
09:50 AM | 03-06-2019

Hi... Any natural measures to tackle blocked drains in kitchen and bathroom?

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2 Answers

04:07 PM | 03-06-2019

Mostly in many kitchens water is blocked due food particles are found. Wastage of rice, some veggies and curry leaf or drained in the water sink.

Best measure is, before putting any vessel for washing, remove all those waste and put it in carry bag and maintain a dustbin for that.. and wash only vessel so that 
water flow will happen smoothly without any blockage.

Same thing for bathroom, hairs and dry soap waste will be stagging in the water sink, so remove the same and maintain a basket with carry bag accordingly.

Some Home remedies:

Vinegar (white or apple cider vinegar work) is the acidic base for creating the foaming reaction.
Lemon juice is acidic like vinegar, but smells refreshing. This makes lemon juice a good option for clearing out clogged kitchen sinks.
Baking soda is frequently used as a multipurpose cleanser.
Salt will help eat away at the clog.

For a vinegar and baking soda combination: use 1/2 cup of baking soda and 1/2 cup of white vinegar.
For a lemon juice and baking soda combination: use 1 cup of baking soda and 1 cup of lemon juice.


Boil at least 6 cups of hot water or several kettles full of water. Uncover the drain and slowly pour the hot water down.
If you have plastic piping, just use very hot water. Avoid pouring boiling water in the drain
If the water is still draining slowly, repeat the process again until the drain becomes clear.


07:30 AM | 04-06-2019

We all know that home is the place where we gather grace. And who wouldn't want to keep their home neat and clean without having to take much pressure of it in the hectic schedule of work and personal care? So here is a natural way of treating a blocked drain and treating yourself with a simple and an easy to apply method to get rid of the blocked drains in kitchen and bathroom:

Since the best way to cure anything and everything on this natural planet earth is through natural methods because you must have heard that saying right,  "lohe ko loha hi katt ta hai", similarly the natural problems are cured the best by natural solutions itself. Why look for something artificial and waste time, energy and efforts on something which is quicker but not so feasible?  Hence let me tell you the best natural solution to start with for curing the listed problem. 

Take 1 spoon of baking soda,  1 spoon of salt and some vinegar. Put it in sink and the bathroom space where the blocked drain has occurred,  one by one,  respectively and then after 10 mins pour boiling water on it and wash it off. Before this,  let the drain remain dry for proper action to take place. Practise this 2 to 3 times depending on the intensity of the drain and then naturally cure the problem by readily available,  natural, home products. 

This is the best and the most popular method practiced by all households to get rid of this most popular problem. 

Hope you find it interesting and applicable. 

Thanks much. 

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