is very extensive on larger patches of skin they see a good dermatologist 

You could be suffering from a skin condition 

For normal peeling and flaking check out this below

Home remedies

If your skin is already peeling, refrain from touching it as much as you can. While you may want to cover your peeling skin with makeup, chances are that piling makeup on top of your skin won’t make the peeling any less noticeable. Cosmetics can also dry out your skin and make the peeling worse. 

  • Use fragrance-free and mild cleansers and soaps. Building a soap lather on your skin’s surface dries out your skin. 
  • Avoid products that could make your skin drier. Antibacterial soaps, deodorant soaps, and skin care products that contain alcohol should be avoided, especially on your face. 
  • After washing your face, apply a moisturizer. Washing your face can add moisture to dry skin, but you need a moisturizer to lock in the effects on your skin. 
  • Use soft towels when you touch your face. Rougher towels can damage your skin. 
  • Dermatologists recommend that you take shorter showers and try to use lukewarm to warm water instead of using hot water. The steam from a shower can open up your pores, but it can also dry out your skin. 
  • Always pat the skin on your face dry instead of rubbing your face. This helps preserve the smoothness of your skin. 
  • Exfoliate your face to get rid of skin that’s peeling, but do it the right way. If your skin is peeling, avoid using a cleanser with alpha hydroxy acids, alcohol, or perfume. Try using lukewarm water and a soft washcloth or shower mitt to gently rub the skin on your face and loosen any skin that’s flaking. Don’t ever peel your skin, especially when it’s wet. 
  • Applying a topical anti-inflammatory agent, such as aloe vera leaves fresh or an non fragrant gel could help your skin to heal.
  • And then moisturise with Shea butter preferably natural. Could try my favourite expertly handcrafted by Ghanaian women, who have used shea butter to  nourish dry skin and hair for generations.
  • Link for the 100% pure Shea butter: https://www.thebodyshop.com/en-hk/range/shea/shea-butter/p/p003097

10:05 AM | 17-06-2019

Use aloe Vera gel on your skin. Don't rub it or scratch it or try to peel it. Use gentle soaps and skin products. I would recommend you to not use any industry made soaps. They contain chemicals which can harm your skin and make it more dry. 
Use sandalwood and aloe Vera gel. They soothe it. Don't bathe with hot water. Use lukewarm water. Use a soft towel. Don't rub it harshly but gently pat it on your skin. Have lots of vitamin E containing fruits and vegetables.

Anonymous User
06:27 PM | 04-07-2019

Apply moisturizer or coconut oil.

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